They've been inquiring on a very large scale.

During the process, a lot of people died, because the mountain road was very steep and slippery. If you were not careful, you would fall directly from the mountain and your whole body would be broken.

And if you want to save your brother, you have to make full preparations. Maybe the person who will die in the next second is yourself, so everyone dare not try the "four zero three" easily, every step of the way. It is equivalent to walking on the edge of a knife, that kind of heartache.

Anyway, to put it bluntly, they also felt like a clown, and they were really embarrassed. Yuan Shao didn't understand them. .

They were speechless at the time, unable to utter a word. The most important thing was that they didn't know how to reply to Yuan Shao, so they could only stare at each other with embarrassed expressions, and finally closed their eyes. mouth.

Don't talk so much nonsense, "I think our people will continue to carry out a fierce search overnight, no matter what, we will not let any clues go, I want to say, we must do I'll do it, don't worry!"

The embarrassed and bitter smiles on their faces, you can see how broken down they are? Don't waste so much time at this time, or hurry up and move forward with your own army!

Actually, Yuan Shao didn't mean to scold everyone on purpose, he just thought everyone was too ruthless, why didn't he find anyone?

This is completely unscientific! It stands to reason that there will be a fierce impact on Cao Yu's side, so their side may be in danger at any time.

He was also afraid that the artillery fire would hit the city gate at that time. In fact, what a little brother said was quite reasonable, saying that Cao Yu must have failed to study this artillery fire successfully, otherwise he would like to let people all over the world. all know.

It's not that they let their eyeliners hear the news deliberately, but they are also very worried about a problem at present, that is, isn't it possible that Cao Yu's plan will fail at any time?

First of all, people's ability is really very powerful..0

In the past, there were many weapons that he made by himself, and this weapon was not allowed to be known to the second person in any case. All of them were finally made by his own hands.

Even if they wanted to get the essence of it, they were ruthlessly withdrawn. In the end, it could only be said that it was a very embarrassing ending, because they did not have the qualifications to know. If they want to know some inside stories if.

There is only one final solution, and that is to hurry up and study it yourself, but when Yuan Shao looked at the pitiful group of people around him, he felt that his idea was 3.7 points funny, and it was completely unrealistic. thing.

As long as you move your brain a little bit, you will be able to understand this kind of thing, it is simply unrealistic, and everyone with brains should be able to see it.

In the past few days, everyone has been very sentimental, and some things specializing in artillery fire have been placed in front of them, and now they are ready to find a scapegoat.

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