Shen Ning drove the car all over the street looking for Zhu Qixiong.

  But after searching many places, there is still no trace!

  She sat in the car, thinking a lot.


   Castle Peak Castle!

  The place where he once helped her, in that luxury villa, did he go there?

She picked up her mobile phone and looked at it. It was already five o'clock in the afternoon, and the children were still waiting for her at home. Stop it, I can't go to Qingshan City today.

   But she didn't want to give up so quickly.

  So, he took out those financial newspapers again, and looked at the photos taken on them, one of which was a profile of him sleeping in a park.

  No matter what, if you can't find him, you would rather believe in him than miss the opportunity.

  She drove to a nearby park.

  Dalong Park.

   "Lan Lan, it's getting late, have you had enough fun?" Li Zhenting asked Lan Lan as he hugged her off the windmill.

   "Well, Daddy, I've had enough fun. I'm hungry. Take me to a big meal." Lan Lan rubbed her stomach with a smile. After playing like crazy for three hours, she was really hungry.

   "Okay." Li Zhenting took Lan Lan's hand and walked towards the exit.

   After a while, they got into the car, and Li Zhenting started the car. When the car drove out of the gate of the park, a Mercedes-Benz BMW commercial vehicle was driving in.

   Li Zhenting glanced casually, and suddenly felt that the car was a little familiar. When he turned around suddenly, the car had already driven in.

   When he stopped the car and wanted to look back, the horn sounded from behind, and the car stuck behind was urging.

  He had no choice but to drive the car out, but when he drove the car to an open area and looked back at the park gate and the inside of the gate, the BMW car had long since disappeared.

   "Daddy, I'm hungry, hurry up and eat some big prawns." Lan Lan urged beside her, rubbing her stomach.

   "Okay." He stepped on the accelerator, and the car headed towards the five-star hotel.

  In the car, Li Zhenting frowned slightly, feeling restless.

  The car just now looked like Gu Qi’s, so could it be Shen Ning who drove it?

  After arriving at the hotel, Li Zhenting ordered many delicious dishes that Lan Lan liked to eat, but his mind was still full of Shen Ning's face.

  This morning, the scene of their quarrel is vivid.

  'We have long been inappropriate, and I have no love for you, and now I only have disgust. '

  ‘Li Zhenting, you suppress Zhu Qixiong, I will not stand idly by, I will definitely help him until he stands up again, I will not be afraid of you. '


  Shen Ning's angry and ruthless words rang in his ears, making his head ache. He just wanted to wave his hand for the waiter to bring up the wine, but when he saw Lan Lan who was eating dinner happily, his hand fell down again.

  He can't drink too much, he has to send Lan Lan home.

  Shen Ning, Shen Ning, when will you understand my heart?

   Outside the hotel.

  Lan Feiyun hid outside the glass wall and looked at the big table full of sumptuous seafood dishes in the box, his stomach growling.

  After being released from prison, the three of them had no source of income and were poor.

   Now it is so difficult to eat a meal of meat, and the little money she has is also used by Shen Mei for plastic surgery.

  It has been more than a month since he was released from prison. Shen Deshun was stimulated in the prison and refused to go out to find something to do, and Shen Mei couldn't go out with gauze wrapped around her face.

  She went to find a few high-class wives she had made friends with before, but they didn't like her at all.

   In desperation, she had no choice but to rent out a few villas in the villa she lived in to barely maintain her life, but it was impossible to eat and drink and enjoy life.

   These days, she has been trying to find Lan Lan and get some money from Lan Lan, but Li Zhenting ordered that no one is allowed to take Lan Lan out, so she had to give up.

  Of course, Lan Feiyun hangs around outside Li's Castle almost every day, closely watching Li Zhenting's every move.

   Today Li Zhenting finally took Lan Lan out to play, and she followed immediately.

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