
The 30,000 Western Liang troops stationed in the city were evacuated and rushed to the camp of the Western Liang army outside the city.

Seeing this, Dong Zhuo also continued to order.

“Where is Fengxian?”

“The child is here.”

“Order you to go to the camp of the Union State Army and manage the 50,000 Union State Army, without the order of the Prime Minister, no generals and soldiers shall go out, and those who disobey the order will be beheaded.”

“Children obey.”

At this moment, Lu Bu also noticed that something was wrong!

The original Western Liang Army and the Union Prefecture Army both insisted on holding the camp and not going out.

What is Dong Zhuo’s big move?

Is it to wash the court in blood?

But it doesn’t seem to need to be arranged?

Lu Bu’s IQ only allowed him to think of this layer.

The rest of the doubts, he couldn’t guess at all.

This situation made Lu Bu quite upset in his heart.

I can only honestly lead the military order to the camp of the Hezhou army to guard the town.

And as Lü Bu’s figure left, Dong Zhuo’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he ordered Li Helmet beside him.

“Li Helmet, you led a 120,000-strong army stationed outside the city, monitoring the camp of the Western Liang Army and the camp of the Union Prefecture Army, waiting for the military order of the Prime Minister.”

“The end will obey the order.”

After arranging Li Helmet, Dong Zhuo no longer hesitated, waved his hand, and ordered the remaining 50,000 troops to enter the city to take over the defense of Chang’an.

“The army enters the city.”

Fifty thousand troops rushed into Chang’an City.

One after another, under Dong Zhuo’s arrangement, climbed the city wall and guarded the four gates of Chang’an.

After leaving an army of 20,000 to guard the four city gates, Dong Zhuo arranged for an army of 20,000 to enter the palace to take over the palace defense.

He also asked Lang Zhong to order Dong Heng and the guard captain Dong Min to lead the Western Liang Army in the palace to evacuate and go to wait in the camp of the Western Liang Army outside the city.

Then Dong Zhuo personally led an army of 10,000 to North Street in Chang’an City.

Where, there lived the civil and military officials of the imperial court, as well as many of the original officials and nobles of Chang’an.

There was a sound of armor clashing, and the footsteps of the army walking sounded.

Wu Bai hid behind the crack of the door in fear, carefully inspecting.

And as the army came to North Street, Dong Zhuo also gave the order again.

“Wen Xuan, you led an army of seven thousand to guard the main road, and notified those civil and military officials to enter the palace to discuss matters.”

“Don’t let those wealthy families go, let them send representatives into the palace to listen to orders.”

“If anyone dares not to go, immediately arrest the prime minister, confiscate the family property, and destroy the three tribes.”

Listening to Dong Zhuo’s murderous words, Li Ru was taken aback.

“Master, is there something wrong with this move!”

“If you act like this, it will inevitably make the wealthy families in Chang’an City even more dissatisfied, and secretly point out how much trouble it will bring to the lord!”

In the face of Li Ru’s persuasion, Dong Zhuo naturally knew what he was worried about.

Isn’t it afraid of offending these wealthy families to death!

And then the people in their family don’t govern their own territory?

If it had been before, he Dong Zhuo might still be afraid of one or two.

After all, the family members control the knowledge, once they are all killed!

There will be no literate people to govern him!

At that time, he gave an order to go down, but the person who executed it did not know a single word, could not read it, how to complete the task?

But with the system, he Dong Zhuo is fearless.

If the family is not convinced, then all are killed!

Anyway, as long as he has money, he can have endless talents in the system.

With these talents, his domain can carry out his orders one hundred percent.

Therefore, today, he Dong Zhuo is bound to kill a river of blood and kill Lang Lang Qiankun.

Anyway, he has enough infamy on his back!

A little more doesn’t matter.

Just after killing those family nobles, all the sins that the original body did were pushed on those family noble families.

Then give the people a little more benefit yourself.

In this way, popular sentiment will definitely be improved.

And this move can not only solve the hidden dangers of the territory once and for all, but also give him 100% control over the entire territory.

Moreover, you can get countless money and food, which is the perfect preparation for the next rest and recuperation.

“Wen worry, your worries are naturally known, but Ben has been prepared for this.”

“Aren’t those wealthy families relying on literate men? But there is no shortage of men under Ben Xiang. ”

“Before sunset, a group of not less than three hundred men will come to take refuge, each of them truly knowledgeable and wholeheartedly loyal to the True Minister.”

“And they are not all, in the future, there will be a steady stream of loyal soldiers, as well as elite armies to join the Prime Minister.”

For An Liru’s heart, Dong Zhuo also had a direct showdown.

And these words also shocked Li Ru a lot.

The Lord even has a back hand?

At this moment, Li Ru is more and more unable to see through his own master and father-in-law!

All of a sudden, it became extremely mysterious.

Two hundred and fifty thousand elite troops came to cast, quietly, and no one knew.

Such a method of concealing the sky and crossing the sea is truly appalling.

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, Li Ru wouldn’t have believed it.

And with the example of an elite army of 250,000 in front, Li Ru did not doubt the words of his lord.

“Since the Lord has already considered it, then Confucian will not say much!”

Slightly surrendered, Li Ru accepted Dong Zhuo’s order.

Seeing that Li Ru did not suspect, but directly took the order.

Dong Zhuo chuckled, and directly led the three thousand army to kill Situ Mansion.

Today’s red feast begins in Situ Mansion.

He was looking forward to it, and for a while the look on Wang Yun’s old man’s face.

and the mink cicada, one of the four most famous beauties in history.

What a calamity for the country and the people.

With a different mood, Dong Zhuo set off!

Wang Yun in Situ’s mansion, on the other hand, was still secretly happy with his plans.


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