Chapter 82 The thoughts of the princes, Yuan Shao was dumbfounded!!

[Tenth place in the list of princes’ territories: Youzhou thorn history Liu Yu, the territory is about 250,000 square kilometers! ] Reward 100,000 taels of gold! 】

[The ninth place in the list of princes’ territories: Shougongsun Zan of Youbeiping County, with a territory of about 280,000 square kilometers! ] Reward 200,000 taels of gold! 】

[The eighth place in the list of princes’ territories: Yanzhou Mu Cao Cao, the territory is about 310,000 square kilometers! ] Reward 300,000 taels of gold! 】

[The seventh place in the list of princes’ territories: Xuzhou Mutao Qian, with a territory of about 350,000 square kilometers! ] Reward 400,000 taels of gold! 】

[Sixth place in the list of princes’ territories: Hou General Yuan Shu, the territory is about 440,000 square kilometers! ] Reward 500,000 taels of gold! 】

Outside the city of sour jujube, in the camp of the coalition army.

Yuan Shu, Cao Cao, Liu Bei and others stood outside the shuai tent. The application solemnly looked up at the Heavenly Dao Gold List over the East China Sea. With the extremely majestic voice of the Heavenly Dao appeared.

And the huge Heavenly Dao Golden List slowly slowed down again, revealing lines of large golden characters.

Everyone held their breath and stared at the golden words. Seeing Cao Cao, Yuan Shu was all on the list.

Liu Bei immediately congratulated with envy.

“Congratulations to Cao Zhou Mu and the alliance master! Now that he is on the list again and has won the Heavenly Dao reward, his power in the future will definitely be far better than today! ”

Seeing this, Liu Bei already knew that it was impossible for him to be on the list! This made his heart cold, very unwilling.

I also secretly decided in my heart that after this courting of Dong, I must find a bigger territory and a rich territory!

Immediately, Liu Bei said congratulations to Cao Bao. After all, Cao Bao’s lord Tao Qian is also on the list!

And the ranking is one place higher than Cao Cao.

“Congratulations to General Cao on being on the list!”

However, listening to Liu Bei’s congratulations, the expressions of the three were different. Cao Bao happily accepted Liu Bei’s congratulations.

Although Cao Cao was a little unwilling in his heart, he was helpless to accept reality. He Xi, who faced Liu Bei, was also smiling.

But in the face of Liu Bei’s congratulations, Yuan Shu said coldly: “What is there to congratulate the sixth place?” ”

Hearing this, Liu Bei frowned and puzzled.

Zhang Fei behind him, but Guan Yu glared angrily.

Seeing this, Cao Cao secretly said something bad, and hurriedly made a muddy noise.

“The alliance lord is angry, Xuande loses his words, and Cao makes amends on his behalf.”

Cao Cao knew that Yuan Shu was very unhappy with his ranking. Because at this moment, Yuan Shao’s ranking has not yet appeared.

Obviously, Yuan Shao’s ranking was higher than his Yuan Shu. This makes Yuan Shu, who has always prided himself on being the concubine of the Yuan family, comfortable.

Although he was not happy with being suppressed by other princes, he did not say anything. But being suppressed by Yuan Shao, he was furious!

At this moment, Liu Bei congratulated him.

When he drove up, he laughed at him.

Laughing at him, Yuan Shucai ranked sixth, and was suppressed by Yuan Shao, a son.

So he answered Liu Bei in an icy tone.

But after saying that, Yuan Shu regretted it a little! Because although Liu Bei has few troops, he is not afraid! But his two righteous brothers are all enemies!

This time, they allied with Dong, and they had to rely on the three brothers Liu Bei to fight against Lü Bu! And Liu Bei is still the vanguard officer of his allies, and it is really unwise to offend at this moment!

But with the words out, how can it be easily recovered!

However, after seeing Cao Cao come out and the mud, he also hurriedly found a step down.

“It’s the alliance master’s gaffe! Xuande is not to blame. ”

Hearing this, Cao Cao’s heart relaxed slightly.

Liu Bei’s frown was also stretched.

“This matter is a gaffe! Please also ask the alliance owner not to blame it. ”

At this moment, Liu Bei also wanted to understand that Yuan Shu would speak coldly!

Seeing that Yuan Shu took the initiative to admit his mistake, he Liu Bei naturally couldn’t hold on. Otherwise, it will be said to be stingy.

He also had to be hated by Yuan Shu, the alliance master. This is not what Liu Bei wants to see!

He also thought of using the battle of Dong again to make a name for himself, so as to gain the trust of talents from all over the world!

There can be no mistakes in the middle. Liu Bei, Yuan Shu talked about peace.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei behind him were very unhappy. Especially Zhang Fei.

If it weren’t for Liu Bei holding his hand.

He had already beaten Yuan Shu to the ground!

What dog alliance owner, actually regarded his eldest brother’s kindness as a donkey liver lung, and spoke coldly.

