Based on their understanding of Cao Yu, they believe that Cao Yu is still a bit capable, and it should be very simple to do this kind of thing, it just takes a little time to digest.

However, in the near future, it will definitely be successful. The power of this artillery fire can be said to be infinite, if they really succeed in their research.

Then all the people are almost a group of background boards, a group of cannon fodder-like characters, and they are directly blown up in minutes without even a single ashes left.

If they can really hold the power of such a large arms, then all the problems can be solved.

At the moment, everyone is really looking forward to it, thinking that they can really return to their hometown smoothly this time. You must know that they have not gone back for many years, and they miss them very much every once in a while.

Especially during the festivals, their two pairs of eyes are in a state of red and red, and the sad tears slowly slide down from the corners of their eyes.

At that time, I was a little sentimental, in fact, if you think about it, it would not be so sad, but it was just a small problem.

As long as they rush forward with the weapon in their hands, and with Cao Yu leading them, the problem is solved easily. In a sense, they can really go smoothly. win this time.

But Yuan Shao's ability should not be underestimated. I felt that they had fought against Yuan Shao many times before, and they knew that this person was not a small character. One of them was quite capable, and he shouted at them all directly.

Let them feel relieved: "Brothers, what are we afraid of? Just pick up the weapon in your hand and bravely rush forward."

"Men and men, your responsibility is not only to defend your family and the country, well, the fate of almost the entire city is in your hands! 35

"As the backbone of the country, we must now work hard to move forward. In this way, our descendants will have a stable life. Do you know this problem? 95

"I don't know why you would give up such a great sense of responsibility for your children's personal affairs."

··0 Seeking flowers.....

"In any case, I hope you can remember, don't let me hear this again in the future, if Cao Yu really heard it."

"It is estimated that you will be cut off to the ground in minutes. This is also a very scary thing, think about it for yourself!"

This sentence directly made them feel like a big stone was blocked in their hearts. They didn't say a word for a long time, so they silently closed their mouths. I really felt the whole person's mood. Are extremely heavy.

I don't know what happened every day. In fact, the greater the responsibility in their hands, it means that the weight on their shoulders will start to become heavier, and there are many things that they can't imagine.

That night, Cao Yu led them forward, and they took a very dark path. This path seemed to have indicated their future path, and it was dark.

Every step is like walking on the edge of a knife, the pain in their hearts is a kind of heart-piercing taste.

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