Don't hesitate to push it to other friends around you, as long as you don't expose yourself to this danger, yes, they are a group of people who are greedy for life and fear of death.

If it wasn't because they were forcibly caught on the battlefield, they wouldn't want to see such a situation, so everyone was very embarrassed.

However, they were not qualified to speak at all. Next, Li Cunxiao directly ordered the guys around him to hurry forward with the weapons in their hands. Where did all the nonsense come from? He told them from the very beginning. many times.

I also express my attitude very clearly. I hope they can clearly remember it in their hearts. I don’t want to say so many things, because I don’t want to waste this time, but it doesn’t mean they can enjoy it as they want. on.

At present, they are camping, and this place is usually delicious and delicious, and they are treated with big fish and meat. The usual pots of small wines are really pleasant to drink, and they start to forget their own. own job.

As well as the firm and heavy responsibility on their own, however, now that they are going to the battlefield, one and two are starting to push back. As a soldier, a soldier who defends the family and defends the country, should they shoulder this important bridge?

Fortunately, this news was not known by Cao Yu. If it were known, the consequences would be unimaginable!

Li Cunxiao had been in his own contemplation all night, and his mind was like a mess. He knew that this time, he might face dangers, and he had to do more than he had done recently.

Because there is a big difference between the two, he is also very clear in his heart.

First of all, one difficulty level is very simple, the other one may be much more painful, but he feels that these things are not an obstacle. As long as he has enough firm beliefs, it is actually very easy to do something.

So after thinking about it for a while in his heart, he finally decided to lead a very good team of himself forward first. If it is really unable to resist the attack in front of him at the back, then think about other methods.

However, he feels that with his current ability, he can still solve all problems with ease, so he has always been so confident.

The moment is to worry about something that might happen, but there's no need to worry about something that doesn't happen.

Night is the easiest time to move, and it is also the most dangerous time. Everyone is dead at night and ready to rest. They quickly packed up their things and prepared to move forward.

During the whole process, it can be said that they were in a panic, and everyone felt like they were blown up. In fact, they wanted to vomit (good) but they didn't know how to vomit. Those words had been held in their hearts for a long time. .

It's just that they haven't had a chance to say it, but they still want to complain, can they not move forward in the dead of night like this?

Li Cunxiao seemed to be able to read the thoughts in their hearts. The moment that thought came into their minds, they were instantly killed in seconds.

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