At this time, Liang Ruqi took Xiao Shitou's hand and came back in disgrace. Xiao Shitou cried so hard that the servants who followed her had expressions of disdain on their faces.

"How is it? What did the old lady say?" Li Wanqing met her eyes and asked coldly.

"You are cruel." Liang Ruqi gritted her teeth, "Xiao Shitou, let's go. If we are not allowed to stay here, we will not stay here. We will not care about it and let them occupy it. However, if you dare to cancel all the dividends of Xiao Shitou, then we As far as the court is concerned, Xiao Shitou is also the great-grandson of the old man, and we are also our father’s sons, why should we be deprived of our rights by you?”

 She held Xiao Shitou's hand and walked out toward the side door menacingly.

"You deserve it." The nanny spat fiercely from behind and said to Li Wanqing: "Madam, you don't know. Just now she went to the old lady to complain in tears, but the old lady didn't even see her. Ask someone to send a message to her not to be troublesome, everything will be at your discretion, and let the old man leave in peace first."

Li Wanqing nodded after hearing this.

 Although the old lady is old, she has a clear mind.

She has known for a long time what Liang Ruqi did to Shen Ning, and she has always been dissatisfied with their room. Whenever Liang Ruqi comes to her, it must be up to no good. She will not cause trouble for herself, and From now on, the entire Li family will have to rely on Li Zhenting to support themselves. Can she offend them?

 Besides, the old man is dead and Li Zhenhuan is nowhere to be seen. How can she have no idea?

Here, as soon as Liang Ruqi walked out of the Li family's old house, she received a call from Li Zhenhuan.

 He was screaming for help over there.

Liang Ruqi was startled and asked what was going on.

Li Zhenhuan explained the situation in full, howling and crying.

It turns out that Li Zhenhuan was in the casino last night. He had lost all his money and borrowed a lot of loan sharks. Now that he couldn't get the money back, the gang had detained him. If he couldn't pay back the money, he would have both of his hands stolen. legs, and sent him to northern Burma to stretch his waist.

 He was frightened and called Liang Ruqi urgently for help.

Liang Ruqi's vision went dark, and she stumbled and fell down in shock, anger and fright.

How can the family still have so much money now? Even if he had, the wealth of money at home would not be enough for him to lose.

 “Grandma.” Little Shitou cried loudly in fright.

Liang Ruqi got up after a long time and stumbled back holding the small stone.

 In the restaurant.

"Jiaojiao." Li Jiaojiao has been busy helping Li Wanqing all day. It was not until this time that she sat down at the dining table. She just sat down. Professor Davell came over. As soon as he saw her, he immediately sat down with her. next to.

"Professor Davell, are you used to it?" Li Jiaojiao asked with concern, "There are so many people here and it's not that clean."

"It's not bad." Professor Davell smiled, his mouth as sweet as honey: "Jiaojiao, wherever you are, it is extraordinarily fragrant and beautiful. I think this is the most beautiful place I have ever stayed in."


Li Jiaojiao's face turned red.

 At this time

Over there, Ji Qingshan was walking over with Chen Yingyuan.

Li Jiaojiao’s eyes narrowed and her face darkened.

She glanced at them coldly, just as Ji Qingshan also looked at her.

The two people’s eyes actually met.

Ji Qingshan glanced at Professor Davell next to her, an unfathomable wave flashed in her eyes, and then became calm.

Li Jiaojiao also looked at Chen Yingying next to him.

Chen Yueying is quiet and elegant, elegant and generous in manners, and very outstanding.

Li Jiaojiao felt a knot in her heart.

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