Three Kingdoms: The Feudal Alliance, I was Exposed by the Holy List

Chapter 81 Cao Cao: Yu'er is still too young after all

Only the eighteen cavalry of Yanyun have such power to shoot such a big arrow into the city head.

Of course, Li Cunxiao is not included.

He shoots farther than Yanyun's Eighteen Riders, but he doesn't use arrows.

Instead, they directly clawed at the city wall with both hands, and quietly climbed to the top of the city with all the strength of their arms!

They move lightly!

No one was alarmed.

The eighteen cavalry of Yanyun, as written in Sun Tzu's Art of War, are as fast as the wind, as slow as the forest, as aggressive as fire, and as motionless as a mountain.

If they were between them quietly, they would be like fallen leaves in a quiet forest.

How many people can find the difference in fallen leaves in the forest?

Infiltrating the pass was only the first pass, and Li Cunxiao was not in a hurry to immediately engage the defenders of Hulao Pass.

He is now going to enter the gate to meet the Jin Yiwei who is ready to receive them.

On the other hand, Cao Cao in the coalition camp also had other movements!

Cao Cao, who was originally waiting for the news in the camp, suddenly thought of one thing, that is, sending troops from his own family will surely alarm the heroes!

Just like Gongsun Zan before, no matter whether he wins or loses, among the heroes, he is afraid that he will be greeted with scorn.

If it were added to his current situation, it would be even worse than Gongsun Zan.

Make enemies, for sure!

"Yu'er, you are still young.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao couldn't help but sigh, but in his heart there was an inexplicable feeling.

after all……

He is a father, and when he thinks that he is not as good as a son, it is inevitable that there will be a gap in his heart.

There is also a discount, that is, his relationship with Cao Yu before was actually not good.

Now that Cao Yu has made a mistake, the father came to make up for him, wouldn't it just ease the father-son relationship?

Thinking of this, the corners of Cao Cao's mouth twitched slightly, finally showing a smile.

"Come on!"

After giving an order, he ordered a few attendants, and then came Cao Hong, who walked out of the central army quickly.

He was going to meet a few people, and the first one was Sun Jian!

"What did you say?"

After hearing what he said, Sun Jian's face changed greatly, he was very puzzled and speculated.

"Meng De, are you kidding?" "?"

"You want to raid Hulao Pass at night?"

Cao Cao nodded heavily, his eyes burning like a torch.

"Brother Wentai, I don't want to say anything extra."

"Now I just ask you, would you like to share this credit with me!"

Cao Cao understood that the simpler he acted, the more touched Sun Jian!

Because the person in front of him was rescued by Yu'er at the beginning.

Although he didn't know who it was, Cao Cao believed that the ability of Cao Yu's men would definitely shock him.


After several hesitations, Sun Jian nodded and agreed!

"Meng De, you are kind to me, this time I, Sun Jian, will advance and retreat with you! Live and die together!""

"Regardless of success or failure, even if the leader of the alliance is to blame in the future. I will carry it with you!"5

Sun Jian said this very beautifully, but Cao Cao would not believe it completely.

Immediately afterwards, Sun Jian added: "It should only be regarded as a tribute to Meng De's life-saving grace! 95


Hearing this, Cao Cao should not sneer in his heart, this Sun Jian is really cunning.

His meaning is obvious, that is, after this time, the former kindness with Cao Cao will be cut off!


Cao Cao did not hesitate and nodded immediately.

"Thank you for your trust!

"Then ask Wentai to assemble the troops immediately, and I will also visit other people."5

Sun Jian nodded slightly, but did not stop him.

He also knew that based on the two of them alone, if Yuan Shao was really to blame, they wouldn't be able to bear it!

Looking at Cao Cao who was far away, Sun Jian took a deep breath: "Cheng Pu, Han Dang, Huang Gai, Ding Feng, send the order down, our army will get dressed and send it on your behalf!

In addition to Sun Jian, Cao Cao also contacted Gongsun Zan, Zhang Yang, and the kingdom, as well as the old man Kong Rong.

With these few people, he thought it was enough to fight against Yuan Shao.

Looking at the time, Cao Ren should be almost ready, and he immediately returned to the camp to prepare for action!

Cao Yu's camp.

Jin Yiwei, who had arranged in advance, had already conveyed all the movements of Cao Cao and everyone else to Cao Yu.

After listening, he couldn't help but smile.

"Berwen, how about it, I said my father would definitely do it."

"If I had broken this place at the time, I'm afraid my father would have felt useless."

Saying that, Cao Yu didn't let out a long sigh, and Liu Bowen also knew it in his heart.

Not only does his lord strategize like a saint and use his troops to become a god, but his mind is as broad as Xuanxiao.

Cao Yu did this to give Cao Cao an opportunity to ease the relationship between them.

As the old saying goes, everything goes well with home.

They are all a family, change the past, or the past is better.

"The vastness of the lord is admired by the ministers."

"You. 35

Cao Yu must know that he would say such a sentence, after all, this is his housework, and Liu Bowen is very accurate in his positioning and will never intrude more.

"" 'Okay, you go down. 99

After giving an order, Jin Yiwei retreated.

Pulling up his robe and taking his seat, Cao Yu said indifferently, "But Bowen, you find it really interesting without this Gongsun Zan."

"It seems that the relationship between him and Liu Bei is also the same."

"Otherwise, why would you deliberately avoid Liu Bei and only call the White Horse Yi-cong?"

"Their relationship is breaking down."

Liu Bowen nodded heavily, although he could not guess what Cao Yu was thinking at the moment, but since he mentioned this matter, he was afraid that there would be something to say in the future.

"My lord, it's almost time now.""

This time, it was Liu Bowen who was diverting the topic.

Cao Yu smiled, looked at the moon and sighed slightly.

"Yeah, it is estimated that Cunxiao and the others will also start.

Hulao Pass!

Li Cunxiao, who had negotiated with Jin Yiwei, knew exactly where the Hulao Pass was.

Then, it's time for his performance.

The slaughter is about to begin.

Facing Yanyun's Eighteen Riders, Li Cunxiao ordered: "Now I (finished) ask you to divide into three teams according to the master's plan."

"The first team, the guards in charge of the city gate, will cooperate with you to execute when the time comes.

"The second team is responsible for cutting off the connection between the home court of Hulao Pass and other passages. I don't want to see any messenger running out of here, and then before the decisive battle, you must all return to the team to apply!"

"The third team..."

Saying that, a wicked smile flashed across Li Cunxiao's face: "Your task will be a little more troublesome, while cooperating with the first team, you have to follow me to find Lu Bu, but the task of opening the city gate, I can do it.

"Do you understand?"

This is Cao Yu's plan, and there is no objection to it.

"Okay, folks, the slaughter has begun."

With the wave of Li Cunxiao's hand, Yanyun's eighteen cavalry immediately dispersed, and with the cooperation of Jin Yiwei, they went to their designated positions.

The remaining team accompany Li Cunxiao to close the door to Hulao!

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