Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1298: Li Zhenting's strength to protect his wife 25

"Grandpa, don't worry, with my supervision, Ning Ning will definitely be able to learn well." Li Zhenting also echoed at the side, smiling mischievously: "Grandpa, you are so partial, you don't leave such a good book for me to study, but you actually gave it to Ning Ning Ning, I really want to learn."

"You, if you want to learn, go ask Ningning for advice." Old Master Li scolded, "Ningning is more capable than you, and her mood is stable. She will definitely learn better than you. Why don't you just ask her humbly, Grandpa This is whether it is possible to pass on the virtuous or not to pass on the relatives."

   "Okay." Li Zhenting hugged Shen Ning into his arms, and kissed her little face lovingly, "Honey, you have to teach me well in the future, I'm proud of you."

  Shen Ning smiled, and pushed his face away: "Don't be shy, let grandpa see the joke."

   "Haha." Seeing the intimacy and love between Li Zhenting and Shen Ning, old man Li was very happy, and laughed.


   "Cough, cough." At this time, Mr. Li coughed violently after laughing, and his body shrank into a ball.

  Li Zhenting panicked, and quickly hugged the old man to the bed, and went to call the doctor again. The room was busy for a while.

   It wasn't until the old man calmed down that Shen Ning took the children back to his bedroom.

  In the afternoon, rumors spread from the Li family's old house that Mr. Li had handed over the family fortune to Shen Ning, and some said that Mr. Li had appointed Shen Ning as the mistress of the Li family, and no one else was competent.

  The news made Rao Yajing very nervous, and Liang Ruqi was even more suspicious. She was very dissatisfied and hated that Mr. Li was too partial.

  Shen Ning was even more depressed staying in Li's old house.

  In the past, Li Wanqing was very considerate of herself and defended herself everywhere, but now even she treats her as if she were far away from her. Most of the servants at home are useless. Shen Ning doesn't have a deep relationship with them, and they are often bought by Rao Yajing.

   Therefore, in the entire Li family's old house, except for the old man and the old lady, most people are indifferent and alienated from her, and do not agree with her.

  She is very uncomfortable, but the old man is so kind to her, I can't expect him to leave early, I can only bear it!

   Fortunately, there are five children who accompany her every day, which makes her feel that all the pain in life is worth it.

   However, things in the world are always unpredictable.

  This afternoon, Shen Ning finally called Zhang Xiaoxian.

   Zhang Xiaoxian's voice was very noisy!

   "Xiaoxian." Shen Ning said excitedly, "I finally found you. It's been so long, and you didn't come to me."

"Sister." Zhang Xiaoxian was also very happy to hear Shen Ning's voice, "I'm sorry, I've been busy all this time, I have called you, but your phone is turned off, I was thinking of you taking the babies I was afraid that I would keep making calls to make the babies go to sleep, so I didn’t dare to make more calls. Aunt Dong said that day that you had gone to the Li family, and it would be even worse to find you again.”

   "This is not a reason." Shen Ning persisted, "You must have forgotten me."

  She spoke seriously on purpose.

   But thinking about it, although she has to take care of her parents, she is much more relaxed than when she was in Yuan County, Licheng. She hasn't contacted her for so long. She thinks she should really talk about her!

   "Sister, this is really not the case. I, I have found two jobs, and I am busy at work every day." Zhang Xiaoxian can only tell the truth.

"What job are you looking for?" Shen Ning had heard that she was at work a long time ago. At that time, she thought she was short of money. After paying the medical expenses for her parents, she didn't expect that she was still working, and she came with two copies. I'm a little curious.

   "Sister, I work as a clerk in one company and a part-time job in another company." Zhang Xiaoxian couldn't tell Shen Ning that she was actually working as a temporary worker in another bar, and only said that she was doing part-time work.

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