Dressed in a famous brand, the noble and eye-catching Xu Xiangzhi walked in slowly with a limited-edition handbag and high heels.

   "Madam Zhu." Lan Feiyun immediately stood up when he saw her, nodded and bowed, accompanied by a smiling face, very enthusiastic.

  Xu Xiangzhi glanced at the destitute Lan Feiyun, and smiled at the corner of her lips: "Mrs. Shen, what can you do with me?"

  Lan Feiyun's eyes fell on the shiny hardware of her bag, and she swallowed greedily.

  In the past, she also had such a bag, but now, she can't even afford an ordinary bag.

   "Madam Zhu, yes, of course there is something to do." Lan Feiyun smiled brightly.

   "What's the matter? Tell me, I'm still busy." Xu Xiangzhi sat down in front of her without putting down her bag, apparently not planning to sit for a long time.

   "Mrs. Zhu, I'm here today to help you." After taking another sip of coffee, Lan Feiyun spoke very calmly.

   "Help me?" Xu Xiangzhi snorted coldly, and gave her a disdainful look, "What can you do for me?"

   This woman is ruthless, she knows best, if she can take the initiative to find her today, there must be nothing good!

   It's nothing more than trying to gain benefits from her.

  She is not a fool, and she will not be allowed to succeed.

  Who knows, Lan Feiyun smiled confidently: "Madam Zhu, what bothers you recently?"

   Annoying thing?

  Xu Xiangzhi was stunned for a moment, if she wanted to talk about something that bothered her, it would of course be Zhu Qixiong.

   Zhu Qixiong and Wu Xueying's engagement ceremony, which was arranged by her, will be held soon, but since he left the table in anger that day, he has never been found again, as if he disappeared.

   Now Wu Xueying often calls to ask about Zhu Qixiong, but she can only be vague.

  Of course, it doesn't matter whether Zhu Qixiong marries Wu Xueying or not, but the highlight is that Zhu Dongjin asked the old lady for a 20 million bride price through this matter.

  After the 20 million is given to Wu Xueying, she will bring back 40 million. That is her goal.

  Forty million is a lot of money for her, and she is greedy and wants to take it to Singapore together.

   After this ordeal, the Zhu family no longer has any money, so she can leave with peace of mind.

  But all of this requires the cooperation of Zhu Qixiong, otherwise it will be easy to slip through!

  She squinted her eyes, looked at Lan Feiyun and said, "I'm rich and powerful, so what's bothering me? Do you think that if the Zhu Group is going to be disbanded, I will have embarrassment and troubles?"

   "No, really not." Lan Feiyun knew her very well, "That won't affect your wallet at all, the bad luck is just wishing your family."

   "What do you mean?" Xu Xiangzhi asked vigilantly with a cold face.

Lan Feiyun smiled: "Madam Zhu, come on, we are all people from the same road, and I know you best, so please don't pretend, people don't say dark words, just say what I have to say, now are you Can't find Zhu Qixiong?"

  Xu Xiangzhi's eyes were cold: "What do you want to do?"

   "Hey." Lan Feiyun smiled, "Mrs. Zhu, I heard that you have been planning to marry Zhu Qixiong and Wu Xueying."

   "Yes, Zhu Qixiong is the young master of our Zhu family, so I, as a mother, naturally have to care about him."

"Tch." However, before she finished speaking, Lan Feiyun sneered: "Mrs. Zhu, don't put a high hat on yourself. Everyone knows who you are. Zhu Qixiong was raped by you since he was a child." Who doesn't know what it's like, do you care about him so much, and it's not because of the Wu family's money."

   "Lan Feiyun, did you come here today to get smoked?" Xu Xiangzhi's face darkened, and there was a murderous look in her eyes.

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