"Hey, what's going on? Why is there a power outage?" Although it was already dawn, it was cloudy today and there was heavy fog outside, so the room was still quite dark. Li Jiaojiao sat up straight and asked loudly.

At this time, Ji Qingshan came out of the bathroom and said, "Hey, what's going on? There's a power outage."

“Yes, how come there was a power outage for no reason?” Li Jiaojiao asked dissatisfiedly.

"I don't know either. Don't move. The medicine I prepared for Shen Ning is still here. If I mess it up, I'll be in trouble." Ji Qingshan hurriedly warned her and looked around again. After all, he was worried, so Said: "I'd better light a candle. If the medicine is mixed up, it will be troublesome. Today is the funeral of the old man. Shen Ning is the head of the family and cannot make mistakes by taking the wrong medicine."

 After saying this, he stood up and went to get a candle.

"Don't move yet. I'll light the candle before you get up." Ji Qingshan took out a lighter and warned Li Jiaojiao again.

Li Jiaojiao didn't dare to move after hearing this. She placed her hands on the table as they were and sat upright, waiting for Ji Qingshan to light the candle.

Ji Qingshan stabilized the candle and turned on the lighter. The candle was quickly lit.

"Oops, it's burning my hand." Suddenly, for some unknown reason, the candle on the table suddenly fell down and fell right next to Li Jiaojiao's fingers. In an instant, Li Jiaojiao was startled. Bounced.

"Ah, what's going on? The candle fell down." Ji Qingshan hurriedly lifted the candle up and looked up at Li Jiaojiao, "How are you? Did you get burned?"

Li Jiaojiao held her wrist with a displeased look on her face. It seemed that nothing was hurt, but the fire from the candle just now did burn her fingers.

It's unlucky. This dead season is called a beast and even a candle is not good. It is really a useless guy!

"See if there are any burns? Do you want to apply some medicine?" Ji Qingshan asked with great concern.

"It's okay, no need. Please be more careful and careful in your work in the future." Li Jiaojiao touched her hand again to make sure it was not burned, and refused with a sullen face.

“I’m sorry, the bottom of the candle is a little slippery, but luckily I didn’t hurt you.” He looked at his hands, “I’ll wash them first.”

Li Jiaojiao glared at him and sat down again.

At this time, I heard a beep sound, and the room suddenly lit up, indicating that there was a call.

Ji Qingshan washed his hands and walked out and said, "It should have tripped just now." Li Jiaojiao didn't bother to care whether it had tripped or something else. She sat there with an unhappy face. After the lights were brightened, she looked at her hands again. of jewelry.


Her eyes widened and she slapped the table.

 “Ji Mingshou, you burned my jewelry, please pay for it.”

Li Jiaojiao was heartbroken. She had always loved jewelry as much as her life, but she was so burned by him that her lungs exploded with anger.

Ji Qingshan was just sitting down when he was startled by Li Jiaojiao's slap and looked up.

I saw that several gold and diamond rings on Li Jiaojiao's fingers turned black.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect such a thing to happen." He apologized hastily.

Li Jiaojiao took off the diamond rings from three of her fingers and took a closer look. All the places that were burned by the fire were black. She was very angry for a moment.

No wonder I felt like there was fire burning me just now. It turned out that it was indeed burned, but it didn't burn to my skin. It was blocked by the large diamond ring on my hand.

"Ji Mingshou, you have burned several of my big diamond rings. What should I do? Pay compensation. These are worth a lot of money and can't be settled with just one or two small coins." She spoke angrily and burned the diamond rings. Hei's ring was pushed in front of him.

Ji Qingshan picked up the diamond ring and looked at it, then suddenly looked at Li Jiaojiao: "It's not worth much to you, is it?"

Li Jiaojiao was about to get angry when she suddenly remembered something. She was startled, her face turned pale, and she hurriedly picked up the diamond rings and looked at them.

Every place burned by the fire turned black.

Isn’t this a ring made of gold and platinum? They are not afraid of fire. Aren’t they supposed to be burnt black? Why are they all black? Could it be...

Her face became even more ugly.

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