Chapter 89 Mr. Water Mirror Sima Hui, the arrival of Jingxiang Master [Sixteenth Change]!!

Daku Xianxue.

Wang Xiong’s white paper.

Similarly, it is also Koto’s propaganda pamphlet. You are suffering, Koto is happy.

You change your son and eat, but the young son of Koto can read and read. You have left your homeland, and the people of Jiangdong have distributed 50 taxes on good land. When this gap was formed, it was coupled with the successive battles of the princes of the states and counties. This book is never aimed at the great Confucian masters, but is like a sharp blade, inserted into the hinterland of the states and counties, so that the people understand that the great concubines are different from the princes who govern them.

In this way, this is also the reason why Pang Tong said that books were banned.

A few days.

The Daegan Chamber of Commerce sells books all over Jiangdong.

The illiterate people let their young sons read to them.

They did not understand the nature of the dynasty, and it was difficult for them to grasp this kind of thinking.

However, they understood that the interests of the clan were formed because of their oppression and exploitation.

In the study of Da Kun Xian, comparing Jiangdong under the Great Han with Jiangdong under the rule of Da Kun made Wu Bai even more grateful.

They have experienced hardship and naturally understand that it is not easy now.

As for the division of fields and the construction of schools, let the innumerable students and the people understand what it is to raise a family, read and write, know the law and abide by the law.

These days. The people of the city of Van Da Kun.

Before and after tea, the talk is about great love.

Moreover, from time to time, he can make arguments about the war in the north and the good governance.

“It’s still long.”

Sima Hui stepped into Da Kun City in a blue robe, listened to the discussion of the people, and said blankly: “Could it be that the people of Jiangdong are so wise?” ”

“I don’t know.”

Pang Degong’s face turned red.

Just now, their group rested in a tea shed outside the city.

Unexpectedly, I heard a few farmers with hoes discussing the development of Confucianism and jurisprudence, and pointed out that although the Han respected Confucianism, he never left the Legalists.

This kind of insight makes these great Confucian masters ashamed of themselves!

“It’s still long.”

Huang Chengyan teased, “Isn’t your nephew a student of the Great Love Academy? ”


Pang Degong smiled bitterly and said, “If it weren’t for the invitation of virtue, I wouldn’t have easily set foot in Jiangdong, and the situation in Jingzhou has changed too much in the past two years!” ”


Sima Hui smiled lightly and said, “Gongda said in his letter that the Great Love Academy accepts students, and there is an endless collection of books, I just borrowed your name and went out of Jingzhou!” ”

“Dagang City.”

Huang Chengyan’s eyes were full of complexity. Jingxiang Shi clan.

Intricately intertwined.

His wife and Liu Biao’s concubines were from a clan, and they were also sisters with Cai Yao.

Therefore, his senses for Jiangdong, Wang Xiong, and Da Wei have never been so good, and he never thought that Jiangdong has changed so much in the past two years.

“That’s right.”

Sima Hui said abruptly: “I heard that Liu Jingzhou is also going to open a school palace, and recruit Qi Wumin, Song Zhong and others to write the five scriptures, but is there such a thing?” ”


Pang Degong nodded.

Sima Hui frowned, and said in a deep voice: “The art of imitation is useless, Jiangdong takes enlightenment as a study, more than 100,000 students, he has a learning palace, and before enlightenment, he cultivates the five scriptures, which is a great achievement!” ”


Pang Degong was slightly startled.

Huang Chengyan smiled bitterly and said, “Virtue, the Dawen Academy cannot be imitated, and the labor of the people is wasteful!” ”


Sima Hui thought thoughtfully. Not for long.

The group stopped in front of the Great Love Academy.

Wearing a white school uniform and a top hat, the students hurried towards the house.


“Uncle Seihiko.”

“Why did you come to Koto!”

When Pang Tong’s figure passed by, he suddenly stopped!


Pang Degong pointed to the clothes and hats on Pang Tong’s body and said in surprise.

“This one.”

Pang Tong grinned and said: “This is a student uniform, a big top hat, only those who enter the big school will be issued, you can listen to the school at will, borrow books, and be extremely courteous to the people!” ”


Pound smiled dumbly.

“Let’s go.”

Pang Tong took Pang Degong’s arm and said, “General Zhengnan wants to talk about Da Wei Xianxue today, Kong Ming and Xun Ji have already gone, and there will be no place to listen for a while!” ”

“Wang Zhengnan lectures?”

Sima Hui and Huang Chengyan looked at each other.

As far as they know, Wang Xiong seems to be from a thief and bandit, how can he still lecture? Daegi University is vast.

A place of six houses set up by 10,000 students.

Hundreds, thousands of students rushed towards one place, and from time to time they could be seen running parallel to them by the officials of the six departments of Da Guan.

Almost a quarter of an hour.

Pang Tong took Sima Hui and the others to a school.


Zhuge Liang’s gaze fell on Pang Degong.

“Kong Ming.”

Pound said apologetically.

