Li Cunxiao led the army to kill Xinle County, Leling County. In the process, it can be said that it was fast and accurate, and it also caused countless injuries, but they still rushed to the front line without hesitation.

Even if some troops were damaged, Cao Yu made them rush forward for the first time. Seeing everyone's face is full of that hideous look, I can feel the heart of each of them. Passionate. "Three One Zero"

As long as everyone keeps rushing forward, they will definitely have a chance to win. Even if they are beheaded and their faces are rubbed by the enemy on the ground, they must persist until the end.

Cao Yu can feel that these soldiers are still very strong in their hearts. First of all, their abilities have always been clearly arranged.

It is because of the ability that he can stand in this position and be able to pick up the weapon in his hand.

Granted this right to rush forward, otherwise how would they dare to be at ease in front of them, perhaps because they considered that they were all troops under Cao Yu, and Cao Yu is a legendary story, as long as he wants to do thing.

There is nothing he can't do. He just needs to hold the weapon in his hand and savagely slash out a bloody path. At this moment, Li Cunxiao has temporarily set up camp here.

Because they were very victorious, confident smiles were displayed on their faces, they held the cup after cup of small wine in their hands, and filled their stomachs fiercely.

Perhaps because of their preliminary victory in the first stage, Cao Yu's side can be said to reward all of them fiercely, making them feel an atmosphere of joy that they have never had before.

There are also some people who have just stood on this battlefield, and their first experience has allowed them to reach the peak of their lives, watching them look free and easy one by two.

Li Cunxiao still clearly told everyone not to be too confident, because the next thing is more terrifying, so they should be a little more calm, "I really didn't mean to scare you, I still said that. 99

"On the battlefield, many things are unexpected to us. If it is not good, there may be even more terrifying dangers to life. So I hope that each of you will not be too confident. In short, no matter what. ..0”

"I hope you all cheer me up, and I don't want to see your frowning faces, so I've finished speaking, rest well, and more painful things will happen tomorrow!"

On the spot, the movement under their hands suddenly stopped, and then they also showed a reluctant smile, and looked at the guy beside them.

You see, is it still personal? As a character who has experienced hundreds of battles on the battlefield, Li Cunxiao has fought too many people.

So that every time he said a sentence, he was very confident, and it could be said that it was obtained from experience, so everyone is more willing to believe it, but under such circumstances, is it somewhat inappropriate?

Because they feel that their hearts have been attacked by 10,000 points.

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