Li Cunxiao was the one who suffered the most. He completely understood what Cao Yu meant.

It is nothing more than entrusting this pressure to him, and then letting him plan well.

No matter what, Yuan Shao had to be taken down completely, and he could take down this guy in a short time.

However, without this opportunity, there is probably nothing more helpless than this moment.

20 So Cao Yu's side is also very anxious, which is the main reason why he has been so nervous all the time.

So he quickly took aim at Li Cunxiao, who had been victorious in battles beside him. Even the other party's heart was under a lot of pressure.

Even they have just finished a battle, which is off topic, because they have to do what they are told to do.

In the past few days, they have entered a very intense training, and the formation of troops is also stable.

First of all, several generals sat in this position, and everyone was face to face with a bitter look, and everyone was constantly discussing how to progress this mission.

"I have observed that our current situation is indeed a bit unfortunate, because we are now in the middle of the mountain, then, if our competitors once give all their surroundings to Tuan Tuan surrounded."

"We basically don't have any way out. In the past few days, I have discussed with the people around me that this matter must be completed quickly and smoothly in a short period of time. What do you think?"

Everyone is very nervous, for fear of making any mistakes. After all, this situation is really scary. Where do they have the right to speak?

He could only hold his breath there, silently waiting for a message, judging from the current situation.

It is true that there is no way out, and it is a dilemma. Everyone is very sad. It is destined that everyone does not want to see things develop to such a situation.

In the end, it was Cao Yu who spoke to them calmly, "I don't care what you guys think? This matter must be completed smoothly for me, and also, don't let me hear anything from your mouth in the future. Emotions about this negative energy.

"They gave me 12 points, but it's just a small problem. Even this Yuan Shao has a very good chance of winning, but we have many people and great strength. It's no joke. The strength of our army is also very strong.”

"We can still continue, the last 467 times was because I was too careless and let this guy run away fiercely, this is indeed a negligence of mine, but all of you must give me Take this as a warning."

"In the process of fighting with them in the future, such a situation is not allowed, and the most important point is that the power of our arms is now on the top, that is, because I made it some time ago, everyone never Cannon fire never seen.

"And the power in it has passed my training time and time again, and has reached a state of the pinnacle of life."

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