In the morning, after Li Zhenting finished a transnational video conference, he thought of Shen Ning going back to work at Gucci on the first day today, wondering if he could adapt.

  A mother with five children, deep down, he doesn't want her to come to work.

  The Li family has plenty of money, and there is no shortage of her to earn it.

   But Gucci is her mother's painstaking efforts, he has no right to ask her to give up, the only thing he can do is to ensure that Gucci's perfume can be better and better in the market, so that she has no worries.

  He drove towards the Gucci Building.

  Shen Ning returned to the office with a heavy heart.

  Based on her intuition, she had a premonition that Zhu Qixiong had something serious, but she didn't know what happened to him, so she felt uneasy.

   "Secretary Yang, please clear out this month's financial newspaper for me." Sitting on the office chair, she called Secretary Yang.

  Secretary Yang agreed, and immediately delivered a pile of newspapers in fifteen minutes.

  Shen Ning picked it up and read it.

   After a while, she held a financial newspaper with an indescribably serious expression on her face.

   This is a newspaper from three days ago.

   "Zhu's Group is in a precarious situation, and has already auctioned off several properties to pay off debts."

  Although this is just a short message, not from the Zhu family, the following content does mention that Zhu Qixiong's villa is being auctioned, and there is a picture attached, which is exactly the same as what Shen Ning saw.

She put down the newspaper, feeling unspeakably uncomfortable. Later, there was another news, saying that the young master Zhu, the eldest son of the Zhu Group, is now in poverty. Someone once saw him eating cheap rice noodles at a street stall, and some even saw him Sleeping in the park, and attached a photo.

  The photo was just a side view, Shen Ning looked carefully, although he did look like Zhu Qixiong in appearance, but he was thinner, so it might not be him.

   All kinds of things can be said, but what is left for Shen Ning is not good news. Zhu Qixiong should be very difficult now.

  Shen Ning put down the newspaper, pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers, and slightly closed his eyes.

  There were footsteps coming in.

   "Ning Ning, what's wrong with you?" Li Zhenting came in and saw Shen Ning was exhausted and lost, as if he had suffered a major blow, he was taken aback, and immediately asked with concern.

   Could it be that something happened to Gu Qi? impossible! He's always there!

   Shen Ning froze, slowly raised his head, staring at him with icy eyes.

   "Ning Ning..." Li Zhenting looked into her eyes, feeling flustered.

  There are not only questioning, contempt, and anger in her eyes, but also disgust and disdain.

Although they didn't reconcile as before, and she was cold to him, they could get along peacefully during this period of time, at least they could have some common topics in taking care of the children, but now that Shen Ning looked at him like this, it was completely It is hostility.

  This change is sudden!

   "Ningning, what's wrong with you?"

   "Li Zhenting, let me ask you, didn't you tell me that you would not suppress the Zhu Group? Why have you been suppressing hard behind your back? Is it interesting to lie to me?" Shen Ning suddenly stood up and asked angrily.

   Li Zhenting was stunned.

"Li Zhenting, I told you a long time ago that Zhu Qixiong and I are just ordinary friends. We are nothing. Why are you suppressing the Zhu Group? Is it necessary? Tell you, what you do will only make me despise you and look down on you. You, your behavior is really disgusting." Shen Ning gritted his teeth and said every word.

   Li Zhenting's face turned black instantly, and his eyes turned cold.

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