The moment when the three Liu Bei brothers led their own army, they realized that they had fallen into someone else's trap. There is probably nothing more embarrassing than this moment.

He felt that he and the brothers beside him were really stupid. From the beginning, they should explore the water first. From beginning to end, they thought they planned very seriously.

As long as they rush in, they can subdue all these guys under their own hands. Later, they realized how calm Cao Yu was this time, and sent hundreds of thousands of troops directly to them. .

The difference between the things between them can be seen by anyone with eyes, so I really have to sigh, isn't this the equivalent of throwing myself into the net~?

If you don't want to die, you should quickly disarm and surrender at this time. Maybe there is still a chance to retain. Judging from the current trend, it should be unrealistic. First of all, Liu Bei's character is the kind of person who has always been reluctant to accept his fate.

Even when he was really caught, he was brutally abused by Cao Yu, not only physically but also physically insulted.

He also felt that there was nothing to be afraid of, and he could still accept things slowly. Sooner or later, he would be able to get used to it, as long as he did not surrender completely. The two brothers beside him also began to look worried.

Because they have already sent an army to start a contest of strength, but they found that their strength is really far lower than others.

A brother on the side said: "If it really doesn't work, I will lead my remaining army to evacuate this place quickly, I think we should not confront it easily.

"First of all, we have become a hindrance in all aspects. When we came here, I never thought that this guy would treat us as one thing and move such a large army all of a sudden."

"This is a little different from what we calculated at the beginning. It is far beyond our imagination. How can there be so many people in Cao Yu? Who can tell me? What is the situation?"5

・・0 flowers

Everyone is reluctant to accept this fact. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, it would be hard for them to believe it, in the previous battles.

Cao Yu has been inflicted so much damage again and again, Cao Yu should have been unable to support it, how is it possible? In the blink of an eye.

There are so many people appearing by their side, and they have a fierce contest with them. First of all, they are really not very confident. In the process, they may really lose a mess. This is the only way. One of their biggest worries.


They really felt that they were overwhelmed and lacking in strength, so they hurriedly persuaded Liu Bei to say, if it really doesn't work, let's leave this place quickly!

But Liu Bei has never been a character who likes to admit defeat. When he heard this sentence, he was furious. He immediately scolded everyone around him and asked them what they meant.

"The things you are going through right now are just skins, and you are scared like this." On.

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