"Bitch, you dare to hit my child, you are seeking death." But just as Shen Mei raised her hand, before it hit her little face, her arm was grabbed by a cold hand, and she A force pushed toward her back. Before she could figure out what was going on, her whole body was pushed against the railing, causing pain in her waist.

 She turned around.

 I saw Shen Ning standing in front, with a fierce aura and cold eyes, which was intimidating.

 She paused.

"Shen Mei, you are so cruel. You dare to attack a six-year-old girl. Moreover, you have beaten my daughter more than once. I will not let you go this time." Before she could react, Shen Ning rushed up and slapped her hard.

This slap was so hard that stars appeared in Shen Mei's eyes.

Shen Ning looked at her coldly.

“Mommy.” Xiaoxiao was overjoyed when he saw Mommy and immediately rushed towards her arms.

"Xiao Xiao, don't be afraid, Mommy won't let bad people bully you." Shen Ning hugged her and stroked her head.

Xiao Xiao was in shock and hugged Mommy tightly.

Now she no longer has to be afraid of bad people bullying her, because she has her mommy to protect her. Just like when she was a child, no matter which kid bullies her, her mommy will always find a way to protect her. It feels good to have her mommy.

"Bitch, you dare to hit me." Shen Mei was stunned for a long time and then regained her composure. She was so angry that she lunged at Shen Ning ferociously.

Shen Ning had long expected that she would be like this. He took out a bottle of pepper water from his pocket and sprayed it in her eyes.

“Ah, it hurts.” Shen Mei immediately covered her eyes with her hands and howled like a pig.

 “It seems you still deserve a beating.”

Shen Ning sneered, helped Xiaoxiao down the stairs, then came up, kicked her hard in the stomach, and cursed: "Shen Mei, if I see you bullying my children again, I will It will make you shed a layer of skin, if you don’t believe it, just wait and see.”

For the sake of her children, she had thought of so many ways to protect them during those years in the United States. Now, how could she let her children be bullied by a bad woman again and again?

 There is no surveillance in this place, which is just right!

"Children were fighting, and you, an adult, actually attacked a six-year-old girl. Your heart is too dark." Shen Ning bent down and grabbed Shen Mei's hair, lifted it up, and slapped her hard again. He scolded angrily, "Let me tell you, if you order Lan Lan to beat Xiaoxiao again next time, or if you dare to bully my children again, I will definitely send you to hell."

"Hello, uncle." Xiaoxiao, who was standing on the stairs at this time, saw Lin Shouyu walking towards this side quickly. She knew that he was here to help Shen Mei, and also knew that her mother was taking care of Shen Mei, so she immediately shouted Voice.

 This is to remind Shen Ning that Lin Shouyu has come to help Shen Mei.

Shen Ning clapped his hands and turned around.

 The footsteps are already coming up.

Soon, Lin Shoyu arrived in front of her.

Of course Lin Shoyu rushed over after hearing Shen Mei's cries.

"Mr. Lin, your sister actually attacked my daughter. An adult wanted to beat up a six-year-old girl. Fortunately, I rushed over. Otherwise, I don't know what would have happened to my daughter. She is so vicious-hearted." Ning crossed his arms across his chest, his face full of indifference.

Lin Shoyu glanced at Shen Mei, who was sitting on the ground crying, with a gloomy face, and stepped forward to help her up.

"Brother, she slapped me and kicked me." Shen Mei saw Lin Shouyu crying to him as if she saw a savior.

Lin Shouyu looked at Shen Ning with gloomy eyes.

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