"Young lady, the young master asked me to bring it to you to try to see if it fits you. The master is down there and can make changes at any time." Sister Wang said very politely.

Ever since she found out that the original Shen Ning was Shen Mei pretending to be, she was happy and sad at the same time. The sad thing was that Shen Ning was tricked by a villain again and suffered a lot. The happy thing was that Shen Ning was still the kind and gentle young lady she was before. She didn't Change.

 “Okay.” Shen Ning picked up the down jacket and started to put it on.

"Young lady, it looks so beautiful." After a while, Shen Ning put it on, and Sister Wang looked at her, very surprised.

 Even a black mourning dress looks so noble and gorgeous on her body.

The black soft fabric hangs smoothly and delicately from the top to the heels. The hat on her head has a circle of white fox fur. When draped over her shoulders, she looks elegant and fashionable. The waist is tight, highlighting her graceful figure. The cuffs The silver cufflinks sparkle, adding a bit of mystery and elegance.

Although it is a black series, because Shen Ning’s skin is like snow, it looks more noble when worn on her body.

"It's not bad, it fits well." At this moment, a figure walked in from outside, and with a gentle voice of praise, Li Zhenting's figure appeared in the room.

“Mr. Li, my wife is born to be a clothes hanger. Her clothes fit her very well and look very noble and beautiful when she wears them.” Sister Wang immediately complimented Li Zhenting sincerely when she saw her.

"Yeah." Li Zhenting nodded slightly, "Then you go down and let the tailor go. There is no need to change it."

 “Okay,” Sister Wang turned and left.

"Where's yours? Don't you need to try it?" Shen Ning looked at him and asked.

Li Zhenting’s lips curled up: “As long as you look good, it’s fine. My suits are all the same size. You can try them on or not.”

Shen Ning replied: "Grandpa's funeral, it's too late to grieve, who cares whether it looks good or not, as long as it fits well and is comfortable."

"No, what you should pay attention to is what you have to do. No matter it is a wedding or a banquet, a wealthy family must be responsible for the appearance. You are my Li Zhenting's woman. From tomorrow on, you must stay with me to receive guests from the Imperial Capital. Most of the media will be present. Tomorrow you have to put on some light makeup and pay attention to your appearance. My woman, Li Zhenting, must be the most luxurious and elegant at all times." Li Zhenting hugged her waist and spoke softly.

Shen Ning was speechless after hearing this and just urged him to put on a black suit and take a look. Li Zhenting put it on.

 If it is true to what he said, the black suit was tailor-made by him, it is almost a perfect match, and it naturally fits extremely well.

"Zhen Ting, won't you feel cold if you wear so little clothes?" Shen Ning asked with concern when he saw that Li Zhenting's muscular body was only wearing a thicker bottoming shirt.

Li Zhenting raised his eyes and saw the concern in Shen Ning's eyes, and the corners of his lips raised slightly.

"Not bad, I know I feel sorry for my husband." Li Zhenting touched her little nose and took out a black down vest, "It's enough. Wearing it will make you sweat, but I want to Walking back and forth, you have to work.”

Shen Ning blushed and touched the vest. It was quite thick. It should be fine to wear under it. Li Zhenting was already strong, not afraid of the cold, had enough energy and blood, and his hands and feet were usually warm.

At this time, Butler Luo called and said it was time for dinner.

"Let's go downstairs." So Li Zhenting took Shen Ning's hand and the two of them walked downstairs.

 Long dining tables fill the restaurant.

When Li Zhenting took Shen Ning down, the seats were already full of people, all waiting for them to come and have dinner.

Li Zhenting took Shen Ning and sat down at the main seat. After Li Jinyao said some things that needed to be paid attention to in the past few days, everyone started to eat dinner.

 Supper was quiet.

Everyone was eating without saying anything. The death of Mr. Li was a heavy blow to the Li family. After all, no one in the Li family disrespected him.

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