After listening to the introduction of the system, Dong Zhuo was excited in his heart!


One or two gold was exchanged for ten people.

He now has more than five million taels of gold.

In other words, he could immediately exchange more than 50 million people to come out.

And each of these people is loyal to him, and all of them are young and strong in their twenties!

Just train casually and issue a little rudimentary weapon, and it will be enough to become a large army!

Of course, Dong Zhuo just thought about this!

Now it is impossible for him to exchange all the more than five million taels of gold among the people.

After all, the population is too large, even if his territory can be put down, there is not enough food to feed ah!

I’m afraid that even if he wipes out the family clans in the Sanfu region and Western Liang!

It is estimated that the food obtained is not enough for more than 50 million people.

In addition, now his power is not stable, and Dong Zhuo will not be stupid enough to exchange all the people.

You have to exchange a loyal army first, and then sweep away all the instability under your command.

In order to exchange the population, enrich the territory under his command and develop vigorously.

Therefore, the exchange of the people is obviously not at this time.

Skipping the exchange of the people, Dong Zhuo set his eyes on the army.

One or two gold is exchanged for a regular-level infantryman, and his more than five million taels of gold is enough to exchange for a regular-level army of more than five million!

But before exchanging, Dong Zhuo has to ask in detail, don’t be pitted by this guy in the system!

“System, what kind of strength is regular infantry? How is it compared to the soldiers and horses of the princes of the world? ”

[Please don’t ask such insults to the system army, the princes of the world, although each has tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses! ] 】

[But the system wants to say that the so-called army is just a group of lords with a piece of cloth armor hanging on their chests, or no cloth armor, and most of them are spear weapons in their hands, and only the head of these spears is iron, and the gun body is completely a wooden stick, which is said to be an army, which is simply insulting the word army! ] 】

[Don’t say it’s compared with the regular army in the system! ] That is, the militia in the system, whether it is weapons and equipment, combat experience and discipline, is stronger than the army of those princes! 】

Hearing this, Dong Zhuo smiled!

Indeed, don’t look at the princes of the world talking one by one.

I have tens of thousands of troops, hundreds of thousands of troops.

But the real army is not much.

After all, where is the weaponry and training time!

Rotten picks of feet, training time? Is there such a statement?

People are directly recruited young and strong, and then a spear is issued, and the whole turban representing the color of the power becomes it!

What full-body armor, don’t be funny!

This thing is not necessarily available to ordinary generals, let alone their group of small soldiers!

So make sense.

Unless you grow up through many battles, you are really a large army that is not even as good as the militia.

And speaking of which, he had more than 200,000 Western Liang elite soldiers under Dong Zhuo.

It is estimated that it can be regarded as a regular army!

Sure enough, without waiting for Dong Zhuo to ask, the system said it to itself!

However, the result was to make Dong Zhuo’s face darken.

[The entire Han world, that is, special armies such as Gongsun Zhan’s White Horse Yicong can be regarded as regular-level armies! ] 】

[Even the 200,000 Xiliang elite soldiers under the host’s command were still regular-level troops in the first two years, but their strength has dropped sharply in the past two years, which is not counted! ] 】

[It’s the host’s 5,000 flying bear army, which can touch the threshold of elite cavalry! ] 】

Finally! The system seemed to notice Dong Zhuo’s face, so he added.

And Dong Zhuo, who heard the last prompt, his face slowed slightly, and his heart was also a little proud.

The Flying Bear Army was cultivated hard by the original body, and the strength and equipment are naturally awesome!

“Then the system, how can it be considered a regular army? Also, you just mentioned the militia, why didn’t you introduce the militia price? ”

Although he had some proud strength of the Flying Bear Army, Dong Zhuo did not faint, and quickly asked two doubts in his heart.

[Back to the host, the regular army, first of all, the soldiers have a lot of training experience and certain combat experience, not the kind of crop army that has just been pulled out of the crop field; And you also have to have fully armed light armor equipment, not to hold a spear that is only iron with a spear in your hand, or a spear that is completely sharpened from wood! 】

[As for the system militia, the system feels that this thing is too weak and automatically cancels! ] 】

Hearing this, Dong Zhuo’s heart was shocked by the high threshold of the regular army, and he was speechless about the system’s evaluation of the “militia army”.

Coming back to his senses, Dong Zhuo thought silently.

From the words of the system, it can be concluded that even if he does not need to exchange elite troops now, only exchanging regular troops is enough to clear up all uncertainties under his command and reorganize the 200,000 Western Liang Army!

Therefore, Dong Zhuo also temporarily dismissed the idea of exchanging the elite army.

However, about the most expensive “monitor”, Dong Zhuo was very interested.

After all, listening to the introduction of the system, that monitor soldier is completely suitable for serving as a member of the intelligence force!

Strong and clever, enough to be qualified for the post of intelligence force.

And Dong Zhuo came from later generations, naturally knowing the importance of intelligence.

Although he knew the history of the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty, he still relied heavily on intelligence forces when he really started the battle.

You can’t rely solely on your own historical experience.

After all, his butterfly crossed over, but it will change history.

So intelligence forces must be created.

“System, I want to exchange the monitor, what do you want to say?”

Knowing that this system sometimes always says something unexpected by Dong Zhuo.

Dong Zhuo decided to ask about the system before exchanging.

For Dong Zhuo’s inquiry, the system still answered truthfully:

[The strength of the surveillance force is strong, becoming an intelligence officer has an extraordinary effect, and once redeemed, this system can also give additional skins: such as black ice platform, embroidered clothes messenger, brocade guard, etc.] 】

Listening to the system’s answer, Dong Zhuo was stunned!

This Nima exchange also gives away skins?

This operation is very special penguin!


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