As soon as he shouted, a person strode in outside.

I saw that this person was seven feet tall (more than two meters away), wearing a three-pronged purple-gold crown of hair, wearing a Xichuan red brocade hundred flower robe, handsome and majestic!

This person is none other than the famous “Wen Hou Lübu”.

He is also a well-known family slave of the three surnames, the righteous father terminator……….

“Righteous Father, what is it to call the child?”

Lu Bu walked into the lobby and asked with a slight bow.

Hearing this, even Dong Zhuo, who had already seen Lu Bu, was still a little stunned in his heart!

This one ended his existence in the original history.

Dong Zhuo was not stunned in his heart.

But thinking that Wang Yun had not yet launched the beauty scheme, Lü Bu was still respectful to him.

Dong Zhuo slowly let go of the fear in his heart and said lightly: “Father is tired!” If you want to go back to Chenwu to rest, you order 5,000 elite soldiers to escort! ”

“Children obey!”

Dong Zhuo’s words fell, and Lu Bu immediately led the order to go out to point some troops!

And seeing Dong Zhuo, who saw Lu Bu agree so crisply, there was no fear in his heart.

There was even a hint of indescribable joy.

When this righteous father of the first martial general of the Three Kingdoms seemed to feel good.


Chang’an City, in Situ Mansion.

A slave carefully walked through the corridors to the backyard.

Looking at the figure in the pavilion, he hurriedly trotted over, and said respectfully: “Back to my lord, Dong Zhuo came to Chang’an yesterday, so he went straight to the palace and stayed overnight in the palace, and only came out of the palace at the end of the day and returned to the prime minister’s mansion. ”

“Soon after, Dong Zhuo headed towards Chenwu under the escort of five thousand Western Liang elite soldiers led by Lü Bu.”

In the pavilion, Situ Wang Yun, who was meditating, opened his eyes.

Hearing the house slave’s words, a thick color of anger appeared on his wrinkled old face.

“The hateful rebel thief Dong Zhuo actually stayed in the palace again and bullied the Son of Heaven, which is really too much deception!”

“It’s been four hundred years since I pity my Great Han Kingdom, and there are such promiscuous courtiers and thieves as Dong Zhuo, causing shame on the Han family, humiliation to the Son of Heaven, and even more misery for the people of Li!”

Gritting his teeth, Wang Yun continued

“I, Wang Yunsheng, am a Hanchen, and I should share worries for the country!”

“You pass on my order, and tomorrow I will invite Lü Bu to come to the banquet in Fuzhong.”


The house slave was ordered to retreat, and Wang Yun also sat in the pavilion.

Constantly refining the plan in mind.

Not long ago, he thought of the palace maid mink cicada he had taken in in in the past.

Originally seeing its beauty, he wanted to occupy it alone.

But undercover in Dong Zhuo’s camp for a long time!

He learned in detail about Dong Zhuo and Lü Bu’s hobbies.

Both are womanizers, the kind who lose their minds when they meet beautiful women.

So, he thought of a strategy to use the “beauty scheme” to separate Dong Zhuo’s father and son.

In this way, with Lü Bu’s bravery, getting rid of Dong Zhuo is just around the corner.

Subsequently, he adopted the mink cicada as a righteous daughter.

Although he was a little reluctant, he didn’t have the slightest hesitation when he thought that this plan might get rid of Dong Zhuo and Kuang Fuhan Room!

And today I learned that Dong Zhuo actually stayed at the palace again and bullied the Son of Heaven.

He couldn’t stand it anymore!

He wanted to quickly launch a plan to use Lü Bu to get rid of Dong Zhuo.

At that time, he will control the imperial court and become a figure like Huo Guang and Yi Yin, Zhongxing Han Room!


Wang Yun in Chang’an City began his own plans, and Dong Zhuo also returned to Chenwu under Lü Bu’s escort.

Back in Zhengwu, Dong Zhuo sent Lü Bu away!

Let him continue to return to Chang’an to garrison and monitor the princes and ministers.

By the way, let him also inform Li Ru to come to Chenwu.

After sending Lü Bu away, Dong Zhuo took some guards into the dock.

There are 5,000 flying bear troops in the dock.

This is the most elite force under Dong Zhuo, and it has always been controlled by Dong Zhuo himself.

In terms of loyalty, it is quite reliable, more reliable than the hundreds of thousands of Western Liang troops and tens of thousands of Union State troops.

With five thousand flying bear army guards, there is no need for this guy Lu Bu!

Entering the dock, Dong Zhuo did not come back and ran to the backyard as usual.

Instead, he walked straight towards the mansion in the middle of the dock.


Dong Zhuo brought a few guards to the gate of the mansion.

The Flying Bear Army guarding here saw Dong Zhuo’s arrival, and also quickly knelt down to salute.

“Meet the Lord!”

“Let’s all get up!”

“Master Xie.”

Waving his hand slightly, let these flying bear troops guarding the mansion stand up, Dong Zhuo also hurriedly said: “Open the mansion, Ben Xiang wants to go in and take a look.” ”

Hearing this, although the chief of the Flying Bear Army led by him had some doubts, he did not ask more.

After all, his own master is moody, especially in recent years!

I don’t know how many people were killed.

Therefore, he did not dare to ask anything, and immediately ordered the opening of the treasury.

“The last will obey the order!”

“Quick, open the gate of the mansion.”

With a creak, the heavy gate of the mansion was opened.

Seeing this, Dong Zhuo did not hesitate and immediately strode into it.

Without looking back, he ordered: “Everyone is waiting outside the door, no one is allowed to enter without the order of the prime minister, and those who violate the order will be killed!” ”

Hearing this, he was about to follow the footsteps of the guards who entered, and then stood aside and faithfully guarded.


Second, ask for flower evaluation votes

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