Three Kingdoms: The Feudal Alliance, I was Exposed by the Holy List

Chapter 65 The Classic Scene 3 Yings Fighting Lu Bu

The drums are rumbling, the flags are in the wind!

Following Yuan Shao's order, all the drums of war were sounded in the coalition.

Suddenly, the drum sound like rolling thunder swept across the battlefield.

Hulao Pass, Zhang Liao heard the sound of the shock, fearing that it would affect Lv Bu's battle, and immediately ordered people to ring all the results of the battle.

This is good, the two sides not only compete with generals, but also secretly compete with each other.

on the battlefield!

At this moment, Guan Yu has fought Lu Bu for sixty rounds!

Still invincible!

Good guy, I didn't expect this man to be so brave!

Not bad, not bad, I'm going to see how much you can do when I get there!

This time, but the fifth-ranked god general!

Lu Bu's thoughts moved. Although he paid more attention to Guan Yu, his attack became more ruthless.

The same is true for Guan Yu. Although he was well prepared, he knew that Lu Bu was ranked above him, so he would definitely be a little bit stronger.

But it never occurred to me that the gap is not just one point but 20.

Only then did Lu Bu's mind move, and the Fang Tianji in his hand became even more powerful. When it fell from the sky, it smashed into the Azure Dragon Saber, and the flames splashed.

Guan Yu only felt his shoulders sink, if it wasn't for the strength of his waist, I was afraid that he would be sacked just now!

However, he can still fight again!

Another twenty rounds have passed!

The two had fought for eighty rounds, and at this moment, although Guan Yu was still able to fight, he was gradually showing signs of exhaustion.

In front of the coalition.

Liu Bei buckled his double swords on the saddle and looked at him with a frown. He had just been paying attention to Lu Bu's tricks. It can be said that there is no solution!

It's really incomprehensible!

As far as Fang Tianji was used by him, there were several opportunities that seemed to be flawed. Guan Yu had to cut it with a knife, but he didn't want to fall for Lu Bu's plan.

Thanks to Guan Yu's superb martial arts, if he were someone else, he would have lost a few heads.

"Big brother, why don't we go up and help the second brother?"

Zhang Fei couldn't sit still.

The two of them said they were here to fight, but in fact, it was Liu Beimou.

He also thought of using the wheel to fight the tired Lu Bu, and then win.

Zhang Fei said so, but he did not agree, at least now is not the time.

Seeing that he did not speak, Zhang Fei could only give up, but the fire in his eyes was more intense, and he was eager to try.

One hundred rounds!

Guan Yu fought Lu Bu for a hundred rounds, and at the 101st move, he was really out of strength and was smashed by Lu Bu with a halberd. If he didn't dodge in time, he would be defeated.

The time has come!

Liu Bei pointed his hand and said, "Go help your second brother!

"Got it!

Zhang Fei was waiting for this sentence, when he urged the horse to come forward, the snake spear trembled: "The three surnames are slaves!

"Your grandfather Zhang Fei is here!


This is what Lu Bu hated the most. The last time Cao Yu used this trick, Zhang Fei shouted it out in front of so many people, how could he bypass it!

"You bastard, come and die quickly!"

With a roar of a tiger, Lu Bu asked Shuai Yu to fight Zhang Fei.

But this time, Guan Yu did not withdraw, but followed closely, he wanted to fight with Zhang Fei against Lu Bu!

This is also Liu Bei's plan.

Liu Bei thought about it, just a simple wheel battle would only hold Lu Bu down, so he might as well go a little bit too far.

The second brother is on top, the third brother is on top, and if two fights are not successful, he will do it himself.

Guan Yu is a person on the list of gods, although Zhang Fei is not on the list, but if he wants to fight in turns, he and Guan Yu are no different from each other.

And he himself, although not as good as the two brothers, was fighting all the way, with double-strand swordsmanship, changing and deceitful.

Together, the three will be able to behead Lu Bu!

Inside the coalition camp,

Ever since Yuan Shao asked him just now, the attendants knew that they would report the battle situation to him at any time.

"Report to the leader, that black-faced general, also went up!"


Yuan Shao knew that the red-faced and long-bearded man had already fought against Lu Bu for a hundred rounds just now. With one more person at the moment, he should be able to last at least fifty rounds, right?

More and more, he felt more at ease.

Even if they are still defeated today, they can at least regain a little face.

This is enough.

"Send the order, the former army calls out, help the general!"


Yuan Shao had written down, but the more such news, the more disturbed Cao Cao's heart was.

This Gongsun Zan has something.

It seemed that it would be better to figure out his strength sooner. This guy stayed in Zuobeiping County every day on weekdays. I'm afraid it's not as simple as what he said, just to have a relationship with Gongsun.

Cao Cao was careful, and Cao Yu could see it too.

It's just that compared to others, Cao Yu is very calm, and he is only calculating Guan Yu's strength in his heart.

"According to that sentence, Liu Bei is really lucky.

"There are such fierce generals under his command to assist him.

"It's a pity, Guan Yu is not in my hands..."

Liu Bowen could see his thoughts, but he didn't take it seriously. The lord always secretly calculated like this, but he often said that I mastered Yin and Yang.

Instead, Ran Min, who was sitting behind them, was anxious.

Those guys in front are really slow!

If you can't beat it, you can withdraw it, what a waste of time!

He didn't know that this period of time was also within Cao Yu's plan.

Another fifty rounds passed!

Guan Yu was exhausted, and Zhang Fei and Lu Bu were sweating profusely.

As for Lu Bu, he was even more excited than just before, Fang Tianji danced unparalleled, and Guan Yu was about to fall into danger several times.

Looks like it can't be delayed any longer!

Guan Yu is Liu Bei's greatest asset in establishing his own image, and he must not lose it.

Originally, he was planning to delay for a while, but now he is afraid that it will not be 173.

never mind!

With a sigh, Liu Bei gritted his teeth and urged him to come forward.

"Second brother and third brother!

"Brother come too!"


another one?

Seeing him go up, Lu Bu still had no fear. Fang Tian's halberd was like a thunderbolt, and the red rabbit and horse were like a fiery dragon.

Three British battle Lu Bu!

Lord Hou!

Although Lü Bu was not afraid, Zhang Liao was apprehensive when he saw this scene.

Xu Rong on the side was the same, even more worried than him.

"General Zhang, at this moment, the three of them are fighting the Marquis! 99

"Should I go up and help?

"Do not!"

Zhang Liao stared at the changes on the battlefield, and his words were heavy: "It's not that you don't know the temper of the Lord Marquis. If you don't have his permission, you can go up and help at will, I'm afraid that his halberd will cut off your head first! 99

"Just wait and see."

Zhang Liao said so, but it was obvious that he clenched the weapon in his hand even tighter.

This was the most dangerous battle that Lu Bu had fought so far.

Before this, Zhang Liao had never seen anyone who would make him work so hard.

Lord Hou, don't be careless...

Zhang Liao's heart was heavy, and his eyes narrowed.

He secretly warned himself that if Lu Bu was really going to fall into a crisis, even if he was angry with him, he would still step forward to help him!

ps: The ninth update is for full order!.

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