"Shanshan, I believe you. You should go wash up and rest first. There will be guests at home tomorrow, and you will be very busy and tired." Shen Ning pushed Li Zhenting away and walked outside.

"Ning Ning, don't leave, let's go take a shower together." Li Zhenting followed and whispered in her ear, his tone warm and intimate.

 But at this moment, Shen Ning was so noisy inside that she was in no mood to pay attention to him.

“Shanshan, please ask the driver to take me back to my old house.”


"Because our wedding is about to start tomorrow, when have you ever seen the bride staying at the groom's house before she got married?" Shen Ning asked.

“Oh, I forgot about this.” Li Zhenting patted his head and smiled, “Then let’s go back to my grandparents’ place together.”

 “What did you do in the past?”

“I miss Xixi and Beibei, and I also want to visit my grandparents and make arrangements for tomorrow.” He replied casually.

"But there are guests coming early tomorrow morning. Do you want to come back early in the morning?"

"Of course." Li Zhenting answered simply. In fact, he didn't want to be separated from Shen Ning for a while.

 “That’s so hard.” Shen Ning complained.

 “As long as I’m with you, no matter how hard it is, it’s worth it.” His mouth felt like it was coated with honey.


Shen Ning said this, but it was very helpful in her heart.

 After all, which woman doesn’t want the man she loves to be with her all day long?

 The two of them went downstairs and walked outside intimately.

 Back at the Li family's old house, Xixi and Beibei were crying and fussing.

Shen Ning and Li Zhenting are both busy with weddings these days. The two little guys have been left out and are in a mood.

 Seeing the children, Shen Ning's heart felt warm, and she hurriedly ran to comfort the children. The family affection made her forget everything, even Lan Lan, and she was immersed in the joy of their family's upcoming reunion.

Liang Ruqi stood in the darkness upstairs of her home, holding a telescope.

She could see every move Li Zhenting made as he and Shen Ning walked hand in hand from the car and entered the old man's villa intimately.

 Looking at the sweet love between their husband and wife, and thinking that his daughter-in-law is still in prison, and that his son and grandson lose their temper at home every day because of the lack of a wife and mother, I can't help but feel angry.

 She put down the telescope and called Lan Feiyun.

 The next day.

Li's Castle began to receive guests one after another.

Li Jiaojiao received a call from Li Zhenting early in the morning, asking her to be responsible for the daily life of the four children these days, ensuring their safety and taking good care of them.

Moreover, at tomorrow’s wedding, Keke, Dingding and Xiaoxiao will have to be the flower girls for them.

Li Zhenting has already said that as long as she completes this task and ensures that the children make no mistakes, he will give her a reward of one million yuan.

Li Jiaojiao's eyes lit up and she immediately agreed. However, she asked that two bodyguards be sent to follow her.

Li Zhenting thought about the crowd and the clutter, and was worried about the safety of the children, so he agreed.

Li Jiaojiao has been itching since she escaped from Li's Castle yesterday morning. She has always wanted to go back to Li's house, but she was afraid of Ji Qingshan's revenge, so she didn't dare to come.

Now, with two Baobiao following her, she was not afraid of anything and drove straight towards Li's Castle.

In the Li family castle, many guests have started to arrive early in the morning. Of course, the most frequent guests are the immediate family members of the Li family.

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