When encountering some opponents, they all have no power to compete at all, or when you issue an order, the opponent has already directly disarmed and surrendered. On the one hand, they do not want to see their own people suffer and suffer with them.

On the one hand, they are a group of people who pursue freedom and equality. They think that changing the emperor or something will not cause any impact on their safety. It is enough. As for the others, it has nothing to do with them.

Cao Yu was laughing wildly from the distance, and he could clearly feel how excited he was in his 20s, and the others around him, because of his laughter, Pinch a sweat.

First of all, I really want to ask Cao Yu if he can stop smiling so happily? Don't you see how painful their expressions are now?

It was like pressing their own dignity to the ground and rubbing their feet so fiercely that they felt that the courage to raise their heads was completely gone.

It's just so embarrassing, "I really didn't expect that, after a few days, we have this opportunity to meet again, maybe it's fate that forced us to meet, although you are definitely not willing to meet this fate. "

"If you ignore this situation, our group of people may just sit on a rock, drink a pot of wine, and talk about life meditation. The picture is not too beautiful. 99

"But now it has formed an opposite. I admire the three brothers here very much. You all know that if you join our army, if you are willing to join our army, then in the days to come, we will be called brothers..."

Cao Yu can be said to be very shameless, don't look at his casual and natural appearance.

In fact, when he hadn't said these words, he had already made adequate preparations in his heart. Of course, he was very afraid that he would be ridiculed by others.

Even treating him as a stupid character, he was afraid that he would laugh and say these remarks at that time, but the people around him regarded him as an object of sarcasm, he really didn't have the courage.

Cao Yu is still pretending to be called by the friendship between brothers. How did Cao Yu achieve such a degree? Anyway, the people around him really want to kneel down for Cao Yu. !

They all expressed sarcasm in their hearts, and even rolled their eyes silently, and said yin and yang: "You should waste your time here instead."

"It's better to end all the pain directly, let's fight it out, I don't think there seems to be any need for us to discuss, many things are like playing the piano to the cow..."

As soon as these words were said, the people beside 607 sighed in relief, what kind of courage is this, the person facing this is none other than Cao Yu!

This guy Cao Yu has always been unable to hold any sand in his eyes. If he hears such remarks, it is probably an operation of wanting to die.

Instead, Cao Yu was annoyed by what they said, he snorted coldly, and said speechlessly: "Yes, yes, I am also convinced by the admiration of you people, I really don't eat a toast. , eat fine wine.39

"Give you this opportunity, let you think about it carefully, and brew it in your heart, what is my attitude towards you, am I bad for you?'

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