"Go." At this moment, Ke Ke and Ding Ding didn't see that it was Li Zhenting at all, and Ke Ke gave the order and waved his little hand.

  The two little guys immediately rushed towards Li Zhenting.

   One twisted his arm, the other held his head.

  Two small fists hit him.

   "Big villain, how dare you bully our mommy, I will hit you."

   "Stinky bastard, who told you to bully our mommy, watch how I beat you to death."


  Two small fists swung towards Li Zhenting like raindrops.

   Li Zhenting held down this one, that one hit him again, grabbed that one's hand, this one bit his teeth again.

   "Enough, Keke, Ding Ding, stop, I'm your daddy." Finally, Li Zhenting shouted angrily.

  The two little ones were stunned when they heard this.

   It turned out to be the big villain Daddy!

   Didn't expect that he was still bullying their mommy!

   At this time, Shen Ning reached out and turned on the desk lamp next to him.

  The lights come on.

  I saw Li Zhenting was sitting naked, sitting awkwardly, staring at Ke Ke and Ding Ding angrily.

   Ke Ke and Ding Ding also stared at him in surprise.

  For a while, the father and son looked like three cross-eyed roosters.

  Seeing this, Shen Ning couldn't hold back, turned his head and secretly pursed his lips and smiled.

  Suddenly, she thought of a good way to use Cocoa and Ding Ding to deal with the scoundrel Li Zhenting, which is really wonderful.

   "Stinky boy, you don't want to mess around anymore, you dare to hit Daddy." Li Zhenting sullenly.

   "I'm sorry, Daddy." The two little ones apologized, but they quickly asked, "Then why did you hit Mommy?"

   "How did I hit your Mommy?"

   "You put Mommy on the bed and beat her? Hmph, don't lie to children."

  The two little ones refused to accept it and firmly opposed it.

   Li Zhenting stroked his forehead with his hand, God, what is this all about.

   "How can you sleep on Mommy's bed? It's wrong. Children will sleep in separate beds when they grow up." He asked rhetorically.

   "What's wrong with us sleeping with Mommy? Mommy agreed." Tintin sharp-tongued.

   "Yes, bad daddy, go to sleep, you are too big, you can't fit in this bed." Coco looked at the bed, and after the three little ones fell asleep, Mommy had already slept beside the bed.

   "Okay, you guys lie down and sleep well, and don't make trouble again, be careful I will spank your ass." Li Zhenting had no choice but to make them lie down and sleep with a tiger face, while he got out of bed.

   But he came down, but the fire all over his body couldn't subside, so he could only run to the guest room to take a cold shower.

   "Ke Ke, Ding Ding, you are doing great." After Li Zhenting was dismissed by his sons, Shen Ning was very happy and gave Ke Ke and Ding Ding a thumbs up.

   "Mommy, did Daddy hurt you?" Keke asked worriedly at this moment.


   "Mum, don't worry, if Daddy bullies you again in the future, we will help you, don't be afraid." At this time, Ding Ding comforted her intimately.

"Okay, thank you Keke and Ding Ding." Shen Ning smiled, kissed the little ones, and said to them softly: "You two go to sleep, Mommy is fine, and your father will never dare to bully Mom again Damn it, don't wake up Xiaoxiao and the little brothers and sisters."

   "Okay, let's go to bed." The two cubs were really sleepy, so they yawned, fell asleep on the bed as soon as they fell asleep.

   Shen Ning covered them with the quilt, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

  She never thought of using this trick to defeat Li Zhenting, but the fact is that this trick is very good!

  It seems that she can not only accompany the children in the future, but also avoid Li Zhenting's ill intentions towards her.

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