“The eight parts system of these three provinces is really a system of the ages! Confucianism! ”

Li Ru stood up and bowed deeply with a respectful expression.

Since yesterday, there have been too many surprises for his own master!

Two hundred and fifty thousand elite army.

More than 800 truly talented and faithful scholars.

Straighten out the clever hands of the army.

And now this three-province eight-part system, and so on.

It’s hard not to make him Li Ru obey!

If nothing else, the three-province eight-part system alone is enough to be famous through the ages.

This system is already comparable to the military merit system of Shang Jun!

Li Ru really couldn’t imagine that such a system was actually what his lord wanted.

However, the facts were in front of him, and he had to believe and obey!

Seeing Li Ru looking like this, Dong Zhuo waved his hand slightly and continued:

“Where is this! I’m not done yet! ”

As soon as these words came out, Li Ru and the three were all shocked and inexplicable.

Is there actually any?

After the foundation of the eight-part system of these three provinces was established, Ben Xiang intended to divide all official positions in the imperial court into “nine grades and eighteen grades”. ”

From high to low, they are one to nine products, and each product is divided into “slave product” and “genuine product”. ”

“Such as from the ninth product, the positive ninth product, from the eighth product, the positive eighth product.”

“By analogy, the first product is the highest, and the ninth product is the lowest!”

“After a while, Wen Xuan, you will go to those gentlemen to discuss and formulate the grades of officials at all levels in the eight ministries of the three provinces, as well as the names and numbers of various official positions under the eight ministries of the three provinces.”

“Subordinates obey.”

Hearing this, Li Ru did not have time to shock this “Ninth Grade Eighteen Level” again, and quickly answered the order.

Then, Dong Zhuo paused and continued

“In terms of the military, the original intention is to change to a seventeenth-level official position.”

“From low to high, they are: Wu Chang, Shi Chang, Team Leader, Tun Commander, Jun Marquis, Military Sima, Du Lieutenant, Colonel Captain, Miscellaneous General, Titled Zhonglang General, Four Town General, Siping General, Sizheng General, Titled General, Grand General, Titled General, Zhenguo General.”

“Among them: Wu Chang to the general of the four towns is permanent, and above the fourth level is not permanent.”

“The army establishment follows the two-five system: five men are one army, two troops are one army, five shi is one team, two teams are one tun, five tun is one song, two tun is one piece, five parts is one battalion, two battalions are one regiment, five regiments are one division, two divisions are one army, and five armies are one corps!”

This time, Li Ru, who listened to his own master’s division of military positions and establishments, frowned slightly.

Because in his opinion, this adjustment does not seem to be of much use.

The seventeenth-level military general official position is good, although it has added a lot, it is not harmful, on the contrary, it is conducive to the training of many military generals.

But in terms of military establishment, Li Ru did not dare to agree!

If nothing else, let’s just say that the “legion” requires an army of half a million to form a legion.

That’s just too much!

With the current number of their Western Liang Army, it was not enough.

Unless those old, young, or slightly disabled Western Liang soldiers are included, then a legion can barely be formed.

But this is of little use!

Even if they recruit a large army when the Western Liang army conquers the world in the future.

Holding on to death is more than a million!

An army of more than a million people, at most three legions.

This number does not need to be added to the “legion” at all.

And with the addition of the “legion” establishment, won’t there be military generals in charge of an army of 500,000 in the future?

With such a huge right, who can guarantee that that martial artist will not have a second heart?

If the master of the Martial General Legion is half-hearted, no matter how huge the force is, it will fall apart!

Thinking so in his heart, Li Ru did not hesitate and directly exhorted.

“Lord Qiyu, Confucianism thinks that the formation of the legion is very inappropriate!”

Li Ru’s voice immediately made Dong Zhuo and the three of them look sideways.

Mi Zhu and Mi Fang were still immersed in Dong Zhuo’s eloquent words.

They are unaware of what’s at stake.

At this moment, seeing Li Ru’s exhortation, he came back to his senses slightly.

Besides, Dong Zhuo, hearing Li Ru’s words at this moment, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Although he guessed what Li Ru wanted to say, Dong Zhuo was still ready to let Li Ru ask about it.

Because he will give Li Ru a satisfactory answer in a moment.

“What does Wen Xuan think, although bluntly.”

“Thank you, Lord.”

Seeing that his own master said so! Li Ru was also relieved in his heart.

After all, how to say, this army establishment was proposed by his own master.

Isn’t it equivalent to saying that your own master is wrong?

But as a courtier and son-in-law, he had to say what he wanted in any case.

Only in this way can he be worthy of his lord and father-in-law.

Returning to the Lord, Confucian thought that the army could be established in all other places, except for the “legion” establishment, which Confucian thought was extremely inappropriate. ”

“First of all, the number of our troops, the total sum is only about 500,000, and it can barely be formed into a corps.”

“And even if you add an army to conquer the world in the future, the number of legions will be three at most!”

“The number of large armies of three legions is completely insufficient to establish the “legion” formation. ”

“Secondly, the number of soldiers in a legion is too much, if there is an accident, I am afraid of chaos!”

Based on these two points, Confucian implored the Lord to abandon the “legion” establishment. ”

Saying that, Li Ru bowed deeply, and his face was full of pleading.

On the side, the Mi Zhu brothers, who gradually returned to God, also instantly thought of the danger of the “legion”.

Quickly echoed what Li Ru said.

“What the military master said is reasonable, and I beg the lord to think twice.”

Unconsciously, Mi Fang, this guy, also followed Mi Zhu to call the lord.

But this small detail, no one cares about now.


Today I will plant seedlings for my uncle and second uncle’s family!

So update now, kneel and beg the readers’ forgiveness

Yesterday’s update was not written well, today I promise to correct it and improve the quality back

Finally, we ask for support for a wave of data

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