Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1282: Li Zhenting's strength to protect his wife 9

reception hall.

  Wu Xueying stood in the middle of the hall nervously in a dress.

  For some reason, her eyelids always twitch inexplicably.

Yesterday, although she saw Zhu Qixiong sleeping on the bed, she didn't talk to him, and she didn't know if Zhu Qixiong would have any thoughts about his engagement with her. Subconsciously, she felt that Zhu Qixiong didn't love her and wasn't interested in her. Gao, she was worried that this engagement ceremony would be messed up.

  If this is the case, it would be too embarrassing!

  The Wu family is a big family and they want to save face. Her father, Wu Shouxin, specially invited a lot of media reporters to show his importance to his daughter. The scene was very grand.

   After a while, she saw Zhu Qixiong, a handsome man, walking towards her energetically under the leadership of Miss Master of Ceremonies, with a smile on his face, gentle and elegant, very gentlemanly.

  Her heart was relieved at once, and a look of joy appeared on her face.

   It turned out that Zhu Qixiong was willing to get engaged to her, because he loved her.

  She loves Zhu Qixiong so much, it's so wonderful that he can treat her like this!

   "Qixiong." She held up the hem of her dress and greeted her.

"Qixiong, this is my friend Xiaoying, go and say hello to her, she is my best friend, you have to accompany her, cooperate with her, and take good care of her, she is happy, we Only then will you be happy, and in this way, I will reward you well tonight." Shen Mei immediately whispered to Zhu Qixiong.

   "Okay, don't worry, I will take good care of your friend." Zhu Qixiong promised, and immediately greeted her with a smile on his face: "Xiaoying, you are here."

  Wu Xueying was immediately elated.

  Zhu Qixiong was so close to her, she was so happy, a shy blush appeared on her face.

   "Xiaoying, are you thirsty?" Zhu Qixiong asked graciously, and actually brought her a cup of purple grape drink himself, "Have a drink."

   "Okay, thank you." Wu Xueying took the drink and glanced at him affectionately.

  Zhu Qixiong smiled politely at her.

Xu Xiangzhi was in a nervous mood at first, worried that Zhu Qixiong would do something bad, but when she saw him being polite and communicating with Wu Xueying intimately, she felt relieved and sighed inwardly that Lan Feiyun was capable. To be subdued by her obediently, I have to admire her methods.

Next, in order to make Shen Ning happy, Zhu Qixiong, who was already in a daze, was taken by Shen Mei like a puppet to meet the elders of the Wu family, and to worship the ancestral hall with Wu Xueying...they all cooperated very well, and there was nothing wrong with the whole engagement banquet. Good place, everything looks normal.


   Li's Castle.

   When it was time for dinner, Shen Ning didn't go out to eat.

   Fortunately, Ke Ke and Ding Ding are relatively strong, and they are the grandsons of the Li family, so no one dares to bully them easily.

   During the next period of time, Shen Ning was going to take Xiaoxiao by his side and protect her personally.

   "Where is Ning Ning, why didn't you come out for dinner?" Li Wanqing asked without seeing Shen Ning during the meal.

  The people next to her shook their heads, wondering where she had gone.

Li Wanqing thought, she should have finished eating. Today, she had some family affairs at Li's Castle. She went back and didn't know what happened here, and Shen Ning was quite used to staying here for a few days. I can't think of anything else.

  After dinner, the old lady came to her, and she went to see the old lady.

   At around eight o'clock in the evening, Xiaoxiao woke up.

   "Mommy." Sitting on the bed, Xiaoxiao was exhausted, her eyes were a little swollen from crying, she sat there in a group with her head down, looking pitiful.

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