Zhuge Liang said in a complicated way: “Sit down quickly, when the bell rings, the lord will come to lecture!” ”


Pound sat with his head bowed.

Sima Hui, Huang Chengyan seemed to have never seen the world.

The two kept looking left and right, back and forth, figures sitting staggered, and the scalps of those who were watching densely tightened.


Pang Tong took out a copy of the Great Love Academy, handed it over, and explained: “This is the school of the law school, which can accommodate three hundred students, and today at least five hundred have come, and there is an echo in the empty wall around it, so the students can also hear it, the podium is a stone slab dyed with black lacquer, and the chalk fired with white lime can be written into words.” ”


Pound Degong was surprised.

This school is like a palace, too luxurious!

Pang Tong explained in a low voice: “The county academy, although the county academy is not so big, but the blackboard chalk, books, all are allocated, there are three hours of teaching a day, and there is another hour to strengthen the body, half an hour to eat and rest!” ”




The bell rings.

Three huge hums echoed throughout the academy.

At this time, Wang Lang, Lu Su, Liu Ye, these six attendants entered the hall and sat in the front row.


Pang Tong said in a low voice: “They are all the masters of the six departments of Da Wei, and some generals in the army have come to listen to General Zhengnan’s lectures. ”

“What is this?”

Sima Hui, Huang Chengyan, and Pang Degong were confused.

The methods of teaching at the Daegi Academy seem to be different from what they think.



Wang Xiong held Da Wei Xianxue and stepped into the hall, his eyes swept over Zhang Zhao, Wang Lang and others in the front row, and said with a light smile: “Everyone, you are all here.” ”


Everyone stood up and saluted.


The class of students stood up and made a move.

Even Pang Degong, Sima Hui and the others were forced to stand up and salute.

“Sit down.”

Wang Xiong pressed both hands.


Hundreds of people sat on benches in unison.

Wang Xiong wrote on the blackboard with his back the three words of dynasty, territory, and people, and turned around and said: “Da Wei Xianxue, it has been sent out for a few days, but there are questions.” ”


A student got up and said respectfully: “Student Yuzhang Zhang Qian, I don’t understand why dynasties are a phenomenon of historical change, not always. ”


Wang Xiong smiled and said, “What do you think a dynasty is?” ”

“Big man.”

Zhang Qian thought again and again.

Wang Xiong circled the word dynasty and said in a deep voice: “The people, the territory, the regime, this is the essence of the dynasty, the Great Han is the regime, the Great Qin is the regime, the Great Zhou is also the regime, and more than a thousand years ago, there was no dynasty, people lived by tribes, annexed tribes, expanded territory, and finally formed a dynasty!” ”


Zhang Gan sat down thoughtfully.

Wang Xiong’s gaze swept over the students, and said in a deep voice: “The Shi clan is the existence of exercising political power, just like the rules of the rotation of the sun and the moon, the Shi clan is also promoted by ordinary people with merit, the dynastic regime gives them the qualifications to ascend to the throne, gives them servants, this is the wealth they deserve, but they monopolize knowledge, annex land, and oppress the people, this is the accumulation and formation of the bloody interests of the Shi clan!” ”


Pang Degong and Huang Chengyan felt chills in their hearts. In an instant.

There was silence in the school.

Many students bury their heads in writing on paper.

At the same time, some people listened and looked at Da Wei Xianxue.

From the essence of the Yu Dynasty, to the formation of the interests of the Shi clan, and the construction of Jiangdong under the rule of Da Kuan, the division of fields and schools, the significance of the existence of Legalism and Confucianism.

Nearly an hour.

Wang Xiong gushed from the podium.

The left hand writes Yizi cannibalism, and the right hand holds the Koto distribution of good land and good government.

He said that he was ruling the country according to law, and he waved his pen, writing that the people are water, the king is a boat, and the water can carry a boat or overturn a boat!

Until. Not three moments. Five bells ring.

This great learning came to an end.


Wang Xiong erased the font on the blackboard, put away the great emotion, and said with a light smile: “You have people from Jiangdong, as well as people from Jingzhou, Huainan, and Xuzhou, but today you are just students of the Daguan Academy.” ”


Hundreds of students should drink.

“There’s a long way to go.”

Wang Xiong’s eyes were deep, and he said firmly: “I hope that in the future, your hearts will be in danger, the Taoist heart will be weak, and the only essence will be the only one, and in the course of the admission, we are the pioneers in Da Kun, and you are the latecomers, and Da Kun will be in your hands in the future, studying for the rise of Da Kun.” ”

“Read for the rise of the Great Gang.”

“Read for the rise of the Great Gang.”

Hundreds of students, holding great emotions and shouting.


Wang Xiong smiled lightly and walked out of the school.

This great emotional narrative has been completed here.

These students will spread the will of great love throughout Jiangdong, and then like a spark that can burn the plain, it will sweep to all parts of the world, and the princes and lords of the prefectures and counties will never be able to cut off the spread of the great evil.

Public opinion? No, it’s just a means of killing.

When he could not use his troops to expand his territory, this was the blade he wielded against the princes.

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