Chapter 86 Dealing with territorial affairs, the group of ministers is numb!!

“In addition, the anti-thief Wang Kuang, Ma Teng, and their families have all come to Chang’an, dare to ask the prime minister how to deal with it?”

Listening to Jia Xu’s words, Dong Zhuo nodded slightly. After a little hesitation, the following arrangements were made.

“Summoned the order, promoted Xu Rong to the governor of Liangzhou, whose duty is to eliminate the bandits and bandits in Liangzhou, as well as to guard Liangzhou and assist the local officials appointed by the imperial court to govern Liangzhou.”

“Zhang Liao was the governor of the division, and led his soldiers and horses to station in Hongnong and other counties to eliminate the bandits and bandits among them and pacify the people.”

“Lü Bu ordered him to lead the guards back to Chang’an alone, and the prime minister had other arrangements.”

“The soldiers and horses left behind by Lü Bu in Hanoi, as well as part of the White Wave Army that surrendered in Hedong, let Zhang Liao take over the commander.”

“After calming the bandits in the four counties of Hongnong, let Zhang Liao enter the abandoned Luoyang City, while repairing Luoyang City, while quietly watching the situation of the Tiger Pass, if Gao Shun asks for help, immediately send troops to rescue him!”

“Obey orders.”

Listening to Dong Zhuo’s words, Qunchen’s heart shook slightly.

It seems that his own master is preparing to return the capital Luoyang! Maybe after destroying Yizhou Liu Yan, he will still be in Luoyang City! Without mentioning the thoughts of the group of ministers, Dong Zhuo continued to order: “Yukuang, this thief, used to lead troops against me, and his crime is unforgivable!” ”

“Behead Wang Kuang, cut off his head and send him to Tiger Prison Pass, let Gao Shun hang on the wall of Tiger Prison Pass, and shock the princes of the world!”

“His sons and heirs were all executed, and the concubines handed over to Zizhong to arrange for them to pick up guests in the Qinglou in the future.”

As soon as Dong Zhuo’s words came out, Qunchen suddenly looked surprised. Groove!

His own master is so ruthless.

He actually wanted to send Wang Kuangji’s concubine to the Qinglou to pick up guests, killing people!

“As for Ma Teng, take his family to meet the original face later, and then make arrangements.”


Feeling Dong Zhuo’s viciousness again, the look on Jia Xu’s face became more and more respectful!

“And Pengju, you will be temporarily aggrieved for two days, and when Lu Bu arrives, the prime minister will arrange a task for you.”

“Fei is willing to follow the arrangement of the Prime Minister.”

“Okay! Later, Wen Yu arranged for the manpower to move the five million taels of gold rewarded by the Heavenly Dao to the three million to the Benxiang Mansion, and leave the rest for the use of the territory. ”


Hearing this, Li Ru got up and took the order.

And in my heart, a doubt quietly arose. It seems that his own master needs gold very much!

And this idea also came to mind in the hearts of Xun Yu, Jia Xu and others.

Especially Jia Xu, thinking of the lord’s arrangement, to rob the tomb and carry those gold and silver jewelry that accompanied the burial.

This made Jia Xu suddenly feel that those inexplicably extra people, armies, and soldiers, and so on.

Perhaps it has an extraordinary relationship with the gold that the Lord desperately needs. Jia Xu thought secretly in his heart, but his face was unmoving.

Although I guessed that it was possible, I would never say it or inquire secretly.

Because he who mastered the Jinyiwei, he knew better than others the horror of this lord’s hidden power.

“Shang Shu Geng of the Ministry of Work, Shang Shu Mi Zhu of the Ministry of Commerce listened to the order.”

“Later, a group of craftsmen will come to help, and the Ministry of Works will arrange for it, and in a while the prime minister will give you papermaking and printing, and you will arrange for the craftsmen to create it.”

“And Mi Zhu, Benxiang will give you a winemaking technique in a while, and the wine brewed will far exceed any wine today, and after you go down for a while, you will begin to arrange manpower brewing, and sell this wine to all parts of the world in the future, so as to obtain the wealth of the world.”

Hearing Dong Zhuo’s words, Qunchen suddenly became curious. Geng Zhi stood up and asked, “Prime Minister Yu, the papermaking technology Weichen still knows a thing or two, but I don’t know what kind of technology that printing is?” And what’s the use? ”

“Besides, dare to ask the papermaking technique given by Prime Minister Cheng to be better than Cai Hou paper? If not, I hope the Prime Minister will think twice. ”

With Geng Zhi’s question, Qunchen also looked at Dong Zhuo with burning eyes, looking forward to his answer.

In this regard, Dong Zhuo also did not hesitate to teach.

“Papermaking technology is a newly invented technology of Benxiang, and the paper that came out early is far better than Caihou paper!”

(During the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Emperor Dynasty, there was already a paper named Cai Lun, so it was named: “Caihou paper”, but because this Caihou paper was expensive and could not be stored for too long, it was not popularized)

“Not only is the cost low, but the quality is far better than Caihou paper!”

“Once this paper is made, it will be exquisite, thin as cicada wings, white as snow, and easy to store, even if it is placed for tens or hundreds of years, it will not rot.”

