With Bian Zhang killed, the remaining rebels who had not yet broken out surrendered.

By the time Dong Zhuo and Zhou Shen arrived with their army, the rebels who crossed the river had long since disappeared.

Knowing that Zhao Lei had killed Bian Zhang, Dong Zhuo immediately said to Zhang Wen: “Zhang Sikong, now that the rebel leader has fallen into ambush, immediately pursue the rebels, you can’t give them a chance to breathe, and you can completely quell the rebellion.” ”

Zhou Shen also suggested: “General Dong is right, at this time, I will divide the army into two ways, pursuing Li Wenhou’s Beigong Boyu and Han Sui’s army respectively, and will definitely be able to quell the rebels in one fell swoop.” ”

Zhao Lei’s mind flashed historical records that among the defeats of the rebels, Dong Zhuo and Zhou Shen also led troops in pursuit, and returned with a great defeat.

He shook his head and said, “Poor Kou Mo chased, although the rebels were defeated, the rebel leader Bian Zhang was also killed.

But as far as I know, although Bian Zhang was nominally the leader of the rebels, it was Li Wenhou and Beigong Boyu who actually controlled the rebels.

The two had already mixed in with the rebels and broke through, and at this time they were in pursuit, fearing an ambush. ”

“Houye Zhao’s words are bad.”

Dong Zhuo was stubborn, “No matter who is actually in charge of the rebels, Bian Zhang is right that he is the leader of the rebels, and once he dies, the rebels have no morale and flee in a hurry.”

If Beigong Boyu and Li Wenhou were allowed to converge the defeated army and slow down, it would be a powerful force.

At that time, it will not be as easy as it is to defeat the rebels. ”

When Zhou Shen heard this, he also echoed: “What General Dong said is reasonable, and the last general also believes that troops should be sent immediately to pursue the rebels. ”

Sun Jian opened his mouth, but did not speak after all.

He is just a deputy general of Zhou Shen, and he does not have much say between these people.

After Zhang Wen pondered for a moment, he said: “Okay, Zhou Shen led an army of 10,000 to pursue Han Sui’s army, and Dong Zhuo led an army of 10,000 to pursue Li Wenhou and Beigong Boyu. ”

The reason why he made this decision, in addition to thinking that what Dong Zhuo and Zhou Shen said was reasonable, there was another reason.

Zhao Lei’s killing of Bian Zhang, the leader of the rebels, has already taken the greatest credit for this rebellion.

Zhang Wen naturally wanted to leave Zhao Lei aside and take some credit alone.

Dong Zhuo and Zhou Shen are the generals under him, and no matter how much credit they make, they have his share.

But Zhao Lei was sent by His Majesty to assist him, and the merit of Zhao Lei had little to do with him.


Dong Zhuo and Zhou Shen took the order and chased after them with the army excitedly.

Sun Jian, as Zhou Shen’s deputy general, could only follow Zhou Shen to go together.

Seeing this, Zhao Lei could only sigh secretly and didn’t say anything more.

After cleaning up the battlefield, Zhao Lei and Zhang Wen returned to Meiyang together, waiting for news from Dong Zhuo and Zhou Shen.

Zhao Lei, the captured war horse, asked for one, and exchanged all the red war horses among them for the Red Blood Iron Horse.

During the long wait, Zhao Lei immersed his consciousness into the system to see the gains of this battle.

In this battle, more than 10,000 ordinary rebels were killed, and about 50,000 energy points were obtained.

Killed more than 10,000 Xiliang cavalry and obtained more than 90,000 energy points.

A total of 140,000 energy points were harvested.

Coupled with Zhao Feng and Zhao Yun, with black and white double horses in the northern Xinjiang constantly fighting with foreign races, energy points have continued to grow during this time.

Now the balance of energy points has reached 200,000, which can be exchanged for 2,000 first-order horse soul stones.

However, he did not redeem it immediately.

Originally inferior, medium war horse, in an instant it becomes a lower-grade BMW, and fools know that there is a problem.

Let’s wait until the war is over and leave Miyang before using it.

However, the Red Blood Iron Horse also lost dozens of people in this battle.

After all, it was rushed to kill in the midst of a hundred thousand troops, and there were 10,000 Xiliang cavalry surrounding and killing, and no matter how elite the Red Blood Iron Cavalry was, it could not achieve zero damage.

The red-blooded iron horsemen who died in battle were all buried by Zhao Lei himself, and they were given tombstones and engraved with the names of each of them.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed, and Dong Zhuo and Zhou Shen were indeed defeated as Zhao Lei expected.

Dong Zhuo was okay, basically the whole army returned safely.

Zhou Shen was relatively miserable, almost completely destroyed and suffered heavy losses.

Zhang Wen was taken aback and asked, “How so?” ”

Dong Zhuo sighed and said, “The last general led his army to the territory of Wangyuan County in Liangzhou, where he encountered an ambush by the rebels, was surrounded by the rebels, and ran out of food.

Later, the last general asked the army to build a dike on the river to make a shrimp fishing pattern, and secretly led the army across the river to escape. ”

Zhou Shen’s face was very ugly, and he said in a deep voice: “The last general led the army to pursue Han Sui to Yuzhong City, and when he was in a stalemate with the enemy army, he was cut off by the rebels, and almost all the army was destroyed. ”

When Zhang Wen heard this, he sighed deeply, turned his head to look at Zhao Lei, and said, “I regret not listening to Zhao Houye’s words, so that I suffered such a big defeat.” ”

Dong Zhuo also sighed: “I waited for recklessness, let the advantage I just gained disappear, and lost so many troops in vain, hey!” ”

When Zhou Shen heard this, his face became even more ugly.

Because of these troops, almost all of them were lost by him.

Zhao Lei said: “Actually, it can still be saved. ”

“What is Houye Zhao’s plan?”

Zhang Wen hurriedly asked.

Dong Zhuo and Zhou Shen also turned their heads one after another.

Zhao Lei looked at the three and said, “If you catch up at this time, you will definitely be able to win.” ”

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