Unless this guy really has the operation of intercepting signals, is it really interesting to call around like this? Can't they develop their own national security in this place with peace of mind?

Or they have established a good relationship with each other. Of course, this kind of thing can only be solved by the emperor, unless he is willing to marry the princess of his family.

In this way, a very friendly friendship can be established between the two countries, but judging from the current war situation, there will be a fight if there is anything or nothing.

At first glance, it is even more unrealistic. Don't think about a peaceful situation in a short period of time. They must be fully prepared at all times, because from the current 20 observations.

It must have caused a cold sweat. After Cao Yu returned to his camp, he still couldn't calm down, even though they had successfully escaped the trap.

But there were too many people coming from behind, and right, they caused a lot of damage. Although he said it again, that picture was still in his mind, vividly in his mind.

It can be regarded as giving Cao Yu a very shameless feeling, and he can't wait to find a place to dig in. Cao Yu is actually quite sad to see that his army has decreased so much.

First of all, everyone is a group of good brothers who are born and die. Each of them said that the meat in the palm of their hand and the back of their hands are all treated equally. They really did not treat them as tools. Cao Yu never cares about those rumors.

They can say whatever they want, but Cao Yu only needs to be worthy of his conscience. So many brothers died all at once. Although they don't know their names, they all look familiar.

So it made him feel very sad, and it was difficult to accept the fact that this fact had caused a serious blow to him, and they could only blame them for not confirming the situation at the beginning.

Otherwise, there would not be such a big loss, and if they were a little careful at that time, maybe there would not be so many things, but now this situation is really painful.

If this speed continues, they don't know when it will be a head. According to their observation, it should be difficult to draw a perfect end to this battle, these soldiers.

There will definitely be a time of suffering and suffering, anyway, things that can't be solved, really ready to face this full preparation at any time, anyway, for a while now, don't think that you will have a stable life.

This kind of thing is completely unrealistic. Cao Yu's 543 is also worried, but he has never given up on their training. On the training ground, they are strictly required.

In fact, it is a good thing to have strict requirements on them now, there is no way, but if they really went to the battlefield that day, they would have no chance to regret it.

You can only honestly accept this reality, and bite the bullet to withstand all the pressure, even if the situation is very bad, what can you do? You are nothing more than a tool, and they must be fully prepared at all times.

Because the next second you are likely to die in this place, day by day, they must be responsible for their own people.

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