“The printing technology is born in response to papermaking, and the text of various books is typeset and fixed, and then printed on paper, which can achieve the level of creating 10,000 books per day.”

Hearing Dong Zhuo’s explanation, they looked at each other, and there was a little doubt in their eyes. Is this ‘papermaking’ and ‘printing’ really that magical?

If it is really as the Lord said, once it is studied, will it not be possible to make all the people of the world have a book in a short time?

This made Qunchen a little unbelievable.

Besides, Dong Zhuo looked at Qunchen’s somewhat suspicious gaze and suddenly laughed.

“Has Ben Xiang ever deceived Er and others? When the time comes, papermaking and printing will come out, and you will be ready to drop your jaws! ”

Hearing this, Qunchen’s heart suddenly froze.

Thinking of the magic of the Lord in recent days, Qunchen no longer had any doubts in their hearts. On the contrary, they are looking forward to the success of papermaking and printing.

Seeing the change in the expression of the group of ministers, Dong Zhuo smiled secretly in his heart, and continued in his mouth: “Okay! What else is not reported? If not! Ben Xiang went to the study to hand over the three techniques to Geng Zhi and Mi Zhu, and then you should also retire and get busy! ”

Hearing this, Li Ru and Mi Zhu stood up in unison, and just wanted to speak, but saw that the other party stood up!

Just humble each other.

“Lord Zhongshu, let’s talk first!”

“It’s okay, Zizhong, it’s okay if you say it first.”

Seeing this, Dong Zhuo helplessly raised his eyebrows.

“Mi Zhu, you say it first.”


See your own master’s order!

Mi Zhu no longer postponed, and hurriedly said: “Prime Minister Qiyu, now most of the counties under Prime Minister Cheng have prepared restaurants and green buildings, Xuzhou because it is the foundation of my Mi clan, but there are also a lot of industries, while other prefectures and counties are a little out of reach!” ”

“It is the courtier’s plea to ask the prime minister to spare some time, and soon the minister will complete the task assigned by the prime minister.”

Hearing this, Dong Zhuo showed a deep groan.

“This matter is quite ill-thought-out! Restaurants in other states and counties, green buildings do not have to be built and acquired! ”

“The foundation of Jinyiwei in the counties of the world let Wen He handle it himself, and this meeting will add 30,000 Jinyiwei to assist Wen He.”

Jia Xu, who originally wanted to open his mouth to complain, immediately swallowed the words in his mouth, and everyone arranged for him!

If he still opened his mouth to complain, he would be a little ignorant!

“The cost of building the base of Jinyiwei can be applied to the household department by yourself, and the money spent can be listed in detail.”

“Obey orders.”

Hearing this, Jia Xu immediately got up and took orders. Then Dong Zhuo continued to look at Mi Zhu.

“Zizhong, on the other hand, began to build a Han caravan, first selling all kinds of necessities needed by the people in the territory, remembering that you must not deliberately raise the price and make the people miserable.”

“After the wine and paper are made, we will gather the rich businessmen of the world to Chang’an, and let them endorse the sale of the wine and paper to other states and counties in the world.”

“And at that time, Zizhong, you will open up the Silk Road for Benxiang and sell goods to the Western Regions.”

“There are also Xiongnu outside Hezhou, Xianbei outside Youzhou, Wuheng and other grassland aliens.”

Fang heard that his mission had failed and Mi Zhu, who was a little lost, was once again excited at this moment.

“The minister obeys the order of the prime minister.”

After solving Mi Zhu’s matter, Dong Zhuo looked at Li Ru.

“What else is going on with Wen Xuan? Together, the original phase is solved! ”

“Prime Minister Qiyu, now the officials of Wuwei, Jincheng and other counties in western Liangzhou have taken office, but the western counties of Liangzhou have vast land but are sparsely populated.”

“The minister pleaded with the prime minister to order that the people of Sanfu Land be moved to the counties in the western part of Liangzhou, filling the population there, and strengthening the local rule.”

Hearing this, Dong Zhuo bowed his head slightly.

Indeed, although Liangzhou has a vast territory, it is sparsely populated.

Especially in the western part of Liangzhou, Han people are extremely rare, and many people registered outside the county are not Han people, but some small Qiang tribes that are attached.

And now that he has reoccupied the western part of Liangzhou, how can he strengthen his rule there!

It just so happens that because he exchanged the people from the system, there are now many people in the Sanfu Land.

You can migrate some to go over there.

However, I don’t want to be so troublesome, but I am ready to exchange it directly with the system.

“I know about this! There is no need to move the people of Sanfu Land, five million people will go to Wuwei, Jincheng and other counties in the western part of Liangzhou tomorrow. ”

“Just arrange for officials to prepare for the population registration and distribute the land for cultivation.”

“The lack of grain and grain seeds, cultivated land and agricultural tools, etc., are transported from the land of the three auxiliaries.”

Listening to Dong Zhuo’s words, the group of ministers was numb! Five million people came to bed just a few days ago. It’s only been a few days!

Here it is again.

Or a showdown with you!

Expose all the hidden forces. Let’s rule the world directly.

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