“Jiaojiao.” Professor Davell saw her at a glance, his eyes lit up, and he immediately came towards her.

"I'm sorry, Professor Davell, I'm late." Li Jiaojiao's eyes were red and she looked sad. "The old man left. I'm very sad. I just went to the church to pray for him, which delayed me for a while."

"It's okay, it's normal, it's human nature." Professor Davell immediately comforted her thoughtfully, then looked at her and said, "Hey, Jiaojiao, why don't you wear some jewelry?"

She was dressed in plain color without any jewelry. She looked too simple and inconsistent with her usual temperament. Moreover, he gave her so many jewelry, and she also promised him to bring some jewelry.

 Hearing him mention the jewelry, Li Jiaojiao's eyes turned cold.

"Professor Davell, I am attending a funeral now, not a wedding or party. Wearing jewelry is disrespectful to the deceased. I'm sorry, I can't wear it." She replied coldly.

"Oh, that's true, but it still looks good if you wear it a little. Look at those celebrities. They all have jewelry on their wrists, and their bags are quite unique." Professor Davell glanced at Li Jiaojiao's wrist. The wrinkled canvas bag, frowned slightly.

"Sorry, Professor Davell, the old man is my relative and the elder I respect most. I can't wear some fake jewelry to commemorate him. Moreover, the old man advocated refinement and frugality during his lifetime, so others don't have to worry about it, but I am Absolutely not." Li Jiaojiao replied and walked forward.

 Fake jewelry?

 Professor Davell paused for a moment and looked at Li Jiaojiao.

 Did she discover something?

“Jiaojiao, it doesn’t matter whether you wear it or not, you are the most beautiful anyway.” He caught up with her, his mouth sweeter than honey.

"Do you really think so?" Li Jiaojiao sneered, turned around and glared at him: "Professor Davell, you are really good at talking and coaxing girls!"

"Where, where, you are indeed worthy of your reputation." Professor Davell smiled and gave her a thumbs up: "You are the most beautiful and beautiful girl I have ever seen."

Li Jiaojiao sneered and did not expose him. She just walked to the left with a cold face. "Jiaojiao, we should enter from here." Professor Davell followed over and corrected, pointing to the famous scene over there.

But Li Jiaojiao just glanced over there, where dignitaries and businessmen in suits and leather suits, as well as celebrities dressed simply but still fully armed, were all gathered there. The spotlights were all pointed at them, and the whole occasion was solemn and solemn. And grand.

She replied: "Professor Davell, I can't go there because I have to help my aunt. My cousin is waiting for me. I'm sorry, you can go by yourself. I'm leaving first, seeyoulala."

 She raised her finger at him, walked away, and left him there.

 Professor Davell stood alone for a while, feeling a little lonely.

Li Jiaojiao walked inside and saw Shen Ning busy. On the side, Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiaozheng were standing nearby wearing mourning clothes. The little guy was short and very cute. The special nurses also hugged Xixi and Xiaozheng. Beibei was there waiting for the ceremony to begin.

Li Jiaojiao didn’t have anything to do, so she just followed the children.

 After a while the children ran outside to the balcony.

Li Jiaojiao was bored and walked over to get some air.

"Ah, Professor Ji's girlfriend is so beautiful. I like the black gauze skirt on her so much." Suddenly, her little eyes stared at Chen Qianqian's black gauze skirt downstairs. The skirt was delicate and fluttering in the wind, which was particularly eye-catching. , the little guy was fascinated by it and praised it loudly.

Li Jiaojiao looked down and saw Ji Qingshan and Chen Qianqian walking side by side towards the auditorium downstairs. The two were chatting intimately and seemed to be in perfect harmony with each other.

For some reason, Li Jiaojiao immediately felt uncomfortable in her heart.

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