
Li Jinyao and his wife, Li Zhenting and Shen Ning, and several other couples were waiting for the celebrities and businessmen from the imperial capital who came to pay their respects.

Journalists from various news media carried long guns and short guns, and the lineup was solemn and solemn.

 Everyone's face was filled with sorrow and sorrow.

Li Zhenting held Shen Ning's hand tightly and greeted his senior friends, dignitaries and businessmen from time to time. Shen Ning stayed by his side quietly, and the scene was orderly.

Liang Ruqi stood in the hall, looking at Li Jinyao, Li Zhenting, Li Wanqing, and Shen Ning who were arriving at the main scene outside, and her teeth itched with hatred.

Since marrying into the Li family, she imagined that she would take charge of the Li family's affairs and become the mistress of the family, but Li Wanqing stole her limelight. Later, she wanted to train her daughter-in-law Rao Yajing to be the hostess, but Rao Yajing went to prison. Here, the limelight was stolen by Shen Ning again.

She has nothing now. Even her husband Li Jinchang is Mr. Li's son, but now he doesn't even have the chance to stand at the door to greet guests because Li Jinchang didn't develop according to the old man's requirements and didn't make a name for himself. He left Mr. Li to His family fortune was all in loss. Fortunately, Liang Ruqi's family had some assets, so they could barely keep their appearance.

 But her son Li Zhenhuan was addicted to gambling, and after Rao Yajing was imprisoned, he did not even return home.

  At the beginning, when Rao Yajing gave birth to three sons in a row and was chosen by the old man to take charge of the family instead of Shen Ning, she didn't know how happy she was, thinking that their relationship had finally turned around. However, after Shen Ning returned, her hopes sank again.

But now, Shen Ning didn't take her seriously at all. Last night, there were so many lists of items in every room, except for her room. She had already investigated it, and it was not missing at all, but simply missing. Not given to her.

 This is simply outright discrimination!

 Her eyes were filled with anger.

“Sister-in-law, Zhenhuan hasn’t come back yet?” During the midfield, when Gong Miaoying from the third room came in to drink water, he saw her standing lonely in the lobby. She looked enthusiastic on the surface, but in fact she was sarcastically mocking her.

Who doesn’t know that her son is addicted to gambling? Now that the old man has died and he doesn’t come to attend the funeral, isn’t it embarrassing?

In the past, Liang Ruqi relied on her family's wealth and status to not take Gong Miaoying seriously and would ridicule her from time to time. Now, Gong Miaoying's situation is much higher than hers. At least, Shen Ning respects her very much, so she can vent her anger. .

"Don't be too proud. The Li family will always belong to Li Zhenting. You won't get much good." She shook her head and left.

Gong Miaoyin sneered.

Such a vicious and scheming woman is no different from having her family destroyed. I'm afraid she hasn't even begun to repay the evil she has done.

She didn't bother to pay attention to her, so she took the water and drank it.

"Ning Ning, let's go and have a rest first." A morning passed and many guests had been received. Li Zhenting was worried that Shen Ning couldn't bear it, so he took her hand into the lounge and asked her to sit and rest.

Shen Ning had just woken up from illness and was weak. She had been standing all morning and her legs were weak. She drank some water while sitting and rested.

Li Zhenting used a tissue to wipe her sweat. Not long after, his phone rang.

"Ning Ning, you sit here and rest for now. Someone is looking for you outside. I'll go out first." After a while, he put down the phone and told Shen Ning a few words before striding out.

After Li Zhenting left, Shen Ning sat on the sofa for a long time before she regained her composure.

There were still various people coming in to pay their respects outside. She couldn't rest for too long, so she stood up and walked outside.

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