"Shen Ning, what did you do? Why did you come home so late? Don't you know that the children are going to be breastfed?" Shen Ning hurried home, and just as he got out of the car, he was caught by a strong arm. There was a man's deep questioning voice next to his ear, filled with dissatisfaction and disgust.

   "It's none of your business." As soon as Shen Ning raised his eyes, he met Li Zhenting's stern gaze, and pushed him away, "Let me go, who will allow you to touch me?"

   "Hey, I can't touch you, can someone else touch you?" Before she finished speaking, Li Zhenting turned to the front, and then pressed her against the car window, and his face was lifted by him.

  Shen Ning saw the gloomy and menacing face of the man.

   "Yes, anyone can do it except you." Shen Ning said angrily.

  If it wasn't for his unreasonable suppression, how could Zhu Qixiong be so miserable? Today she searched for Zhu Qixiong all afternoon but couldn't find him.

   "Okay, very good, let me ask you, did you go to see Zhu Qixiong this afternoon?" Li Zhenting's voice was terrifying, "Is Zhu Qixiong or our son and daughter important?"

  Shen Ning's eyes trembled. In the office this morning, his expression was also so ugly.

  This is the first time in recent months that he has seen such an almost angry emotion.

   "Let go of me, I'm going to feed the babies." Shen Ning didn't want to argue with him, and pushed him hard.

  But Li Zhenting held her down heavily: "Shen Ning, you care so much about Zhu Qixiong, do you fall in love with him?"

Shen Ning sneered: "Anyway, I don't love you, so who I love has nothing to do with you, and we don't have any relationship now, you don't have the right to question me, the children are crying, do you want them to cry longer? ?”

  Thinking of the starving children, Li Zhenting involuntarily let go of her.

   Shen Ning turned around and left.

Li Zhenting grabbed her again, with a gloomy expression on his face: "Shen Ning, tell you, don't challenge my bottom line, don't provoke me, I can do anything, and also, the relationship between Li's Group and Zhu's Group It's a matter between our two families, you don't need to get involved, and I can tell you that the suppression of Zhu's Group has nothing to do with Zhu Qixiong. I hope you can treat it rationally. Outsiders have no right to manage the matter."

"Li Zhenting, I also warn you, don't challenge my bottom line, if it wasn't for the child, you would never have appeared in front of me." Shen Ning was so angry that he shook off his hand and strode inside .

  In the bedroom, Li Wanqing and Aunt Dong breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Shen Ning.

  The two little babies were already blushing from crying.

   "Baby, I'm sorry, Mummy is late because of something, please drink milk." Shen Ning's milk was already very high, and she quickly fed the two babies.

  The two babies smelled the familiar scent of Mommy and had milk to drink again, and they stopped crying for a second.

  When Li Wanqing raised her eyes, she saw Li Zhenting standing lonely at the door with a gloomy expression on her face.

  She pulled him out.

   "Mom, you have time to persuade Shen Ning, let her not go to work, just stay at home and take care of the baby with peace of mind, our Li family does not lack this little money." Li Zhenting said dejectedly.

  Li Wanqing asked in shock: "Zhen Ting, it's been so long, has Shen Ning not forgiven you yet?"

   "No." Li Zhenting shook his head.

"You, you can't even conquer a woman. I really don't know how you messed up. If Shen Ning could listen to me, I would have told her a long time ago that our Li family has a big business, and we need a woman to take care of the family property. , not to mention that there are 5 children in the family, and the children need the care of mommy the most at this time." Li Wanqing sighed, "Zhen Ting, if you want Shen Ning to stay at home willingly and be a full-time wife, then go there by yourself. Tell her, let her fall in love with you again as soon as possible, and forgive you, as long as a woman has love, she can give everything, otherwise, it is useless."

  After Li Wanqing finished speaking, she finally said heavily: "Zhen Ting, I order you, you must take Shen Ning as soon as possible to make the family harmonious, otherwise, Shen Ning's heart will no longer belong to you."

   After finishing speaking, she glared at him and left.

   Li Zhenting stood against the wall, lit a cigarette, and smoked dully.

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