It’s the difficult king’s book again….

Cao Yuan couldn’t refuse to see it, so he had to pile up a smile and walk out.

“Ziyou, I won’t see you in January, you’re more spirited.”

Cao Cao looked Cao Yuan up and down with a smile.

He also vaguely saw that the young man in front of him seemed to be a little more handsome than the last time he saw him.

“Master Wang, don’t make fun of Xiaguan.”

“What wind, blow the master book to me, please come inside.”

Cao Guo smiled and invited Cao Cao in.

Cao Cao sat down and gave him a thumbs up: “Ziyou, you are really a clever calculation, that embroidery really fell without a fight!” ”

“I just guessed casually, and I guessed by mistake.”

“Come, Master Wang drinks.”

Cao Yuan laughed at himself and poured Cao Cao a glass of wine.

“Don’t be modest, how much you can do, I still don’t know.”

Cao Cao took a sip of wine, smiled and tentatively said: “How about it, have you figured it out, about me recommending you to Cao Gong——”

“Stop, stop!”

Cao Yuan immediately interrupted his inducement, and said with a straight face: “This matter has long been turned over, don’t mention it anymore in Master Wang’s book, let’s talk about something serious, talk about how to get rich.” ”

Cao Cao’s words were full of words, so he had to hold it back again, and sighed secretly in his heart.

“Okay, let’s talk about how to get rich.”

Cao Cao had to change his tone and sneered: “I said Ziyou, if my news is correct, did those golden sores medicine you took care of be swallowed by you again?” ”

Sure enough, it wasn’t.

This master bookkeeper has set his eyes on him to death, and he can be regarded as having eaten him.

“If I swallow the gold sores medicine, the main book does not have to be studied.”

“Our old rule is that the golden sores medicine will return to where it belongs, and the lower official will also call Xu Du to send 10 million money to the main book mansion.”

“Is Master Wang satisfied?”

Cao Yuan issued a hush money as usual.

However, this time, he did not plan to distribute the anti-inflammatory drug of the gain to this Wang Bi.

That thing was used to save the lives of the generals of the Cao Army.

Cao Yuan planned to make a windfall fortune, but did not intend to sell the medicine at a sky-high price, but to set a price that Cao Cao could accept.

If the price is too high, Cao Cao will weigh the gains and losses, and is forced to choose to give up saving the lives of the soldiers.

It is necessary to be able to earn money and save people by accumulating virtue.

This is Cao Yuan’s way of making money.

If these anti-inflammatory drugs were given to Wang Bi, there was no guarantee that he would not sell them at a high price, and in the end it would become a sky-high price medicine that only the powerful could afford.

“Ziyou, you are still so generous, well, this official will not ask so much.”

Cao Cao didn’t know the inside story, and he got 10 million dollars for nothing, and he was naturally satisfied.

Cao Yuan’s eyes rolled slightly, and he had an idea in his heart.

He coughed a few times and said, “Master Wang, the lower official has a small matter, and I want to ask the main book to help.” ”

Ten million money, not for nothing, take his money, you have to eliminate disasters for him.

Cao Cao was also used to it, so he smiled and said, “Ziyou, what do you want to take care of this time, let’s say.” ”

“This time, Xiaguan doesn’t want to take care of anything, Xiaguan just wants to ask the chief bookkeeper to think of a way to transfer Xiaguan to Ye County to supervise the transportation of grain and grass.”

Cao Yuan made a request.

Ye County is the place where Cao Jun collected and transported grain and grass.

If you are transferred to Ye County, you will be able to leave the Wancheng camp in good faith without being convicted of a felony of desertion.

“It’s not difficult, I promised.”

Cao Cao agreed simply, but he was suspicious: “But I’m curious, you are so decent, why do you suddenly want to move to the rear?” ”

“It’s not safe to keep the rear away from the front.”

“The subordinate is afraid of death, which makes the main book laugh.”

Cao Yuan laughed at himself and casually made up a high-sounding excuse.

Cao Cao said disapprovingly: “Zhang Xiu has fallen, Wancheng is no longer the front line, how can it be unsafe.” ”

“Zhang Xiu will rebel soon, Wancheng will soon become an Asura field, how can it be safe!”

Cao Yuan was eager to get out, and he didn’t think much about it, and blurted out.

As soon as the words came out, he realized that the gaffe was inappropriate.

Cao Cao’s heart was shocked, the ease on his face suddenly disappeared, and his expression immediately became alert.

“Zhang Xiu has obviously returned to the imperial court, why do you say that he will rebel?”

Cao Cao stared at Cao Yuan and couldn’t wait to ask.

Cao Yuan sighed softly.

The words have been spoken, and it is impossible to take them back.

In that case, you might as well save this Wang Bi by the way.

After all, this house is still useful to himself, if he dies in this Wancheng, it will not be so easy to find another money-greedy Shangguan to protect him in the future.

“The people of Western Liang are capricious, and although Zhang Xiu has fallen, he holds six thousand Western Liang pawns, and Cao Sikong may not be completely at ease with him.”

“If I guessed correctly, Cao Sikong Tun Wancheng and refused to take the class for a long time, he must want to show favor to Zhang Xiu’s subordinates nearby, so as to divide and break their loyalty to Zhang Xiu.”

Cao Yuan sipped the wine and broke the deep meaning of Cao Cao’s refusal to be a class teacher.

Cao Cao’s heart was shocked, and his face changed slightly.

His intentions were not honest to anyone, not even Guo Jia could understand it, and he persuaded him to become a teacher as soon as possible.

The young official in front of him saw his mind clearly.

“Those who know me, Cao Yuanye…”

Cao Cao secretly sighed in his heart.

Cao Yuan didn’t bother to watch his expression change, and continued: “Our Duke Cao even wants to accept Zhang Ji’s widow Zou Shi to show the encirclement of the people of Western Liang, which is a means that is beneficial to both public and private, and I have to say that it is very clever.” ”

Since ancient times, the victorious monarchs have used the means of marrying the descendant to appease the heart of the descendant.

If I marry your woman, then we are my own relatives, what do you have to worry about.

Therefore, Cao Yuan speculated that with Cao Cao’s talent, the Nazou clan could not just covet his posture, and there must also be a deep intention to win over the hearts of the Western Liang soldiers.

Cao Cao’s face changed when he heard these words.

“I sent An Min to get the matter of the Zou clan, and no second person knows, how does he know?”

“Could it be that he also speculated?”

The wine glass in Cao Cao’s hand shook and gasped.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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