"Ning Ning, do you want Lin Shoyu to feel Lanlan's naughtiness for himself?" Li Zhenting asked thoughtfully when he saw Lin Shoyu's retreating back.

"That's right. It just so happens that Lan Lan is stubborn and lies a lot. We can't even make her change. Now let's leave it to Lin Shoyu for a few days. Maybe using another method or another person can really change her. In the world No one can explain clearly. It would be great if she could change for the better. Even if she can't change well, at least Lin Shouyu would not mistakenly think that we were abusing Lanlan. He had personal experience, Then you won't be so angry. It's good for everyone. Besides, there are so many people coming and going today. If you really get into a fight with Lin Shouyu because of Lan Lan, it won't look good." Shen Ning replied slowly. .

"Ning Ning, you are so smart and kind." Li Zhenting also agreed with Shen Ning's idea. He held her hand tightly, hugged her into his arms, and said distressedly: "I have made you suffer these days, Lan. I feel very guilty about Lan. It was me who failed to educate her well and made it difficult for you."

Lan Lan has really become a thorn in Li Zhenting's heart. It is not only a sign that he is sorry for Shen Ning, but also the cause of all the trouble between them. At this point, he has no other choice but to feel guilty. If Lan Lan can really change for the better Get up, it's really a good thing.

  I hope the little girl can change!

Shen Ning's eyebrows were light, but her eyes were cold under her long eyelashes.

Li Zhenting took her hand and walked outside. When she passed the corridor downstairs, she saw Lin Shouyu wiping Lanlan's tears. Wen Yan comforted her. The little girl's nose was twitching, and she was very sad and aggrieved. Suddenly, she felt that the world was ridiculous, so ridiculous that it suddenly seemed to her that everything was fake.

She sneered.

Of course, another reason why she handed Lan Lan over to Lin Shoyu was because the two bad women Shen Mei and Liang Ruqi were working behind the scenes. It was not ruled out that they would use Lan Lan to do some bad things. After all, a six-year-old Even if the 20-year-old girl made a mistake, no one could blame her. Once it was handed over to Lin Shoyu, it would be his responsibility.

Because Mr. Li had many connections and great influence, the viewing ceremony was held over two days, three times a day. Therefore, Li Zhenting was very busy during this period. Shen Ning often had to be by his side to receive guests. Therefore, Coco, Ding Ding and Xiaoxiao entrusted Li Jiaojiao to help take care of it.

After Xixi and Beibei attended the morning ceremony, Shen Ning asked the special nurse to take them home. Influenza A was prevalent this season, and pneumonia was highly prevalent. She was also worried that the children would be infected if they were too young.

In the afternoon, Shen Ning was also very tired and her face was a little pale. Li Zhenting was very distressed and opened a rest room in the funeral home for her to rest.

 It’s about four o’clock in the afternoon.

Li Jiaojiao held a bunch of snacks and was nibbling in the lounge. Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao were surrounded by three snack eaters, eating with their face and mouth full of flowers.

 Sister Wang came over and said, "Cousin, Professor Davell is looking for you."

"What are you doing with me?" Li Jiaojiao put a chicken paw into her mouth and bit off one of the claws, her tone a bit fierce.

There was a smile in Sister Wang's eyes: "Cousin, Professor Davell is really interested in you. He has a big bag of things in his hand."

Li Jiaojiao’s eyes were half-closed.

"I understand, Sister Wang, please take care of Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao this afternoon. I have something to do and I have to go out." She got up, touched her round belly, and burped.

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