“Thank you Lord Yifu for cultivating!”

Thinking so in his heart, Lü Bu hurriedly thanked Dong Zhuobai.

In Dong Zhuo’s gaze, Lü Bu’s loyalty also instantly rose to eighty-five points.

I think that after two days after he fulfills his promise, Lü Bu’s loyalty should directly reach ninety!

At that time, Lü Bu, the fierce tiger, can be regarded as completely tamed by him!

“Wu’er Feng, get up quickly!”


Under Dong Zhuo’s greeting, Lv Bu stood up.

Dong Zhuo thought about it and gave Lu Bu a small task.

“Fengxian, in a moment, you will bring Xun Yu in the heavenly prison, and you will see him for the father.”

Hearing this, Lu Bu raised his eyebrows.

In his mind, he suddenly remembered Xun Yu.

The son of the Xun family in Yingchuan, a few months ago, was only a district yellow gate attendant.

However, before January, he plotted to assassinate his righteous father.

All the people involved were executed, and only this Xun Fu, because of his origin in the Xun family of the Yingchuan clan, was able to survive death.

But he was also imprisoned in a heavenly prison.

However, what puzzled Lü Bu was, how did the righteous father think of seeing this Xun Fu?

There were doubts in his heart, but Lu Bu did not dare to ask more, but held his fist and led the order.

“Children obey.”

Say it! Lu Bu walked out quickly.

Seeing this, Dong Zhuo also continued to sit on the soft bed, thinking about what else to do.

Where can the backyard mink cicada go now!

In Dong Zhuo’s eyes, those women in the Wu were not as good as the mink cicada.

Also too lazy to look for it.

So Dong Zhuo could only use the method of doing things to distract Ha!

Holding his forehead, Dong Zhuosi thought about it.

There are two things that remain to be done.

One is the matter of cultivating fields and growing potatoes.

The second is to ask and kill the officials who he named “Wang Yuntong”, as well as the major families of the great families!

After thinking about it, Dong Zhuo called a guard and prepared to let him find Li Ru.

I think that with the help of more than eight hundred scribes, Li Ru’s side will not be very busy!

“Come, go and ask Li Ru to see the true appearance.”


A guard held his fist and led the order, and was about to walk out of the mansion, who expected Li Ru to come to the door by himself!

“Lord Li Ru, the Lord is looking for you.”

The guards stood at the door and saluted Li Ru, explaining to Li Ru that Dong Zhuo was looking for him.

Hearing this, Li Ru’s footsteps suddenly quickened by several minutes, and he arrived in the lobby in a few seconds.

“Confucianism to the Lord.”

When Dong Zhuo heard the prestige, a trace of doubt flashed on his face.

“Get up!”

“Thank you, Lord.”

Seeing the confusion on Dong Zhuo’s face, Li Ru stood up and explained.

“Lord Chan, Confucian came to send the list of county officials.”

Saying that, Li Ru had a roll of silk on his ground, and on it were already the names of the county officials who had been formulated.

In this regard, Dong Zhuo just glanced at it in a hurry and put it down!

Li Ru handled things, he was still relatively relieved.

After all, he was the first diehard existence under his command.

And he has been working part-time as his chief military master and son-in-law for more than ten years!

Totally trustworthy.

“Well, since it’s already been drawn up! Later, you will tell these men to go and take office! ”

“Remember to go outside the city to find Li Helmet to send troops to escort, and be sure to ensure that they take up their posts safely.”

These gentlemen were all exchanged for real money and silver from his Dong Zhuohua.

Can’t let those bandits be choked!


Hearing this, Li Ru also surrendered his hand.

He also wanted to say this idea, who expected that the lord himself would propose it!

Seeing this, Dong Zhuo bowed his head slightly and mentioned the two things that had just come to mind.

“Wen Xuan, “Wang Yuntong’s party” has been executed? ”

“Lord Lord, those rebels are about to be killed at three o’clock in the afternoon today.”

