“Mom, Mom, please help me, Mom.” At this moment, a heart-piercing cry for help came from above.

"Zhenhuan." Liang Ruqi started to climb up. She couldn't watch her son die.

Just when she was about to climb halfway up the hillside, suddenly, several large buckets of snowflakes suddenly poured down on her head. She was hit by the force and her feet tilted, and her whole body rolled down.

Finally, I grabbed a stone and stabilized my body. I looked up and saw, okay, now we are a long way away.

She had no choice but to climb up again with all her strength.

This time I finally climbed to a big rock halfway up the mountain.

 “Stop.” Finally, someone shouted from above.

Liang Ruqi collapsed on the ground and breathed heavily.

 “Stand up and face the foot of the mountain.” The man’s cold voice came from overhead again.

Liang Ruqi's calf was in terrible pain, but she could only obey his instructions and stood up, facing down the mountain.

However, only at the moment she turned around.

She saw the black hole at the foot of the mountain, which was so pitch black that it was unfathomable. Inexplicably, she suddenly had an image in her mind of Shen Ning standing on the cliff on the mountain behind Li's old house amid the thunder and lightning, the storm and the rain. While looking down, a man pushed her **** the back.

 For a moment, her heart beat wildly, and she felt guilty and panic filled her heart.

It turns out that people really can’t do bad things, otherwise they will be punished.

 She didn’t believe in retribution before, but at this moment, she experienced it personally.

At this time, another storm came over her head. She stumbled and almost fell down, but her belief in saving her son supported her, and she stood firm in the wind and snow.

 “Mom, Mom.” A loud cry came from above.

“Zhenhuan, where are you? Don’t be afraid, mom is here to save you.” Liang Ruqi shouted loudly along with her voice.

“Liang Ruqi, please hand over three million dollars quickly to redeem your son.” The vicious voice of the man above his head was deafening.

"Okay, okay, I'll take it out." Liang Ruqi quickly took out the card from her body and raised her hands above her head. "Boss, the money is in this card. The password is 1234567. You can withdraw it at any time."

"Put the card on the stone, and then go down. Stop when I tell you to stop." The man ordered loudly. “Okay, okay, boss, I’ll listen to you.” Liang Ruqi immediately put her bank card on the stone and walked down.

 “Stop.” After walking for about seven or eight minutes, the man above finally shouted stop.

Liang Ruqi stood firm and immediately looked up.

 But it was so dark up there that nothing could be seen.

“Boss, I’ve given you my bank card. Where is my son?” she shouted.

There was dead silence up there.

 “Zhenhuan, Zhenhuan.” Liang Ruqi panicked.

It can’t be that the black boss is not trustworthy, or he took the money and ran away.

She shouted loudly, sent messages, and made phone calls.

 But the world was quiet, with nothing but wind and snow. It seemed that the scene just now had never happened, it was just an illusion.

Discouragement, pain, and despair surged into her heart, and the heartbreaking pain eroded her again.

She collapsed to the ground and howled loudly.

  She had exhausted all her strength and had no strength to even go down the mountain, but now she had gained nothing.

 The money was given, but the son was still missing.

 She is definitely going to die here tonight, and she is really unwilling to suffer.

Just when she was crying in despair, suddenly, a black shadow rolled toward her.

"Ah." With a cry of pain, the black figure shrank into a ball and rolled down beside her.

Liang Ruqi was so frightened that she stopped wailing and shouted in horror: "Who are you?"

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