‘Ning Ning, your uterus was injured. Strictly speaking, it is dangerous to conceive a single pregnancy. Now you are pregnant with twins. You must pay attention to safety. I suggest you stay in the hospital for the next two months. ’ Ji Qingshan’s exhortations sounded in Shen Ning’s ears, she stroked her belly with both hands, opened her eyes and stared at the roof in a daze.

  If Ji Qingshan knew that she lived alone in such a remote place, and there were no hospitals in the surrounding towns, what would he do? Will you scold her?

   But she really likes it here, and, judging from the experience of being almost discovered by Li Zhenting in Qingshan City last time, it is safe to live in this kind of place!

  However, it is indeed dangerous for her to be pregnant with twins now. Even if she doesn't think about herself, she has to think about the children in her belly.

  She planned to go to the best gynecology hospital in the county if Ji Qingshan couldn't come over in another month.

  Thinking that two more little lives will belong to her, the corners of her lips curl up slightly.

  This time, she will never bring the children back to the imperial capital, and she will never let that man with a cruel face and heart like Li Zhenting know about it.

  She wants to be born secretly, and then raise them well. For the rest of her life, she will be with these two little guys.


  When she thought of the little ones, she thought of Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiaolai, a sharp pain in her heart, and her eyes were moist.

  She put her head on her hand and closed her eyes, she was sorry for her children.

   But she really can't help it.

  The damage Li Zhenting and Xiaofeng did to her during that time flashed before her eyes, her fingers clenched tightly.

  When she was in Qingshan City, she had actually seen the news, and Zhu Qixiong also told her that Li Zhenting was frantically looking for her.

   But her heart was icy cold, and there was no longer any splash.

   So what if I find her? Last time, when grandma died, he was also devout, looking infatuated and affectionate, and even helped her take care of grandma, which moved her so much that he married her again.

   But that day when they came out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, he left her and ran away the moment they received a call from Xiaofeng.

   It was the abandonment of her that dragged her into the abyss of pain, and everything that happened later was due to that abandonment.

  In this life, she has no intention of forgiving him, let alone accepting him.

In fact, even if Xiaofeng tried to hurt her several times and couldn't tolerate her, she didn't feel that she hated her that much. After all, she and Xiaofeng had no friendship in the first place, and she was originally a beast. Without any expectation, how can there be hatred?

   But Li Zhenting is different. He is the father of several of her children. She has loved him for so many years and devoted so much youth to him.

  She once thought that she had warmed his heart.

  But at the moment they remarried, her heart was completely dead, and it was at that moment that she truly understood that Li Zhenting had never loved her, but the little wind he had hidden deep in his heart.

  Even if Xiaofeng got the retribution he deserved later, it was just a substitute, and the Xiaofeng deep in his heart would never disappear.

  What's the use of having such a man?

  Although, he will find an excuse to say that he was controlled by Xiaofeng and those bad guys to treat her like that.

  But she understands better than anyone else.

  On that day, if Li Zhenting hadn't left her to find Xiaofeng, everything that followed would not have happened.

The reason why Xiaofeng and those people took advantage of it was because Li Zhenting did not have unwavering love for Shen Ning. At that moment, instead of loving Shen Ning firmly and guarding her, he ran to Xiaofeng. Wind's Embrace, for whatever reason, is disgusting and unforgivable.


  Li Zhenting, absolutely unforgivable!

  Shen Ning's stern eyes became colder and colder, and the air was cold.

  In this life, she never wants to see Li Zhenting again, and she doesn't even want to dream of this heartless man!

  From now on, she will love herself well and protect her children. The rest is not important anymore!

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