After Zhao Lei and the others left, the old village chief said to Huang Zhong’s father and son: “If the rebels lose this battle, they will definitely not stop.” The two of you take turns to lead half of the Red Blood Army to defend the defense, so that the rebels will not have the slightest opportunity. ”

“Please rest assured Zhao Xiang, my father and son will do their best to guard Zhao Cheng.”

Huang Zhong father and son said in unison.

“Grandpa Village Chief, should I also lead troops to patrol?”

Zhao Yu flashed a pair of big eyes and asked expectantly.

The old village chief shook his head and said, “You are now Mrs. Hou Ye, and you are an honorable existence second only to Hou Ye in Zhao City. If something happens to you, it will be a great blow to Zhao Cheng’s morale.

Therefore, Madame’s task is to stay in the Hou Mansion well and not go anywhere. ”


Zhao Yu muttered in disappointment, and then turned around with the ten great phoenix horses and walked towards Hou Mansion.

These ten phoenix horses have now also become the guards of the Hou Mansion.


Except for Dai County in the west and Liaodong County in the east, all counties in Youzhou have fallen into the hands of the rebels.

Zhao Lei took Guo Jia, Twenty-four Jie and Lichun Tie to ride through the northwest of Zhongshan County and into Youzhou Dai County, which lasted one day and one night to reach Gaoliu City, Dai County Zhi.

The newly appointed Youzhou pastor Liu Yu temporarily lived in Daijun County.

Zhao Lei had Twenty-Four Jie and Lichun Tie ride stationed in the barracks, and he took Guo Jia straight to the county capital.

“Houye Zhao, this official can finally give you here.”

Liu Yu and Fu Rui, the county guard, enthusiastically welcomed Zhao Lei into the hall of the county capital.

They have been tortured by the rebels to the point of collapse.

Both were pure literati, who had not led the army to fight at all, and did not know how to break the game at all.

Zhao Lei sat on the first place on the left, took a sip of tea and asked, “Liu Zhou Mu, how is the battle situation in Youzhou now?” ”

Liu Yu put down the teacup, sighed and said, “Now the war situation in Youzhou is not optimistic.”

Captain Gong Qixu and Liu Zheng, the right Beiping Taishou, have been killed by the rebels.

Shi Gongsun Zhan, the governor of Liaodong, and Meng Yi, the general of Zhonglang, set out from Liaodong to attack the rebels.

At the beginning, after several victories in succession, Gongsun Zan was greedy and aggressive, penetrated deep into the rebel territory, and was trapped in Guanzicheng by the Wuhuan leader Qiu Liju.

Whether you can break the game depends on the champion. ”

Zhao Lei turned his head to look at Guo Jia, who was sitting next to him, and asked, “Fengxiao, is there a way to break the enemy?” ”

“This is?”

Liu Yu asked curiously.

This person has been drinking there silently since he came in, without saying a word.

The whole hall is filled with a faint aroma of wine.

If it weren’t for the champion Hou, he would have let people blast out.

Zhao Lei introduced with a smile: “This is Benhou’s military master, Guo Jia Guo Fengxiao, Yingchuan Yangzhai Guo clan disciple.” ”

“Caomin Guo Jia, I have seen Liu Zhoumu.”

Guo Jia got up and saw a scribe salute to Liu Yu, and then took another sip of wine before slowly saying: “If Zhang Chun and Zhang Ju want to support such a huge scene, they must hoard grain and grass in advance.

As long as you figure out where they hoard grain and send an elite army to burn their granaries, the rebels have no food to use, and after a long time, there will be mutinies. ”

Liu Yu thought for a while and asked, “Let’s not mention that the place where he hoarded grain is extremely hidden, and it is impossible for us to find out.” Even if we find out, we will attack its granary, and the rebels in Jizhou, and the other rebels in Youzhou, will definitely come to the rescue.

At that time, even if we break through the granary, I am afraid that we will be surrounded by rebels and it will be difficult to escape. ”

Guo Jia took a sip of wine and said with a smile: “The granary of the rebels is not difficult to find, as for the second question, don’t worry.”

Liu Zhou Mu held Dai Commandery, and then sent people to capture Zhuo Commandery, which could cut off the connection between Youzhou and Jizhou rebels.

As for the other rebels in Youzhou, if they returned their aid, then Shi Gongsun Zhan, the governor of Liaodong, would be able to break through the blockade.

At that time, we and Gongsun Zan will fight on both sides, why fear the rebels? ”

“Do you know where the rebel granary is?”

Daijun Taishou Fu Rui asked.

Guo Jia took a sip of wine and smiled indifferently: “Yuyang County, Pinggu City.” ”

“How do you know?”

Liu Yu asked with a frown.

“This is a military secret.”

Guo Jia shook his head and did not say.

Zhao Lei knew that this must be the news from the inner guard of the plum blossom.

Meihua Neiwei is in charge of the old village chief, and Guo Jia is also a student of the old village chief, so it is normal to know these news.

Zhao Lei asked, “Fengxiao leads the troops, how many troops are needed to break through Zhuo County?” ”

Guo Jia said lightly: “Five thousand, that’s enough.” ”


Zhao Lei turned his head to look at Liu Yu and said, “If this is the case, then ask Liu Zhou Mu to defend Dai County, and then give Fengxiao 5,000 troops to let him break through Zhuo County and cut off the connection between the Youzhou rebels and the Jizhou rebels.”

Benhou personally took his troops and horses to raid Pinggu City in Yuyang County and burned its granary in one fell swoop. ”

Liu Yu pondered for a moment and said, “In this way, let’s act according to the plan.” ”

For the fighting power of the champion Hou, he has no doubts.

However, there were still doubts about the location of the granary mentioned by Guo Jia and whether Guo Jia could lead 5,000 troops to break through and hold Zhuo County.

But now he has no other way but to try it first according to Guo Jia’s plan.

Plans are drawn up, and people act according to their plans.

Guo Jia led 5,000 officers and soldiers and set out for Zhuo County.

Zhao Lei asked Eighteen Jie to follow Guo Jia to Zhuo County and obey Guo Jia’s orders, and he took Zhao Lichun and the remaining six Jie and 4,800 Lichun iron horses, as well as enough dry food for a month, to go north into the central Xianbei Territory and then go all the way east around the Han border, and when he reached the junction of Yuyang County and Xianbei Territory, he turned south and went straight to Pinggu City.

For the intelligence transmitted back by the plum blossom inner guard, Zhao Lei naturally would not have any doubts.

At present, no outsiders know the existence of the plum blossom inner guard, and naturally it is impossible for someone to use the plum blossom inner guard to transmit false information.

Moreover, the Xianbei tribe on the edge of the Xianbei territory in the central part has long been cleaned up by the black and white double dragon riders, and no one has discovered the whereabouts of Zhao Lei and others.

After half a month, Zhao Lei and his party quietly arrived in Pinggu City.

However, there was no immediate attack on Pinggu City.

Instead, it lurked in a valley west of the city.

Until seven days later, a grain convoy of about 10,000 people left the city from the west gate of Pinggu City, presumably to transport the rebels in Jizhou.


When the grain delivery team arrived at the ambush point, Zhao Lei rushed out of the valley with Liujie and Lichun Tie.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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