I didn't expect that these people were so frightened that they didn't even dare to lift their heads, but Cao Yu tutted a few times and threw his sleeve robe fiercely.

Directly asked them to quickly imprison this Yuan Shao, and immediately evacuated the place, however, Cao Yu suddenly heard the sound of excited horseshoes in the direction not far away, if you guessed correctly.

It should be that someone has been sent over there to support. This time is much faster than Cao Yu imagined. At that time, he basically had the mentality of wanting to scold his mother.

No matter what, they should wait for them to evacuate all their supplies from this place, and then a group of people is also possible, but suddenly they broke through the siege, making them a little unable to react.

At least Cao Yu's brain is in a state of confusion now, and even a little short-circuited. In the end, he can only say that he silently shut his mouth, and all of them hurriedly took their supplies and left this place at the first time, if they guessed correctly.

These guys should be menacing, and the power in their hands must not be underestimated, so Cao Yu dare not be distracted now, and secondly, he must evacuate this place as quickly as possible.

This is no joke, Cao Yu is an experienced character on the battlefield no matter what, so the words he said were also decided after thinking for a long time in his heart.

Getting them to evacuate this place with their own troops is the most important issue, but seeing the reluctance of these soldiers one by two, I guess I didn't expect that they would come and go in a hurry, and in the blink of an eye, let them Get out of here quickly.

They felt that they still had a lot of missions to complete, so they left like this. Isn't it a bit inappropriate, maybe they didn't give them any chance to react, and they scolded them!

As long as it is an order from Cao Yu, no one dares to refuse. They really don't have the courage. Of course, they have to leave quickly in the direction behind, but the situation here can be said (cadh) It was menacing.

Now, they want to divide a part of the army, want to resist the arrival of everything, it may be a little hanging.

Everyone was apprehensive. The order that Cao Yu issued was nothing more than to let them leave this place with the last breath, without giving them any chance to react. In fact, they did not consider their safety at all.

To put it bluntly, it is to directly issue this order, and it doesn't matter whether they can succeed? Can they fail? Those things are all off-topic, which makes everyone very tired, and actually quite speechless.

Cao Yu always only cares about whether you can complete this task? He never cares how much damage and pressure you endure in the process, because those things have nothing to do with him at all.

"Hurry up and leave this place with our supplies. Apart from this, what else can you make? I ask you, let me tell you that. The supplies I have now are more than any of you. importance."

"So it doesn't matter if you are in any danger, as long as my things are not damaged in any way."

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