"Zhen Ting, I really came to visit Lan Lan. Please let me see my daughter. I don't trust her. Originally, my brother wanted to take me out of the imperial capital, but I couldn't bear to leave my daughter and wanted to come and see her. ." Shen Mei looked at Li Zhenting with sad eyes, feeling so pitiful.

Li Zhenting has long understood the nature of this woman. After all these years, how could she really care about Lan Lan? But when a mother came up with an excuse to visit her daughter, he really had no reason to stop her.

"Zhen Ting, please invite them in." When Li Zhenting was in a dilemma, Shen Ning spoke calmly from the side.

"Ning Ning..." Li Zhenting looked at her with guilt in his eyes.

Shen Ning shook her head at him and said to Lin Shouyu and Shen Mei: "Mr. Lin, Miss Shen, please come in, Lan Lan is inside."

"Okay, thank you." Lin Shoyu glanced at Shen Ning gratefully and walked home with Shen Mei.

If Li Zhenting insists on driving them away, he has nothing to do. After all, this is the front door of the Li family. Then he can only meet Li Zhenting in court. But Shen Mei is unwilling to go to court, and it also takes time and energy. It is not his hopefully.

Shen Mei's heart was pounding. The Shen Ning in front of her seemed to have changed a lot and became unpredictable, which made her feel a little uneasy.

"Ning Ning, why did you let her in?" Seeing Lin Shoyu leading Shen Mei in, Li Zhenting looked at Shen Ning in confusion.

Shen Ning said calmly: "Mr. Lin is right. The law does not stipulate that a mother cannot come to visit her daughter. We have no reason to stop it. Moreover, today is the old man's funeral. If they are not allowed in, it will be based on Shen Mei's character. There will definitely be a big fuss here today. Firstly, it will be disrespectful to the old man, and secondly, it will become a joke. After all, the news media are here today."

"Yeah." Li Zhenting nodded and said guiltily, "I have wronged you just like this."

 “I’m not wronged.” Shen Ning’s eyes were cold and she pursed her lips.

Shen Mei, this woman, is definitely not just here to visit Lan Lan. She will definitely make other moves. If she doesn’t make a move, she won’t die. She is worried that she won’t have a chance to take revenge. Just come!

"Ning Ning, I'm so sorry." Li Zhenting held her hand and letting Shen Mei give birth to Lan Lan became the biggest pain in his life, and it also made him feel even more ashamed of Shen Ning.

Shen Ning said calmly: "We'd better let the mourning guests enter the mourning hall through the door over there. This place and the living room will be sealed off."


Li Zhenting agreed and immediately asked the security guards to block the hall and the main entrance, and they moved to a side door.

With Lin Shouyu's support, Shen Mei strutted into the living room.

"Young mistress." Sister Wang was doing some cleaning in the living room. When she saw Shen Mei come in, she immediately came forward to say hello politely.

"I am not your young mistress, I am Shen Mei." Shen Mei corrected her arrogantly.

 Sister Wang was shocked.

The face in front of her that was exactly the same as Shen Ning's, but under her careful inspection, it was really a little different.

Shen Ning's face is on the thin side, only as big as a palm, but this face is much bigger, and although she wears heavy makeup on her face, it can't hide the scars on it, especially the bridge of her nose is a bit crooked.

 An imitation is always an imitation, you can find it if you look carefully!

I didn’t dare to think about it before, but now that I know it happens, it’s not difficult to find out.

 “Where is Lan Lan?” Shen Mei looked around, looking very urgent. People who didn’t know her would not know how much she loved her daughter when they looked at her like this.

"Lanlan, she..." Sister Wang didn't know what to say for a moment. The day before yesterday, after Lanlan assassinated Xiaoxiao, she was punished by Li Zhenting to write a reflection for three days in a row. Now she is writing a reflection in the study.

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