There is absolutely no chance for respite, even the wounded wounded, their injuries have not been fully recovered, and then began to let them join the next battle, this is not a bit murderous. mean?

However, with such a calm look, Cao Yu seemed to have no change in his attitude from the beginning to the end. He gave a direct order and told them to quickly move forward with the knife in their hands. Where did so much nonsense come from.

There is something they can't solve for a man and a man, and for their own home and to protect their family, they can only bear such pressure and move forward. During the whole process, Cao Yu's eyes watched. Up 467 is very scary.

The only little complaint they had was swallowed directly into their stomachs. Really, it made them gasp for breath. Seriously, Cao Yu looks really serious. of.

Especially when he does things so vigorously, you can feel that all along, he only needs to push this pressure on the people around him, on others, and then doesn't give you any right to refuse, you can only be forced to be helpless. under the circumstances.

Accepting this order and request from the other party, during the whole process, you are not allowed to have any remorse. They don't know how the generals under Cao Yu got to this day step by step and can keep this life.

It was probably not easy, so suddenly, they looked at Li Cunxiao's eyes, full of pity, and they felt sorry for each other, and it was estimated that the pressure they experienced was quite large!

At the same time, Li Cunxiao was also sitting here quietly. In fact, he was also a group of panic, because they suddenly received this notice that they would lead all the people to evacuate this place as soon as possible. Greatly reduce losses.

Because the situation they are currently in is indeed a bit dangerous. If the other party really moves in their direction all of a sudden, (cadh) attacks in all directions, it means that their rescue teams can't be smooth at all. came here.

Then help them solve the problems that follow. After this battle just now, many people have not recovered yet, so I suddenly asked them to stand up quickly. This time, there is absolutely no way to do it. If the situation is more urgent .

It is impossible to say that things suddenly turned into what they are today, so everyone was very helpless. They had already taken all their luggage and prepared to leave that night, and they had to evacuate this place as quickly as possible.

The only luggage they need to bring is weapons and their own warm cotton clothes, etc. In this cold weather, if they want to climb this mountain smoothly, it is not an easy task.

So everyone is very worried and in a very bad state, but no matter what, let's do our best! Other people are helping to evacuate, and the person in the front is responsible for covering them.

Then it can be regarded as protecting them. In order to cover them to successfully complete this mission, those who walk in the front are all under tremendous pressure.

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