Originally, they wanted to be invisible, and then leave this place, trying not to disturb those innocent villagers.

But when they got to the door, they realized that something was wrong. For example, they found some inexplicable things in a pile of weeds.

Cao Yu put out a hand on the spot to stop them from going any further, and said to them: "Wait a minute, you stop for a while, why do I think there is something wrong with this village?"

"It's just my imagination, but let's be a little more vigilant, I'm afraid that something will happen accidentally.

Soon, Cao Yu arranged for 20 people to go up and check what happened to this group of weeds? They only felt that the frequency of their heartbeats was very fast, and they felt a little embarrassed, but after all, Cao Yu have already said so.

He was also embarrassed to refuse directly, he could only say that he was moving in that direction step by step, and it felt a little bit impossible.

They didn't notice it just now, and now they suddenly saw something in the grass, and they really moved. Then, the person in front shouted, "There is someone here!"

Probably nothing is more insidious and cunning than this? Hide in the grass and wait for them, and when they have come here, they will be wiped out.

The moment they shouted out a sentence, they only felt that a few ellipses slowly floated over their foreheads, and they were a little speechless for a while. Due to the urgent situation, Cao Yu didn't have the time to be distracted so much.

Instead, let them hurry up and rush over to find all the people in the haystack, "You people who have not succeeded and failed, what are you doing now? Why don't you rush over and take these few people out? Catch this guy out for me, do you need me to order you all this day?"

When Cao Yu's words came out, all of them rushed over without any hesitation. During the whole process, they were completely like a ferocious lion. Several people caught in the haystack.

They said that everyone inside was holding knives. At first glance, it looked like a group of ordinary people. It was not as scary as they imagined. ?

Judging from the current situation, it is indeed the case. These ordinary people should have been affected by the surrounding battle situation, and they were trembling with fear on the spot.

Then he fell to his knees in front of Cao Yu and the other soldiers, followed by all kinds of crying, shouting and screaming, enough to feel that they were indeed very nervous, "Please, please. Leave us alone."

"We are really just a group of ordinary people who are helpless. The reason why we hide in this place is because we are afraid that you will be attacked at that time. We are just a group of innocent people!"

All the young and old of the family knelt down in front of him, not knowing why he thought he was a terrible character. At that time, Cao Yu only felt that his head was getting bigger. Guns are packed up.

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