In a luxurious box.

 A large table full of sumptuous meals.

Shen Mei was so hungry that her chest pressed against her back. When she was in the beauty salon, she had already asked the manager to bring her some snacks to eat. Now that she saw the table full of delicious dishes, she couldn't control herself anymore. Yes, pick up the chopsticks and eat.

 It’s good to be able to fill your stomach during this period of time in the bureau, which can only be found in dreams.

"Don't be anxious, eat slowly." Lin Shoyu ate very little. Seeing his sister devouring the food, he hurriedly reminded him, for fear that her gastrointestinal condition would not work.

 “Okay, um.” Shen Mei agreed while eating.

 Two hours later.

Shen Mei was finally full, drinking digestion tea and sitting leisurely.

"Meimei, you have a good night's rest in the hotel tonight. We will return to the United States tomorrow. I will call and ask the private plane to pick us up tomorrow morning." Lin Shoyu said after seeing that she had finished eating, and took out the phone. I'll call a private jet when I get there.

"Brother, no." Shen Mei was stunned for a moment, then immediately grabbed Lin Shouyu's arm.

 “Why?” Lin Shoyu looked at her puzzled.

“Brother, can you go back later?” Shen Mei looked at him and begged.

 “Don’t you want to go back to Lin’s house early?” Lin Shoyu asked back.

"Brother, I think so, but before I go home I have to go to Li's house." Shen Mei replied.

Lin Shoyu's face darkened: "What are you doing there? Don't you know that Mr. and Mrs. Li Zhenting have great opinions on you?"

"I know, but I can't help it." Shen Mei squeezed out a few tears.

 “What do you mean there is no way?” Lin Shoyu was even more puzzled. "Brother, you should know that Lanlan is my daughter. If I leave like this, what will happen to Lanlan?" She was crying, looking particularly miserable and helpless.

Lin Shoyu felt moved when he heard this. What she said made sense.

How could a woman who loves her children be so bad?

"But Lanlan is also Li Zhenting's daughter, and he will not treat his child badly." He comforted her.

"That said, as the saying goes, you would rather follow a beggar mother than an official father. Li Zhenting is now focused on Shen Ning and the children she gave birth to. Shen Ning gave birth to five children for him. How could he care about Lan Lan's life and death? What's more, that woman Shen Ning is vicious and treats Lan Lan very badly. If I leave and leave Lan Lan alone, Lan Lan will have a miserable life in the Li family. If I live a life that is worse than a pig or a dog, how can I, as a mother, feel at ease?" Shen Mei said and started crying again.

Lin Shouyu frowned slightly: "Then what do you want? Do you want to ask for Lan Lan's custody rights?"

"No." Shen Mei shook her head immediately, "I can't come over. I am living a life of no whereabouts, poverty and powerlessness. Lan Lan will only suffer a lot if she follows me. If she stays in the Li family, who will be the Li family's wife?" She still has a share of the property, so she won't be as poor as me. Therefore, I want her to stay at the Li family. However, I miss her too much and want to see her. I need to say goodbye to her first and put this matter aside. Talk to her and ask for her opinion so that she can stay in the Li family with peace of mind."

Lin Shoyu heard what he said and felt it was right.

Although the Lin family will accept her, it is still unknown whether she can live in the Lin family in the future and how her life will be. After all, the Lin family still has her aunt and her children, and Shen Mei's reputation is not very good. Even with him Taking care of my dad, there are bound to be some oversights.

If you want to take Lan Lan there, it's not too late to take her there now. Instead, you should wait for Shen Mei to settle down first.

Besides, Li Zhenting may not be willing to let Lan Lan go. After all, she is his daughter, and I'm afraid she will have to file a lawsuit!

"Okay, then I will accompany you to the Li family to visit Lan Lan tomorrow. Then you can comfort Lan Lan and let her stay at the Li family with peace of mind. When the time is right, we can take her to the United States." He nodded in agreement.

“Brother, thank you so much.” Shen Mei smiled happily after hearing this.

Lin Shoyu smiled, touched her head and said lovingly: "Go to the guest room to sleep first, have a good night's rest, and we will go to Li's house tomorrow."

  "Yes." Shen Mei agreed and happily went to the guest room to sleep.

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