“Because of the large number of people, Confucian had arranged for men to set up a beheading platform outside the city yesterday, and when the hour came, he would execute all the rebels.”

Say it! Li Ru paused and continued

“In addition, Fang Cairu has arranged for manpower to inform the people of the whole city to accuse the group of crimes against the party, and to put all the responsibility for the chaos in the past and the misery of the people on that group of rebels.”

“It’s noon! I think the people have already gone to watch the slash! ”

Listening to Li Ru’s answer, Dong Zhuo’s face was satisfied.

Sure enough, Niu Fu’s waste and Li Ru were completely incomparable.

He is also his son-in-law of Dong Zhuo.

Li Ru can do anything, which makes him very satisfied.

And Niu Fu, this waste, is simply rotten mud that can’t support the wall!

In the past, when he was in Luoyang, he led troops to annihilate the White Wave Army in Hedong.

On the contrary, it was cleaned up!

It’s a shame.

Thinking back on this, Dong Zhuo looked at Li Ru’s gaze and was even more satisfied!

“Wen Wu is really reassuring to do things, it just so happens that there is still one thing that Wen Wu needs to do for you, it depends on whether you are busy at the moment?”

Listening to the praise of his father-in-law and father-in-law, Li Ru’s face was still spoiled, and he was not complacent at all.

“There are still hundreds of gentlemen in the palace to assist Confucian, but please order, Confucianism will definitely complete the task.”

To be honest, Li Ru did not reject Dong Zhuoduo arranging tasks for him.

Even having fun.

One is that as a courtier and son-in-law, he should share the worries of the lord (father-in-law);

The second is that the forces under the lord (father-in-law) were created by him with painstaking efforts, and he personally completed various tasks, making this force stronger, and he was also very gratified;

The more the three main buses give him, doesn’t it mean that he trusts him? How dare he betray the trust of the Lord!

“Well, remember the two pieces of land that Benxiang asked you to find!”

Hearing this, Li Ru nodded slightly.

He remembered it.

After all, it was only reported in the morning.

“Now the Tuntian Army has gone to one of the plots to reclaim the good land, while the other land is not for other purposes, but also for farming.”

And after hearing Dong Zhuo’s words, Li Ru suddenly became puzzled in his heart.

Do you need to go to the Qinling Mountains to farm?

Although there are also basins cultivated inside, it is not easy to transport grain and irrigate grain seeds.

Such common sense, the lord should not know it?

Doubting in his heart, Li Ru did not hide it, and directly asked.

He wondered why the Lord had made such a decision.

Or is there any deeper meaning in it?

“Lord, the land can be cultivated in the eight hundred miles of the Guanzhong Plain, and although there is a basin in the Qinling Mountains, the field is also a good field.”

“But the mountain road is rough, not to mention the inconvenience of transporting grain, and it is not convenient to irrigate the fields with water, so why did the Lord make this decision?”

Listening to Li Ru’s inquiry, Dong Zhuo smiled and said in a surprising voice:

“Because the grain to be planted this time, the mu yield can reach more than 100 stones, but there are not many seeds, and you need to secretly plant them once before you can cultivate more grain seeds before they can be published.”

As soon as Dong Zhuo’s words came out, Li Ru’s heart was suddenly horrified.

“What? Lord, you said that the grain seeds to be planted can yield 100 stones per acre? ”

Li Ru was shocked!

It was even more shocking than seeing the 250,000 elite army outside the dock yesterday.

Listening to Li Ru’s incredulous inquiry, Dong Zhuo said with a funny face

“Don’t you believe Ben Xiang’s words? These two Japanese words have never disappointed you once! ”

Saying that, Dong Zhuo shook Li Ru’s careful liver again.

“That grain seed is called potatoes, and the yield of 100 stones per acre is only a conventional yield, if the land is fertile, and then good fertilization and irrigation, etc., the mu yield can even reach more than 200 stone.”

Sure enough, Dong Zhuo’s words came out.

Li Ru was shocked and speechless again!


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