Dong Zhuo enjoyed bliss in the mansion, and Li Ru, Zhang Ji and others also carried out the tasks assigned to them by Dong Zhuo overnight.

After leaving Xiangguo Mansion, Li Ru rushed to the palace with more than eight hundred scholars.

Because the rest of the place is not so big, it cannot accommodate these more than eight hundred gentlemen.

Li Ru could only bring them all into the palace and choose a palace to work.

After coming to the palace, Li Ru followed what Dong Zhuo said, and randomly selected a few people to examine their strength.

The result surprised Li Ru.

These men really have real intelligence.

The worst have a county talent, and the powerful are even enough to compare with him.

Even sometimes when faced with some governance problems, they can have their own unique opinions and propose different solutions.

I saw that the gentlemen really had real talents.

Li Ru is also unambiguous.

Distribute all government affairs directly to the people and let them handle them.

By the way, count the materials obtained from the daytime raid.

Li Ru’s side was busy here, and Zhang Ji, who was in the military camp of the Western Liang Army outside the city, was not willing to lag behind.

After Dong Zhuo left, he followed Dong Zhuo’s orders and began to eliminate unqualified Western Liang soldiers.

After some inspection, a total of more than 25,000 Western Liang soldiers were unqualified.

More than 25,000 Western Liang soldiers were incorporated into the Tuntian Army.

The remaining 75,000 Western Liang soldiers were left as they were.

After eliminating the unqualified Western Liang soldiers, Zhang Ji asked all the Western Liang soldiers to begin to rest, preparing to meet Dong Zhuo’s inspection and arrangements tomorrow.


And at the same time, North Street, Mifu!

Mi Fang anxiously walked back and forth in the lobby.

His face was full of worry.

Originally, he and his eldest brother Mi Zhu came to Chang’an to deal with the family business.

I want to return to Xuzhou today.

Who expected that before going out, countless “Western Liang Army” surrounded the entire North Street!

Before they could figure out what was going on, the “Western Liang Army” took their eldest brother Mi Zhu into the palace!

However, in the blink of an eye, the rest of the ministers who entered the palace, or representatives of the wealthy families, returned scatteredly.

His eldest brother, Mi Zhu, was nowhere to be seen.

Especially after seeing that many ministers and representatives of wealthy families who had not returned had their mansions confiscated.

Mi Fang’s heart was even more panicked!

Could it be that his eldest brother was also killed by Dong Zhuo?

Will the “Western Liang Army” come to capture him in a while?

If only the eldest brother was gone!

His Mi family’s sky is falling!

In a state of trepidation, Mi Fang struggled through the day.

Seeing that no “Western Liang Army” came to arrest him throughout the day.

His heart relaxed slightly, but then infinite worry arose.

Since it’s not a crime!

So where did his eldest brother go?

Mi Fang was puzzled.

I could only wait anxiously in the house.

And just as Mi Fang was walking back and forth as she was during the day, the house slave outside the door shouted with a look of surprise.

“Second Young Master, the head of the family is back! The owner is back! ”

“The little one meets the master.”

Hearing this, Mi Fang’s eyes lit up, and she didn’t have time to think about it, and hurriedly ran towards the door.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the mansion, a familiar figure poured into Mi Fang’s eyes.

“Big brother!”

Looking at the figure of her eldest brother, Mi Fang hugged her excitedly, and tears of relief flowed on her face.

“Second brother…”

Looking at Mi Fang, who was holding herself and crying bitterly, Mi Zhu was a little stunned for a while!

I don’t know Mi Fang, this is a drop!

At this time, a house slave on the side explained!

“Go home master, if you don’t go back today, there are still many ‘Western Liang Army’ raiding the mansions of those officials and wealthy families, which can make the second young master worry badly! ”

“I’m afraid that something will happen to you, the head of the family.”

“Therefore, the second young master can be said to be unable to sleep without thinking about tea and rice, and has been waiting for you to come back in the lobby.”

“Fortunately, God bless the Mi family, the head of the family, you have returned without danger, and now the second young master does not have to worry!”

Listening to the words of the house slave, Mi Zhu was moved in his heart.

“Okay second brother, don’t cry! Isn’t this coming back for brother? ”

“You first enter the house with your brother and tell you great news for your brother.”

Listening to her brother’s comfort, Mi Fang also put away her tears appropriately.

“Okay big brother, let’s enter the house quickly.”

Wiping the tears on her face, Mi Fang pulled Mi Zhu into the house with a happy face.

Coming to the lobby, without waiting for Mi Zhu to speak, Mi Fang couldn’t wait to ask.

“Big brother, where did you go today? Why are you only coming back now? ”

Hearing this, Mi Zhu did not answer positively, but looked at the maids and house slaves on the left and right, and spoke:

“Let’s all go down!”


In view of Dong Zhuo’s reputation, Mi Zhu decided to hide the fact that he had defected to Dong Zhuo for the time being.

Because if Xuzhou Mu Taoqian knew that he had defected to Dong Zhuo.

It is bound that he will not let his little sister leave Xuzhou, nor will he let him move his family property from Xuzhou to Chang’an.

So whether it is for the safety of his little sister Mi Zhen, or for the relocation of hundreds of thousands of family properties in Xuzhou, this matter must also be kept from the wind.

Mi Fang is his own brother and the second in command of the Mi family, so naturally he can know about this.

But those maids and house slaves can’t!

Seeing his eldest brother actually supporting a group of maids and house slaves, Mi Fang’s heart moved.

But he didn’t dare to speculate, so he could only listen carefully to his brother’s next words.

Seeing all the subordinates leave!

Mi Zhu then looked at Mi Fang with burning eyes, telling a news that almost scared Mi Fang stupidly.

“Second brother, my brother has already turned to Dong Zhuo!”


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