"Lan Lan, call me uncle." After a while, Shen Mei came down holding Lan Lan's hand. They stood in front of Lin Shoyu. Shen Mei immediately asked Lan Lan to call her uncle.

“Uncle.” Lan Lan called sweetly.

 “Yeah.” Lin Shouyu responded and looked towards Lan Lan.

The little girl was chubby. Although her clothes were expensive, they were a little fluffy and dirty. Her face was covered with snot and tears, her eyes seemed to be swollen from crying, and her nose was red. She looked like she had been bullied.

He was taken aback and asked: "Lan Lan, what's wrong? Are you crying?"

Hearing this, Lan Lan burst into tears.

“Uncle, Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao bullied me, and Daddy punished me to write a reflection for three days, otherwise, I won’t be given food to eat.” Lan Lan replied while sobbing, that look was really miserable.

Lin Shouyu's face darkened.

"Quick, stop crying, dry your tears." He took out a tissue and wiped the tears from her face.

"Brother, look at her like this, how could I bear to leave her in the Li family? Fortunately, I got to see her." Shen Mei also squeezed out tears, looking heartbroken.

"Then what are you prepared for? Tell me and I will help you." Lin Shoyu asked after being silent for a while.

Li Zhenting's bad attitude towards Shen Mei was witnessed by him with his own eyes.

"Brother, I don't know what to do now? After all, Lan Lan has been staying at Li's house, and I can't take her away for the time being. How about this, I'll stay here for a few days to accompany Lan Lan, okay?" Mei thought for a moment and then reluctantly retreated.

 “Stay here?” Lin Shouyu frowned.

Aren’t you tired of staying here?

 She is obviously not welcome here!

"Yes, wherever Lanlan is, I will be there too." Shen Mei lowered her head, "For Lanlan, I am willing to endure any hardship."

 “Okay.” Lin Shoyu agreed reluctantly.

He was worried about letting Shen Mei stay here alone. Fortunately, it was still the old man's funeral these days. He could also take this opportunity to stay here with Shen Mei. If he could take Lan Lan to the hotel, the old man's funeral was still being held. Well, Lan Lan is a little great-granddaughter, how can she be taken away?

"Thank you, brother." Shen Mei said gratefully and winked at Lan Lan, who immediately said sweetly: "Thank you, uncle."

 “It’s okay.” Lin Shoyu shook his head.

Downstairs, Li Jiaojiao was busy for most of the day and walked upstairs. As soon as I came upstairs, I met a person.

She looked up and immediately smiled: "Cousin, I'm so hungry because I'm so busy. Where do you put the Swiss egg roll that my cousin bought you?"

Shen Mei narrowed her eyes, **** Li Jiaojiao, if it hadn't been for her last time, how could she have been exposed so quickly. Now that she was so close to Shen Ning, it made her even more jealous.

"No, I've already eaten it." She said expressionlessly and pushed her, "Stay away, a good dog won't block the way."

Li Jiaojiao was pushed back several steps and hit the wall. She was so shocked that she could not speak.

 When did Shen Ning treat her so badly?

 What did she do wrong?

"Hey, cousin..." When she was about to speak, Shen Mei glared at her and walked downstairs.

Li Jiaojiao stood stunned!

Has she offended her cousin-in-law with something? Why is this happening?

 After a while, she went downstairs gloomily.

As soon as he came downstairs, he saw Li Zhenting walking out of the mourning hall holding Shen Ning's hand.

 For a moment, she was surprised.

Hum, isn’t it? Wasn’t my cousin wearing a down red coat and a winter velvet skirt just now? Why is it now a white mink and black dress?

 Just changed clothes in an instant? How can this be!


 She realized that this was the real Shen Ning.

 The one upstairs is not the same at all, it just looks a bit like it.

Who is that woman?

Other than Shen Mei, she really didn't know any woman who looked so similar to her cousin-in-law, but Shen Mei was in prison now.

"Cousin, I just saw a woman who looks very similar to you. I mistakenly thought she was my cousin. Who is she?" Li Jiaojiao asked Shen Ning strangely.

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