Five people represent five different forces.

Especially when Yuan Shao saw the decisiveness in their eyes at the moment, as well as the coordinated attack and defense, he was even more excited!

This Cao Cao is really unusual. He has planned this for a long time. Otherwise, how could he find so many helpers?

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Shao's eyes changed.

From the indifference just now, it became a bit more false excitement.

"Meng De, everyone, what are you doing?"9

"Get up quickly!

"What is the sin? What is the sin?"

Having said that, Yuan Shao reached out to support Cao Cao's elbow, and a movement proved that he had "surrendered".

That's right!

He had to do this, Yuan Shao realized that today was because Cao Cao planned it in advance.

So he must be prepared for the change.

In addition, Yuan Shao asserted that Cao Cao must have divine generals under his tent, and if he cooperated with Bai Ma Yi Cong, Sun Jian's "Two Five Three" and others, once he bites too hard, the consequences of conflict will be unimaginable.

At least so far, there can be no farce relative to guns within the coalition.

Otherwise, disintegration is just around the corner.


Yuan Shao's attitude immediately aroused Yuan Shu's dissatisfaction. Of course, he could only keep these words in his heart, and would not say them face to face.

You have lost all the face of the old Yuan family.

The same is true of other heroes, the fierce Ma Teng can't help but sigh when he sees this!

It seems that this alliance leader has chosen the wrong person.

He really shouldn't have been elected for a few buckets of food.

Just a piece of cotton!

As for what other people thought, they were all similar to Ma Teng. First, they were more afraid of Cao Cao, and second, they criticized Yuan Shao more.

At this moment, the heroes have different thoughts!

The matter of Cao Cao was abandoned with Yuan Shao's concession.

Immediately after, Yuan Shao took advantage of the fact that all the people were there.

Turned to talk about Hulaoguan.

Occupying Hulao, their next goal is Luoyang, but Hulao Pass is the choke point.

Even if it has been attacked, it cannot be left unchecked.

It must be guarded by soldiers so as not to be contained.

Guarding Hulao Pass, who will come?

This is a sensitive issue, and at this moment the minds of the heroes are very different.

So they discussed it for two hours and still no conclusion.

Some people want Cao Cao to stay behind, but they dare not say so.

Just like Sun Jian, I hope that Cao Cao can forge ahead again, so as to obtain more gains.

In the end, in desperation, Yuan Shao could only temporarily disperse the crowd.

However, they also discussed a premise, that is, the entire army is stationed in Hulao Pass!

Hulao Pass!

Because Cao Cao still had the first power to conquer this place, the ranks and seats of the natural heroes still had to be controlled by him.

Cao Yu agrees very much with this point.

"Berwin, I just said that my father can definitely solve this trouble."

"Well now, the whole army is stationed at Hulao Pass, I think the next few days should be very stable.

"Yuan Shao will not mention military affairs again."

Liu Bowen nodded and agreed: "My lord is right, but I just don't know how long this stability will last. 35

"It won't be long.

Cao Yu put down the cup, turned around and sat on the bed, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Actually, I think it's more like a duck swimming in the water than a stable one. On the surface, it looks calm, but the two webbeds are actually rushing and pulling.

"Now our army helped my father to take down Hulao, and Jin Yiwei came to report. Don't look at Sun Jian and other men who continued to advance and break through Luoyang at that time. 99

“But at the time, their minds were all about breaking the Hulao. 99

"If you wait for them to calm down and think about it, I'm afraid they will change their minds.

"It is even possible to turn around and join forces with Yuan Shao and others to suppress father.

With Cao Yu's words, a flash of inspiration flashed in Liu Bowen's old eyes.

"My lord is right, they are now overwhelmed by victory.

"If they enter Luoyang again, they won't get much benefit.

"On the contrary, judging from the current situation, they are afraid that they will still make wedding dresses for the captain of the school."

This is what Cao Yu worries about.

Taking a deep breath, Cao Yu's eyes twinkled with starlight.

"That's why I said, maybe they'll reunite.35

"And even if there are people who are willing to assist my father, I am afraid that their minds are not pure enough.

"If that's the case, why need their help?"

Saying this, Cao Yu took out a note from his pocket.

"This is a secret letter from Jinyiwei from Luoyang. Dong Zhuo is ready to move the capital."

"This is very important news.

"Think of a way to spread this news out, but don't overdo it..0"

"The meticulousness of the heroes in Luoyang City has already been beheaded by Dong Zhuo."

"I'm worried they won't get the news.

Liu Bowen understood, he smiled lightly, and took the paper with both hands: "Don't worry, lord, this minister will arrange it right away.

"Guarantee, this news is the meticulous work of the heroes, sent from Luoyang.

After speaking, Liu Bowen immediately turned around and left.

Looking at his back, Cao Yu's smile grew even stronger.

It's getting more interesting now...

Cao Yu guessed it right. It has been two days since the heroes entered Hulao Pass. According to Jin Yiwei's secret security, they are indeed busy every day.

Secretly hand over and discuss future matters.

At the beginning, Yuan Shao turned a deaf ear to this, and he wanted to maintain the demeanor of the leader of the alliance, but within two days, he also took the initiative to participate in the conspiracy.

And, they have to discuss the final decision tonight.

Hulao Pass, in Zhang Yang's residence.

Everyone gathered here today, this is what Yuan Shao meant, because his residence was too conspicuous.

At this moment, except for Cao Cao, all the heroes are listed here.

Everyone's faces were extremely heavy.

After a while of silence, Yuan Shao was the first to speak.

"Everyone, I don't want to say anything extra, you should all know the situation here.

"I have the information I just sent here, Dong Zhuo is going to move the capital!

Speaking of this 2.7, Yuan Shao suddenly let out a long sigh.

"This is a major event, and of course it also involves our future arrangements. 99

"Now since the coalition forces attacked the thieves, Cao Cao has taken the first credit."5

"I won't tell you what secrets there are in the dark, and I believe you all know. 35

"I've been waiting for the vassals without an inch. 35

"Speaking of which, it is embarrassing. 99

With another long sigh, Yuan Shao couldn't help lowering his eyes: "Moreover, if you say something you don't like to hear, if it goes on like this, I'm afraid it will be the end of the war, and I will still be a foil!""

"The merits of welcoming back Your Majesty may all fall into the hands of Cao Cao alone.

"I'm waiting to be a bridesmaid!

Yuan Shao's remarks were succinct and succinct, and between sighs, they expressed his dissatisfaction and speculation towards Cao Cao most vividly.

The heroes are not fools, they look at each other, everyone has come to a conclusion!

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