Sooner or later, I will have to beat him up and give my eldest brother a punch…

Lujiang County, Zhishoshu County.

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu stood side by side at the head of the city, looking at the Heavenly Dao Golden List in the sky, their eyes full of yearning.

“Gong Jin, do you say that my Sun Ce will have the opportunity to be on the Heavenly Dao Gold List in the future?”

Hearing this, Zhou Yu smiled confidently.

“It will, it will.”

“The ranking announced by the Heavenly Dao Golden List is closely related to the princes of the world, and I believe that in the future, there will be lists such as the list of martial generals of princes and the list of princes and ministers.”

“At that time, with your bravery, there will definitely be a place for you on the list.”

Listening to Zhou Yu’s answer, Sun Ce tightened the spear in his hand and said with a firm gaze: “Then I want me to practice martial arts well!” ”

“But Gong Jin, who do you say will be the first place on this list?”

“It should be one of the three people Yuan Shao of Jizhou, Liu Yan of Yizhou, and Dong Zhuo of Chang’an!”

“That’s really exciting! I don’t know who they will receive the reward of the Son of Heaven’s luck this time, and my Sun Ce will definitely get it in the future. ”

Listening to Sun Ce’s words, a strange light flashed in Zhou Yu’s eyes. Bofu, I really didn’t misread you!

Your courage and martial ambition are matched by my Zhou Yu’s ingenuity. There will be a place for us in this world.

In Chengdu, Yizhou, Liu Yan led his subordinate Wu to stand outside the mansion, looking up at the Heavenly Dao Golden List over the East China Sea.

Looking at the ranking of the princes, a hint of greed flashed in Liu Yan’s old eyes.

He felt that this time he would most likely occupy the first place in the ‘Princely Territory List’.

After all, his Yizhou is not an ordinary big ah!

In its heyday, I am afraid that the three Yanzhou combined were not as big as Yizhou.

Unfortunately, in recent years, there have been continuous riots on the Nanban side, and Yunnan, Yongchang and other counties have fallen into the hands of Nanban.

Otherwise, this time the list itself is definitely the first place.

But after losing Yunnan, Yongchang and other counties, Shixie, who occupied Jiaozhou, and Liu Biao of Jingzhou, they were all a big threat.

As for Dong Zhuo, although I heard that he reoccupied the four counties of Hongnong. But most of his Western Liang territory is in the hands of Ma Teng and Han Sui. It can’t be bigger than Tayizhou.

At this moment, Liu Yan also secretly regretted in his heart, knowing that there would be such a fetish as the ‘Heavenly Dao Golden List’.

He should not indulge those Nanban.

It was time to send a large army to collect them when they invaded. Instead of enjoying their nominal submission.

“If I don’t occupy the first place this time, I get the ‘Heavenly Son Qi Luck’…”

Thinking of this, a cold glow appeared in Liu Yan’s eyes.

So Nanban………… Chang’an, Prime Minister’s House.

Compared to the nervousness of other princes. Dong Zhuo did not panic at all.

Li Ru and the others under him came to Fuzhong in the morning, expectantly and nervously waiting.

Dong Zhuo, on the other hand, was exercising in the backyard as always.

This is one of his few hobbies, and it can’t be broken every day, otherwise what fun is there in life?

And for that number one on the list.

Dong Zhuo is also holding the attitude of gaining my luck and losing my life at this moment.

Anyway, holding the system, even if he failed to get the first place and failed to complete the task, he would not delay his domination of the world in the slightest…

Yecheng, Jizhou, outside the prefecture pastoral office.

Yuan Shao, like the other princes, led his martial artists to look intently at the Heavenly Dao Golden List above the East China Sea.

With the ranking of princes one by one appeared.

Yuan Shao’s gaze was full of expectation and nervousness.

I am looking forward to my ranking, but I am nervous that the next ranking is myself.

This made Yuan Shao very contradictory.

Of course, in fact, he thinks more in his heart that he can occupy the first place.

That would not only be able to gain huge prestige, but also obtain Xuanzhi Xuan’s ‘Son of Heaven’s Qi Luck’.

However, for Yuan Shao’s expectations, Tian Feng, Frustrated and others secretly shook their heads.

Because it seems that his lord holds the land of two states, the most other princes in the world is one and a half states.

But that’s not how the problem counts.

The list is about size, not quantity.

In terms of size, Jingzhou, Yizhou, Jiaozhou and other places are a lot! I am afraid that even Jizhou and Union Prefecture combined do not have one of the prefectures. Based on this, Tian Feng and others did not have any hope for the first place in their hearts.

Just thinking about ranking a little higher! And then the next moment, under everyone’s gaze.

The gold list has appeared another ranking.

And looking at the names of the princes in this ranking, some people laughed with joy, and some people were dumbfounded, with an incredulous look on their faces.

[The fifth place in the list of princes’ territories: Jizhou Mu Yuan Shao, the territory is about 560,000 square kilometers! ] The reward is 700,000 taels of gold, and a third-rate martial artist summons a card! 】

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