For everything that happened after he left, Zhao Lei did not know and would not care.

At this time, he was galloping towards Zhaojia Village with the thirty-six generals of Zhaojia Village.

At the same time, consciousness is immersed in the system, looking at the harvest.

In this battle of Guangzong, he and the thirty-six generals of Zhaojia Village killed more than 5,000 ordinary Yellow Turban troops and obtained 20,000 energy points.

Kill 2,000 Yellow Turban Lux and gain a total of 100,000 energy points.

Kill Zhang Liang and get 10,000 energy points.

Kill Zhang Jiao and get 30,000 energy points.

In this battle, a total of 160,000 energy points were obtained, and the balance reached 170,020 after counting the previous remains. (I forgot to write about killing Zhang Bao to get 10,000 energy points before.) )

Back in Zhaojia Village, Zhao Lei found that there were many more people.

It seems that in the more than half a month since he left, many displaced people have come to Zhaojia Village.

“Brother Lei, you’re back.”

Zhao Yu, who was patrolling, saw Zhao Lei and the others, and immediately rode a little red horse and galloped over, excited.


Zhao Lei nodded and said with a smile: “Xiaoyu, the scale of your phoenix riding is getting bigger and bigger.” ”

“That is.”

Zhao Yu raised her head arrogantly, all the girls who passed the test were included in the phoenix horse by her, and now it has grown to nearly a hundred.

Then she said in distress: “It’s been so long, there are no mountain thieves, the yellow turban thieves come to attack Zhaojia Village, it’s very boring.” ”

Zhao Lei said with a smile: “Plain is bliss, if it can always be so dull, the people can live and work in peace.” ”


Zhao Yu seems to understand and not.

“What’s more,”

Zhao Lei looked at the hundred neat women’s troops behind Zhao Yu, and said with a smile: “You ride around the village with a hundred phoenixes all day, which one who does not have long eyes dares to attack Zhao’s village?” ”

“That’s what I said.”

Zhao Yu nodded with deep empathy.

Zhao Feng on the side quipped: “Sister, you really treat your two brothers as transparent people.” ”

As soon as these words came out, Ten Tigers and Twenty-Four Jie both let out hearty laughter.

Zhao Yuqiao’s face turned red, glared at Zhao Feng fiercely, deliberately ignored him, turned his head to look at Zhao Yun, and said hello with a smile: “Second brother is good.” ”

Everyone laughed even more.

Zhao Feng touched his nose and smiled awkwardly.

Zhao Lei smiled slightly and let everyone go home to rest.

Zhao Lei also turned over and dismounted, handed over the black horse breeder to the village special horse breeder to lead to the stable, and he entered the village alone.

Today’s Zhaojia Village has changed greatly, with many more two-story houses.

The old village chief was still sitting in the open space in the village as usual, leisurely shaking the feather fan, drinking tea, and looking happy.

There are also many old people next to him, playing Go.

Of course, these old people are not Go masters, and they have not played much before, but they are idle and indiscriminate, passing the time.

“Looking at Bo Ping’s expression, this trip should be quite smooth.”

Seeing Zhao Lei, the old village chief said with a smile.

Zhao Lei sat next to the old village chief and said with a smile: “After killing Zhang Jiao and Zhang Liang and attacking Guangzong, Lu Zhonglang said that he would ask for credit for me.” ”

The old village chief nodded and said, “Although Lu Zhonglang should not be greedy for Mo Boping’s achievements, he still has to be careful.

I have already sent someone to Luoyang with a large amount of money, bribed Zhang Rang, and then offered some to His Majesty, so it is appropriate. ”

Without background, even if you have battle merits, you may not be rewarded as you deserve, and bribery is essential.

Zhao Lei asked curiously, “What kind of reward does the old man want this time?” ”

The old village chief said with a smile: “Zhang Jiao, Zhang Liang, Zhang Bao, this is the greatest battle achievement in suppressing the Yellow Turban Rebellion, gathered in the hands of Boping alone.”

Coupled with the big gift I gave to Zhang Rang and His Majesty, it should not be a problem to seal a county marquis. ”

“County Marquis? Can it be done? ”

Zhao Lei was a little puzzled, and in history, Guan Yu was just a pavilion marquis.

Tinghou, Xianghou and County Marquis are all marquis of Lie, and Liehou belongs to the highest rank marquis.

Liehou can arrange his own retainers such as housekeepers, concubines, door doctors, horse washers, and pedestrians.

The marquis of Ting took the pavilion as the fiefdom, the township marquis took the township as the fief, and the county marquis took the county as the fief.

And the county marquis, in addition to these vassals, can also establish a state as a county, which is for the prince’s state and puts the state in place.

Hou Guoguo, the position is equivalent to the county order.

The county marquis belongs to the highest rank of marquis.

Even in this era of buying and selling officials, it is difficult to become a county marquis.

The old village chief said with a smile: “Boping’s merit is enough to be a marquis, as long as the price is in place, it is not difficult to get a county marquis.”

What’s more, the fiefdom I asked for for Boping was just this Zhao family village.

No, it may have to be called Zhao County in the future.

In addition to asking Boping for a reward, I also made a request, hoping that Boping could freely build Zhaojia Village. ”

“With the village as the county, the fiefdom is actually similar to that of Tinghou, and that is not difficult.”

Zhao Lei nodded.

The old village chief said with a smile: “Others think that my Zhao family village is small, and they will find out how rich and broad Zhao County will be.” ”

“Well, these troublesome things the old man decided, it is more appropriate for me to be in charge of fighting and making merit.”

The old village chief has Zhang Liang’s strategy, and the ability to plan these things is naturally not comparable to Zhao Lei, and he can rest assured that he can leave it to the old village chief.

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