"Mom, what's going on?" Shen Mei answered the phone. The call was from Lan Feiyun.

“Meimei, things are bad, Li Zhenting drank that glass of wine tonight.”

"What kind of wine?" Shen Mei asked puzzledly.

"You are stupid. It was the glass of wine that made Shen Ning sleep, but instead of drinking it, Li Zhenting drank it."

Shen Mei was stunned for a moment, and most of the passion in her body had subsided.

"Mom, what are you doing? Li Zhenting drank it and he slept like a muddy mess. How could I have a wedding night with him?" She was furious.

“Hey, Meimei, I didn’t expect Liang Ruqi to be so incompetent in doing things. I originally asked Shen Ning to drink it, but Li Zhenting felt so sorry for Shen Ning that he rushed to help her drink it.”

"what should I do then?"

 “We can only wait until tomorrow night.”

“But how can I stay in Lanlan’s room until tomorrow night?”

 “Hey, you can only sneak out first and then go in tomorrow.”

“Damn it, this guy named Liang is really a loser. He can’t do anything well.” Shen Mei gritted her teeth with hatred and cursed, “Okay, I’ll take care of it.”

 She hung up the phone and looked at the crown just hidden under the mattress, her eyes rolling.

It would be okay if I could take this crown out tonight, it's worth tens of millions.

 In the wedding room.

As soon as Shen Ning helped Li Zhenting in, he fell down on the bed and had no reaction.

"Shanshan, Shanshan." Shen Ning looked at it and became anxious. What was going on? She hurriedly climbed up and patted his face, but Li Zhenting remained motionless. She panicked and quickly put her finger on his Under the nose, fortunately, I can breathe out evenly.

 Turns out he was just asleep!

Shen Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

 It must be because he drank too much.

She shook her head and adjusted Li Zhenting's sleeping position. Then she fetched hot water and began to wipe his face and body. After working for a long time, she tidied him up and covered him with a quilt. The lights downstairs were bright and the guests were still enjoying themselves.

Shen Ning yawned, lay down next to Li Zhenting, and fell asleep unconsciously.

 This way.

 After Zhang Xiaoxian helped Li Jiaojiao into the guest room to rest, she and Aunt Dong took Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao upstairs, took them to wash up, and put them to sleep.

 In the end, because I didn’t see Lan Lan, I was worried and had to look for her again.

"Lan Lan." Not long after, she saw a little girl holding a woman's hand walking outside. She took a closer look and saw that the little girl was Lan Lan, so she hurriedly chased after her.

 After eating and drinking, Shen Mei finally decided to go out tonight, take the crown away, and sneak in again tomorrow night.

So she asked Lan Lan to take her outside.

 Originally, no one would notice them if Lanlan was around.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaoxian caught up with him.

“Lanlan, it’s so late, and you’re not sleeping yet, where are you going?”

 Lan Lan was a little flustered when she saw Zhang Xiaoxian.

 Shen Mei winked at her hurriedly.

“Bah, country bumpkin, who wants you to take care of me? I can do whatever I want.” Lan Lan angrily pouted at Zhang Xiaoxian and cursed loudly.

 Zhang Xiaoxian was a little angry when she heard this. This little girl was really domineering and willful. However, she was only five or six years old, so she would not argue with her. She just looked at the woman holding her hand.

This woman looks to be in her twenties, wearing a large mask, and her eyes are covered by a pair of sunglasses, making it impossible to see her face clearly.

"I am Lan Lan's aunt. I will take her to meet her elders and let her come back to rest soon." Shen Mei said calmly.

"Oh, well, please take good care of Lan Lan." Zhang Xiaoxian knew nothing about the relatives in the Li family. Since it was the elders of the Li family who took her, what else could she pursue? He stopped asking questions and turned around to go upstairs.

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