Shen Ning looked at him puzzled, very worried that Xiaoxiao would be hurt by Lan Lan.

“Don’t worry, Xiaoxiao can beat Lanlan, she is just too kind, let her train her.” Li Zhenting whispered in her ear.

 Shen Ning calmed down.

At this time, Shen Meiteng stood up and rushed towards Lan Lan. She saw Lan Lan being slapped by Xiao Xiao and was very angry.

Lan Lan was sitting on the ground acting out, and Shen Mei came over to help her.

“Mommy, Xiaoxiao slapped me and pushed me to the ground.” Lan Lan complained to her while crying, “Go and slap her back.”

"Lan Lan, don't cry." But Shen Mei just whispered and wiped her tears. Her own eye circles were also red, and she looked pitifully at Lin Shoyu who was sitting over there.

Lin Shouyu's eyes were a little colder. He had been talking to people and didn't notice what was going on here. It wasn't until Lan Lan started crying after being beaten that he looked here and saw Shen Mei being wronged. There was a look of displeasure on his face.

"Mommy, Xiaoxiao hit me." Lan Lan didn't get a response from Shen Mei, so she cried even harder.

"Lan Lan, be good, stop crying, go over there with mommy, we don't know her the same way." Shen Mei wiped away Lan Lan's tears, held her hand and walked towards the table where she and Lin Shoyu were sitting. go.

Lanlan suffered a loss, so of course she quit and was crying all the time.

Shen Mei took her and sat down next to Lin Shoyu.

"Lanlan, how come you are fighting?" Lin Shoyu asked, looking at Lanlan whose face was full of tears.

"I wanted to eat radish sticks, but Xiaoxiao took them away, so I said something, and she ran over to me and slapped me." Shen Mei's hand pushed Lan Lan's back, and Lan Lan immediately praised her. He said pretentiously and started crying again.

Lin Shoyu looked at Li Zhenting, who was sitting across from him, and said, "Mr. Li, children still need to be educated. It's never a good idea to hit someone."

Li Zhenting's eyes narrowed and he looked at Lan Lan: "Lan Lan, tell me again, why did Xiaoxiao hit you?" When Lan Lan met Li Zhenting's sharp eyes, she was so frightened that she hesitated and did not dare to speak anymore.

 “Speak quickly.” Li Zhenting’s voice was not loud, but very majestic.

"Say it." Shen Mei hinted at Lan Lan from behind.

So Lan Lan took courage and repeated what she had just said.

 “Lan Lan, is this really the case?” Li Zhenting’s voice was louder, but more severe.

Lanlan didn't dare to speak, she lowered her head timidly.

"Zhen Ting, you will scare the children." Shen Mei was dissatisfied with Li Zhenting's harshness and spoke displeased.

"Shut up." Li Zhenting shouted, "It would be nice if I could let you come in to visit the child. Lan Lan was fine at first, but under your instigation, she lied one after another and was stubborn and ungrateful. A few days ago, she almost pushed Xiao Xiao to death. Under the boiling water, she now deliberately pushed away the peanut plate to prevent Xiaoxiao from catching it, and also knocked off the radish strips and chopsticks she held. She bullied Xiaoxiao like this. Xiaoxiao should hit her back and make her feel the pain, otherwise , she will never correct her shortcomings."

Shen Mei had tears in her eyes.

"Zhen Ting, it doesn't matter if you don't like Lan Lan, but you still slander her like this. She is just a child. I know you don't like me, but you shouldn't extend this dislike to Lan Lan. She is still young. Ah." Shen Mei said aggrievedly, looking weak.

"Hmph." Li Zhenting snorted coldly, took out his phone and clicked a few times, and said to Lin Shouyu and Shen Mei, "Here are all the records of the dispute between Lan Lan and Xiao Xiao. You can see for yourselves whether I have slandered the child or not. look."

When Shen Mei heard this, her heart went cold. She didn't expect that Li Zhenting had already been prepared. Although she didn't see the conflict between Lan Lan and Xiao Xiao, she knew Lan Lan's character.

 So, she stopped talking.

At this time, Li Zhenting said: "Lan Lan, you go to the study now to write your reflection. After you finish writing, show it to me before eating. Otherwise, you will be hungry."

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