After a while, he looked at the closed villa, thought for a moment, turned back and drove to look outside again.

   If there is no one inside, staying here will only waste time.

But now, no matter how he drives around in the mountains, as Dashan said, he can no longer see the place to live, except for mountains or mountains, and except for some farmers around Dashan, even young women are rarely seen, let alone Don't talk about Shen Ning.

   Returned without success again.

  He was very discouraged, sitting in the car, handsome and haggard.

  Shen Ning, where did you go!

  Last night, it must be you, you rescued the children with me!

  If the previous few times may have been hallucinations, but this time, he is sure that Teacher Wu is Shen Ning.

  However, she was unwilling to recognize him. After the rescue was over, she took advantage of the darkest hour before dawn and ran away again.

  Then where can she go?

  This place is full of mountain roads. If you walk on the road, the people who lead you in cold blood will definitely find her.

   After a while, he turned around and drove the car to the luxury villa again.

  This place is the most suspect.

  A pregnant woman can't go far. Is it possible that she is still staying in the villa, but she just doesn't want to come out to see him!

  To his surprise, it didn't take long for his car to drive over, and Leng-Blood led people here.

   "President Li, are you here too?" Leng Xue was surprised to see him.

   "Shen Ning is here, isn't he?" Li Zhenting stared at him and asked.

   "Mr. Li, your guess is right this time. It should be the young mistress. She should have lived here before the accident at school yesterday." Leng Xue was sure.

   "Do you mean that she has left here now?" Li Zhenting's heart sank.

"Mr. Li, we have already been here. When we came, there was no one in the villa. We searched the whole village several times, but we didn't see the young lady. I rushed to the nearby police station and checked the surveillance cameras at all intersections. , and I didn't see her leaving, so I came back." Leng Xue replied.

   Li Zhenting's heart moved, he rushed over to ring the doorbell, and kept shouting: "Shen Ning, Ning Ning, are you inside?"

   But no matter how he shouted, there was no echo from inside.

   Cold-blooded and calm, he took a few steps back and looked upstairs.

  Suddenly, he saw that a window upstairs was not closed tightly.

   "President Li, there are windows upstairs that are not closed tightly." He immediately told Li Zhenting of the situation.

   "Who built this villa? Have you found it?" Li Zhenting asked with red eyes.

   "I've already called the mayor and I'm looking into it, but there's no news yet."

   "Well, climb up immediately, go in and search through the window, and I will be responsible for any problems." Li Zhenting ordered after only pondering for a while.

  He nodded in cold blood, walked to the sewage pipe, quickly climbed up the second floor along the sewage pipe, opened the window, and shouted at the window for a while, but no one answered inside, so he climbed directly into the window.

   Li Zhenting waited with bated breath.

   Half an hour later, Leng Xue crawled out from the window on the first floor, holding a headband in his hand.

   Li Zhenting recognized it at a glance, that headband is exactly what Shen Ning usually likes to use.

   "President Li, there is indeed no one in the villa, but I found this from the bathroom of the villa." He handed the headband to Li Zhenting.

   "Ning Ning, it really is you, you ran away again." Li Zhenting took it with trembling hands, and held the headband tightly, as if he could still feel her body temperature on the headband, he closed his eyes in despair.

   At this time, the cold-blooded phone rang, and he quickly picked it up.

   After a while, he put down his phone and looked at Li Zhenting: "Mr. Li, I found it. This villa was built by Zhu Qixiong, the young master of the Zhu Group."

  Zhu Qixiong? It really was him!

   Li Zhenting's pupils under his bushy sword eyebrows gave off a frightening coldness.

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